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Posts posted by Jaavik

  1. This is a question that Bioware will not answer. Except to say "We know that people are looking for this, we have no information at this time, blah blah blah..."


    People have been asking forever and we cannot get any kind of real response to this. The only reason I can come up with for the deafening silence on the issue is that it is SO back-burnered that they won't respond for fear of more subscription cancellations. They are just whistling and shuffling their feet in hopes that the subscription money will keep flowing in before the base gets fed-up and unsubscribes.


    I've tried everything i can to get a response. Maybe if I disguised the question as an issue with not being able to wear a mask and a hood together they might actually respond.

  2. There is LITERALLY only ONE reason why I cancelled my subscription. I have no REAL complaints about the game that I'm not confident wouldn't be added at a later time and can patiently wait for them. I really like the game and I wanted it to succeed, but I've watched it bleed subscriptions faster than they can deal with it and they are backburnering the things that should have been available at launch...


    Customer Service - Not the "in game" folks, they do a bang up job! But the prioritizing of issues that the subscribers NEED done.


    More precisely, why is Bioware focused on transferring characters that no-one is playing off of an already "locked server" and ALSO forcing paying customers to move after it was SPECIFICALLY promised they wouldn't be required to. THESE issues are their current priority over handling issues for the loyal subscribers who stayed WITH them through the "dead server" period and had to re-roll on populated servers in order to play this game as an MMO. There are MULTIPLE threads with HUNDREDS of posts each BEGGING for information about when they will be ALLOWED to pay Bioware to transfer characters so they can reunite their LEGACIES - which is the jewel in the crown of this game! I have contacted customer service by email, telephone and forums and all they can say is "try THIS forum, try THAT forum" and still no response. It's absurd and I'm done with the game and won't even CONSIDER returning until they implement these transfers. I'm done paying to "stall for them".

  3. i started playing during the head-start, and the guild i was an officer in disbanded when pretty much everyone got fed up with ev and i as a tank got tired of the game's tanking mechanics (which you have since adjusted/buffed). I returned to the game about a month ago, and leveled a new character to 50, found a guild, etc.


    My experience is damaged by the ratio of good news vs. Complaint posts. In other games, wow, swg, etc, the communication and the "carrot" as it were was strong, and they'd continuously put the carrot out of what was coming next. Getting two of the same pets only with different colors, this seems very rushed and "whatever just give them something." the event was the same way, i completed the scavenger hunt, only to... What? Nothing. No cut scene, no battle, nothing epic. Here have a pet, you're done. Really?


    That was what people waited months for?


    I have tried to extremely hard to stay positive and become a supporter of your product here, i even invited one of my employees to play the game and bought them a copy. I'm doing my best, as a fan, to be supportive, but the producer of the game needs to stop putting you community managers out front with empty apologies and nothing substantial to offer us. How do you respond to the fact that the community was promised "monthly content updates" and that simply has not happened?


    We need more than a canned "we're going to try harder in the future" line. Do or do not, there is no try.


    I don't expect the world, but i would like to see this game managed with some class, and some sense of what good pr is and bad pr is and not have the feeling that even the producers have no idea what they're going to be allowed to do. This is every reason why a great company like bioware shouldn't be sold to ea where everything that it stood for as a quality game producer can be ripped out and replaced with classic ea solutions that some exec producer feels are easier to scale.


    Please... Get things back on track.




    I have been a loyal customer since Beta. I've made every excuse for Bioware and defended them against the forum rage for months on end. But I can't do it anymore...


    I've been saying the same thing Sacedelora is saying over and over in other threads including the multiple threads BEGGING for some kind of response on the "paid transfers" issue to merge legacies. But nothing... nothing at all... Not JUST nothing, but the "unstickied" the thread so it would go away!


    There's another thread recently started where someone documented the number of "Dev Posts" on the Dev Tracker since they promised the "New and improved Community team, now with MORE interaction" and the number of posts by the Community Team have dwindled consistently more and more as each day has gone by...


    it's not hard to read the Dev tracker and check the numbers. The promises of more interaction seems to be yet another stalling ploy.


