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Everything posted by Menthro

  1. Menthro

    Quick Question

    So when I go and PvP when I'm bored, I run my Pve spec which is a Shield vanguard, I only do 75K worth of dmg but