    Personally I'm done. I ended my subscription about 20 days ago and see no reason (at present) to rejoin. The customer service is what drove this hardcore Star Wars fan (who actually LIKES the game) away! Today was my last day... Best of luck to all of you....


    ...and NO... you can't have my stuff... :D

  4. I think maybe it is time to set some context on behalf of the community support team. So I'm going to just lay this out for you......


    They let a lot of good people go in July, as part of the restructuring I'm sure. Don't believe me? You can follow the bread crumbs via linked-in where there are some very positive recommendations by Allison and Joveth for community staff members at Bioware. Clearly fine people doing fine work that had to be let go because so many people just could not stand to keep subscribing to this MMO.


    So begining in late July, they now operate with a much smaller staff, as most of us can observe by their more limited coverage during weekends and off-hours.


    At the same time, they stepped up and took on a more active role of being the information channel between the forum membership and the developemnt teams. And it was not lip service, they have been walking the talk and scouring the forums for questions and things that warrant clarifications and then working inside Bioware to bring those to you.


    And all of this in an environment of ungratefullness each day in the forums by some of the membership.


    So personally, I'm going to encourage everyone to step back a couple steps an cut them a good slice of slack and consideration. Becasue they are doing more, with less staff and resources, and doing it better.


    So if you want to ignore all of this and just go on being critical.... nobody can stop you. But I encourage you to think about what I have shared here, and maybe temper your approach to the community support team and show them some gratitude.


    And no.. I am not a Bioware insider. But I am observant, can analyze and can put the pieces together fairly well using publicly available information.


    It's like you didn't even read the post and just ran in to defend Bioware...


    The numbers do not lie... the OP laid the information out clearly and concisely...


    The "new and improved" Community Team have consistently communicated with the subscriber base LESS and LESS as the days have moved on...


    It's not difficult to fact check if you'd like...

  5. I have ten days left hopefully this gets figured out before then.


    I am tired of waiting for this, its affecting my "fun level" when i log in to play.


    If my sub ends i will be back when we hear more, maybe next week maybe in november either way for the time being I will be doing something else because i dont even feel like logging in anymore.


    If there was not so much emphasize on the LEGACY stuff then i would just roll on a different server, plus the ones on the dead server are the most annoying, becasue i spend time on those characters and now they are stuck.


    My subscription ends tomorrow. I made the decision to end it because I done with the awful customer service. It's so ridiculous how many threads and HUNDREDS of posts each that are dedicated to this issue and nothing... just nothing... not even vague statements of when it might be available. They just "unsticky" the thread so it gets lost in the shuffle so they don't have to see it anymore.


    I'm absolutely shocked how horribly the "Star Wars" IP has been treated. You really have to be trying in order to make me THIS disappointed in a Star Wars game, and not so much with the game itself as with the unbelievable awful customer service from beginning to end.


    We've been waiting since the "dead server" issue for this to be resolved and just nothing...


    Best wishes to everyone who keeps waiting. You're far more patient than I and i know it's a fun game. Maybe once they get around to offering these transfers I may come back.


    But done for now...

  6. Seriously, all the impatience is dizzying sometimes.


    I'm just curious because I see the posts like this all the time. There's ALWAYS someone who thinks we're being impatient. Please tell me, at what point does "patience" pay off? How long do we have to wait without so much as a RESPONSE on this issue, before asking for more "patience" becomes unreasonable? Please tell me what you think is a reasonable amount of time to wait for something like this to be fixed?

    Why would they offer paid transfers?........ before they complete the next step in their transfer process: forcing remaining characters off the locked servers and pulling the plug on those servers?


    Why should PAYING customers wait for the developers to FIRST "force" remaining characters (perfectly said, as Bioware PROMISED those players they wouldn't be forced to move) to move to the other servers and also to transfer over characters and accounts that AREN'T even being played? Why does this take precedence over their paying customers? It's not a matter of them being worried that people will transfer to these servers they want to eliminate as they are already locked down to new characters.


    So the answer to "Why would they offer paid transfers?" would be: because they should make servicing their paying customers a priority over breaking promises to them (referring to "forcing them to move their characters"). I would think that sort of reasoning would be obvious. I would be perfectly willing to accept an alternate explanation for the current procedure if they were only willing to address it instead of pretending the issue doesn't exist and "unsticky" the thread, so people can't find it easily. There's NO excuse that I'm aware of, but once again, am willing to hear one.


    I would hope they really straighten out their customer service issues, like they say they are trying to do, before they start bleeding subscriptions more than they already have.

    Paid transfers will come. They always come for MMOs. Patience.


    Of COURSE they do, but I would think they could at least say that it's "a few weeks away", "a few MONTHS away" or "next year".


    The truth SEEMS to be that this "fix" seems to be SO far down the road, that being honest about it would just cause people to unsubscribe out of frustration. So better to not say anything and pretend that they don't hear us, "misplace the thread" by removing the sticky and give us "free pets" and "rewards" to dazzle us with shiny objects until everyone forgets about it.


    Once again, what is a fair amount of time to even wait for a response, much less a resolution, on the issue? I would really like to know. I personally think the community has been FAR more patient than they are given credit for. This has been an issue for as far back as when the "dead servers" were an issue.

  7. There has GOT to be SOME kind of information on this. I can't believe that nobody has ANY idea on a rough timetable on when this will be available.


    I'm certainly glad that the community response team wants to step up their game and improve communications with us. But we have been waiting and waiting and waiting for an answer on this and all we get is "be patient".


    I'm trying NOT to be rude. I really want this game to succeed, but these transfers, to allow us to unite our legacies that were fractured during the previous "dead server issues" seem like they should take some kind of priority. They should AT LEAST take priority over forcefully transferring the few players that didn't take the transfer option (under the promise they wouldn't HAVE to) and transferring the characters that are not actively being played (no active subscriptions).


    It just seems strange that they are taking precedence over the paid subscriptions. Do we need to "unsubscribe" to get attention?


    My response would read, "We're trying to get some kind of rough timetable of when paid transfers (or unpaid) will become available. We are hoping to get you an answer within the next few weeks."


    But not even that... which to me says that the needs of the paid subscribers to unite their legacies are being back-burnered indefinitely.


    Please talk to us...

  8. ***This is NOT an "I QUIT" post, this is a paying customer BEGGING the devs for a response***


    I see they are still not responding to this thread. I keep checking it to be hopeful that Bioware will respond to these concerns to make THEIR Legacy system work for the players who have stayed with them since the beginning. It's about the loyal subscribers who continued to play the game when it was "unplayable as an MMO" and were stuck on dead servers, so many of us were forced to re-roll on a populated server so we could enjoy the game we genuinely liked. Now our legacy is spread out among different servers and we just want to unite them so we can get the "Legacy Perks" that we should have earned.


    I've called customer service, who tell me to post about it in the forums where we don't get responses. I went ahead and cancelled my subscription and sent them the "why I'm leaving" message they ask when you cancel. I told them that if we even got something as simple as a rough timetable for when they will be available, I would consider re-subscribing.


    I'll consider coming back once these transfers are finally made available, but I will be playing other MMOs in the meantime. I'm genuinely sad about this... I like the game. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and to make me disappointed in a Star wars game, you have to be REALLY trying to disappoint me. But I'm "voting with my dollars" and going elsewhere based solely on the customer service.


    There's no way that they don't have some kind of rough idea about when these transfers will become available. My assumption is that they are SO far off, they are ignoring the requests because of the blowback they will receive for it.


    Either way, I'm done with the lack of customer service for now. The company seems more interested in figuring out "what kind of game they WANT to be" rather than taking care of the customers who are paying to play the game they already have.


    They also seem more focused on transferring characters that nobody is playing anymore or the few who decided NOT to move under the premise they wouldn't be FORCED to move if they didn't want to (how's THAT working out for you?) than arranging a system that allows their PAYING customers to PAY them more to move the characters they are ACTUALLY PLAYING.


    Chances are they will classify this as an "I quit" post and delete it. That will just prove to the rest of you that they actually READ it and still aren't responding to the question. Think about that...

  9. Is there any update on when we will be able to merge characters onto specific servers? I noticed that the sticky about transfers seems to be gone now. Can we get ANY kind of timetable on when these will be made available?


    The wait and lack of information has been very frustrating.

  10. What the hell... I'll give the "direct approach" a shot...


    Dear Joveth or ANYONE on the "Community Response Team",


    May we PLEASE have some kind of rough timetable for when "paid transfers" (or FREE transfers of choice if you want to be NICE to us) will be made available to us. This forum thread is HUGE and very active and it feels like you are purposely ignoring the question.


    I don't want to believe that, so PLEASE take notice of this post and reply as soon as possible.


    I am BEGGING you... PLEASE talk to us about this!


    (I may be fooling myself, but I want to say I really tried...)

  11. Our plan is to include significantly all of the currently available mission content between levels 1-50 for free players. We remain committed to the idea that free players should be able to play the game significantly from 1 to 50 and should be able to enjoy the entirety of their core class arc, and the vast majority of the high quality Bioware mission content along the way.



    What does "significantly all" mean? Is it ALL of the missions or not?

  12. Thank you, but, that still doesn't answer the question. It DOES say that the Class Stories are fully accessed, but it says NOTHING about PLANET stories, or random sidequests, bonus storylines or the like. THAT is what I'm asking about.


    We're getting the full class storylines. And we're clearly getting access to go to all the planets. But will we be able to do the QUESTS on all those planets? THAT'S what I want to know.


    This is Bioware's way of answering your question WITHOUT answering the question... It's like they don't even bother to read what you were actually asking and just saw "a question!... well I better refer them to the FAQ page!" Just another perfect example of the company not actually listening to anyone and rubber stamping all their responses

  13. The thing I am frustrated at was the promise of A LOT more communication from the new community team. They were doing fine for some time after they said they hired new people and were going to open up new ways of communication and always keep us informed.


    Whatever happened to that? That's what im irritated about.


    Exactly!!! They went AWFUL quiet once they realized that the players weren't happy and they weren't going to be able to just chit chat like regular gamers and would have to work to get some answers. They weren't listening to what the paying customers want, and now here we are... "Free 2 Play" model... congratulations on fumbling the ball like a wet bar of soap!


    I'm glad I cancelled my subscription 2 days ago. Now I don't look like I'm just "hopping on the bandwagon".

  14. I never went back to LOTRO after it went F2P, I know for a fact I won't be back. I've done so with other games also.


    LOTRO went Free 2 Play - never went back

    Star trek online went Free 2 Play - never went back

    DC Universe Online went Free 2 Play - never went back

    Star Wars: The Old Republic going Free 2 Play - probably never going back


    Personally, I want an MMO that wants to put out a product that MAKES the customer WANT to pay $14.99 a month to play it, rather than a game that sits on it's hands and when there are customer issues, says "What do you want from a FREE game?"


    Take some pride in what you do. This is absolutely embarassing that a company like Bioware (successful by all standards) can't make a successful game out of a property with "Star Wars" in the title...


    CONSTANT problems and glitches since release, transfer problems, hemorrhaging subscriptions consistently, announced to be going "Free 2 Play up to level 15 or whatever" and now going Free-2-Play entirely. But to the apologists, it's "still a successful game"!!


    So ask yourself, at WHAT point do we consider the game to be failing? What HAS to happen?

  15. I'm curious if this means it's going to be solely f2p or a "freemium" model. Very little info on this is annoying.


    edit: nevermind looks like something showed. up.




    Bioware isn't being "forthcoming" with valuable information??? ...the HELL you say...

  16. Sorry, I have a hard time generating sympathy for the "re-roll on [iNSERT HIGH-POP SERVER NAME HERE]" crowd, when we knew for some time they were working on free transfers.


    So HERE were the choices:


    1. Unsubscribe until Bioware makes the "free transfers" available (while not making it clear how the transfers will work)
    2. Re-roll on a populated server to keep the subscription active and actually be able to play the game with other people
    3. Just pay a $14.99 monthly subscription fee for a one player game


    Now one choice works for me, but NOT for Bioware. One choice works for Bioware and NOT for me. And One choice works for BOTH of us. I don't subscribe to this game as a "favor" to Bioware. It needs to be mutually beneficial and any business with a basic knowledge of customer service knows this. Maybe they should consider to possibility of working WITH the subscribers when we need it since we worked with them when THEY needed it.


    You aren't adding anything to the conversation by acting like we knew WHEN the transfers were going to be available and exactly HOW they were going to work. It NOT like when the problem was happening, they just immediately gave us a "date of implementation" and followed through. They told us "it's coming" over and over. From OUR viewpoint, we were waiting in the dark JUST LIKE we are waiting now.


    It awesome for you if you were satisfied to pay a subscription for a "one player game" rather than a "Mass Multuiplayer Online Role Playing Game". But I would ASSUME you aren't trying to say that you are in the "majority viewpoint" for that...


    And you gotta love someone who just hops on here so he can tell everyone how "impatient" they are being... You have GOT to be kidding me with that...



  17. We're not customers, we're merely a replaceable $15/month... don't forget that


    I DON'T want to believe that. I honestly don't.


    Whenever I saw someone say that before, I would be debating it pretty hard. But I don't have the energy anymore. I can't make excuses for them anymore. And when the frustration and irritation and inconvenience has made it NOT WORTH a mere $0.50 a day to put up with it and enjoy the game, then something is INCREDIBLY WRONG!

  18. I understand the frustration. Server transfers for the purpose of merging legacies is definitely not the only issue here. From Jedi Knight's desire for hood-down robes to mini-games to NM EC, it's always the rubber stamped "it will be coming just wait" response until we don't hear from them again.


    What I find frustrating too is the "there's other priorities" response. At what point do in-game problems and requests from customers since the release of the game become priorities?


    And I've noticed the reduced interest in publishing answers to customer questions. It went from 10 a week to 10 every OTHER week, to 6 every other week, to telling us they are only going to respond to questions about current features rather than upcoming features, to posting the questions and answers "whenever they feel like it".


    It's a fine game. It's a YOUNG game and it has plenty of room and possibilities to grow, but what is killing the game for me is the "limp responses" to their customers.

  19. Might I suggest looking into Guild Wars 2? I know it's been talked about to death. But you could always look into the game (and I really mean look into it, as some people might find the cash shop a deal breaker, but it's not Pay2Win) and try it out if BioWare doesnt solve your issue when the release hits. And it's Buy To Play, so no subscription, and you could just come back to SWTOR when you get bored of GW2 or BioWare solves your (and everyone else who is worried about paid transfers, which is a lot of people) issue.


    That's one of the more frustrating parts is that I'm not as big a "fantasy" fan as i am a "Sci-fi" fan, and above all that, I'm a Star wars fan more than anything. I really do like the game. As far as the mechanics of how it plays, etc. I know there are things that could be improved, but I can wait "patiently" for those.


    To me, the ONE thing that makes this game stand out more than anything else (other than the Star wars IP) is the Legacy system. It's an awesome idea to encourage trying new characters and storylines throughout the game. It's the CORE of this game to me.


    I've worked so hard on the 50s I started on a PvE server with my friend's guild. He lives in Australia and once those servers started up, most of our guild jumped ship (understandably - there is a 16 hour difference between us). Shortly after that, the subscriptions dropped INCREDIBLY and the remaining players were spread out over too many servers.


    Everyone complained and was told "be patient... we're working on it" and it was suggested to "re-roll on a populated server" in order to continue enjoying the game. Now honestly, I don't know if that suggestion came from PLAYERS or the DEVELOPERS, but if it wasn't the devs, they should be HAPPY that we did, because it kept the subscriptions active for those of us who really LOVE the game.


    Well as I was in a position to try new things, I ended up trying out a PvP server and really liked the danger of getting jumped by the opposing faction at any time. It made it even MORE fun. But after the transfers FINALLY became available (after waiting and waiting), the roll out was very limited because they wanted to control populations. Once again, i understood the issue and I was patient, being told that "this round"of transfers, etc. etc.", so i believed I just needed to be a little patient again and tough it out.


    But we're STILL waiting and now I see that the newest focus is to move the 'EXTREMELY few" players from the origin servers and the inactive accounts over to the server that they were being told they WOULDN'T be forced to move to if they didn't want to. That is a CUSTOMER SERVICE issue where they were flat out LIED to. But it's MUCH fewer and less-important to the PAYING customers than fixing the issue with both the number of character slots and allowing us to transfer our scattered characters into a single legacy.


    It's not like the technology isn't already being used...

  20. Let me preface this by saying I've been a loyal paying customer since beta and have NEVER let my subscription lapse. If you review my posting history, you'll see that I have been accused of being a "blind fanboy" for defending this company over and over again through ALL of the hard times this game launch has had. I truly love this game, but like any MMO, the work that has been put into it is ALWAYS an issue when determining if the subscription fee is worth it to me. I, like many others on here, have been BEYOND patient waiting to be able to enjoy the game in the manner it is "SUPPOSED" to be enjoyed, and by that I am referring to your excellent idea of "Legacy". So once again, I am asking (even BEGGING) you to answer us with a definitive answer other than asking us to "be patient"...


    How much longer is it going to take to allow us to transfer characters from different servers in order to "merge legacies"?


    It's been asked OVER and OVER until we're blue in the face and we keep getting the "we're working on it, but we can't tell you how far along we are or how soon it will be available." rubber stamp answer if you bother to answer at all...


    I'm trying SO hard to stay with the game with the "belief" that paid transfers are "just around the corner". But I'm starting to feel like a fool for believing it. My patience has just about run out and I'm now researching other games to go try out.


    It's heartbreaking, because I WANT to love this game and to a point I really do, but the "customer service" issue has been absolutely awful. I don't care about "pets" and "new companions" and "new space combat missions" nearly as much as the incredible idea of "legacy" in this game. But because of the previous server population problem, many of us had to re-roll on DIFFERENT populated servers in order to continue paying your "subscription fee" and make it worth it to us. Now we have people to play with and many of us have made new friends on other servers that we want to continue to play with and the characters we put work into are trapped elsewhere.


    Now that the initial transfers are done and your paying customers have populated servers to play on, WHY are you so much more focused in transferring the REMAINING characters nobody is playing (except for the few who refused to leave under the understanding that they WOULDN'T be forced to move) off of a dead origin server no one is playing on?


    Why can't that take a back seat to allowing the paying customers to merge our legacies? Why do we have to BEG you to ALLOW us to PAY you to do this?


    I'm through defending Bioware on this issue. I'm tired of paying my regular subscription fee to keep convincing myself that the game is GOING to be what I believed it was going to be if we just give the developers "a little more time".


    I have just officially cancelled my subscription and there is 23 days left on it. If we can get a timetable for paid transfers within 23 days, i will consider re-subscribing. But I've finally determined that it isn't worth it to me to pay an measley $0.50 a day to be frustrated and inconvenienced.


    It's absurd...


    And before someone posts that same tired response of "Can I have your stuff?", the answer is NO. Once Bioware makes these transfers available (paid or unpaid), I will CONSIDER coming back, unless I find a game I enjoy more. I really like the game, but like any MMO, I want the work I put into it to MEAN something and if I have put enough time and work into characters on another game, there's no point in coming back...

  21. Let me preface this by saying I've been a loyal paying customer since beta and have NEVER let my subscription lapse. If you review my posting history, you'll see that I have been accused of being a "blind fanboy" for defending this company over and over again through ALL of the hard times this game launch has had. I truly love this game, but like any MMO, the work that has been put into it is ALWAYS an issue when determining if the subscription fee is worth it to me. I, like many others on here, have been BEYOND patient waiting to be able to enjoy the game in the manner it is "SUPPOSED" to be enjoyed, and by that I am referring to your excellent idea of "Legacy". So once again, I am asking (even BEGGING) you to answer us with a definitive answer other than asking us to "be patient"...


    How much longer is it going to take to allow us to transfer characters from different servers in order to "merge legacies"?


    It's been asked OVER and OVER until we're blue in the face and we keep getting the "we're working on it, but we can't tell you how far along we are or how soon it will be available." rubber stamp answer if you bother to answer at all...


    I'm trying SO hard to stay with the game with the "belief" that paid transfers are "just around the corner". But I'm starting to feel like a fool for believing it. My patience has just about run out and I'm now researching other games to go try out.


    It's heartbreaking, because I WANT to love this game and to a point I really do, but the "customer service" issue has been absolutely awful. I don't care about "pets" and "new companions" and "new space combat missions" nearly as much as the incredible idea of "legacy" in this game. But because of the previous server population problem, many of us had to re-roll on DIFFERENT populated servers in order to continue paying your "subscription fee" and make it worth it to us. Now we have people to play with and many of us have made new friends on other servers that we want to continue to play with and the characters we put work into are trapped elsewhere.


    Now that the initial transfers are done and your paying customers have populated servers to play on, WHY are you so much more focused in transferring the REMAINING characters nobody is playing (except for the few who refused to leave under the understanding that they WOULDN'T be forced to move) off of a dead origin server no one is playing on?


    Why can't that take a back seat to allowing the paying customers to merge our legacies? Why do we have to BEG you to ALLOW us to PAY you to do this?


    I'm through defending Bioware on this issue. I'm tired of paying my regular subscription fee to keep convincing myself that the game is GOING to be what I believed it was going to be if we just give the developers "a little more time".


    I have just officially cancelled my subscription and there is 23 days left on it. If we can get a timetable for paid transfers within 23 days, i will consider re-subscribing. But I've finally determined that it isn't worth it to me to pay an measley $0.50 a day to be frustrated and inconvenienced.


    It's absurd...


    And before someone posts that same tired response of "Can I have your stuff?", the answer is NO. Once Bioware makes these transfers available (paid or unpaid), I will CONSIDER coming back, unless I find a game I enjoy more. I really like the game, but like any MMO, I want the work I put into it to MEAN something and if I have put enough time and work into characters on another game, there's no point in coming back...

  22. Hey Bioware! Why won't you let me move my characters to the server I play on now? I don't want to move them to another server where they will sit unplayed again. If you really care about your subscribers then open up server transfers to any destination server for those that haven't transferred yet.


    Isn't it bad enough you made most of us reroll to populated servers and leave all of our hard work behind.. only to tell us.. Hey, we wont let you move your characters to the server your friends play on.


    It was all a lie. Bioware claimed they were doing this so you can play with your friends.. Yet, they gave you NO option on where you could move.


    This upsets me most as a SWTOR player.


    I agree with this. I really wish Bioware would stop for a second and listen to reason.


    Many of us stood by Bioware's side and kept our paid subscriptions running through the tough times before the "selected server transfers" in the hopes that we could get a transfer to a server we re-rolled on to unite our legacies, only to be given the sole option of transferring characters to a server we don't have established characters playing on.


    Please listen to us Bioware. Our gameplay experience is FRACTURED. You guys created the concept of character legacies and all we want to do is build on it. And remember, the LONGER you wait, the more "maxed out" characters are being created.


    We need transfers that allow us to go to the server of our choice (even if "PAID transfers" is the only option you give us). Please understand that many of us have 50s stranded on different servers due to re-rolls on populated servers.


    All we're asking is to show us some of the same loyalty we showed you, and not just with "in-game pets". Listen to what we are telling you, PLEASE!


    Talk to us, PLEASE! (and not just with some cut and paste "coming soon" response!) Talk to us like a business with a personal relationship with it's customer would!

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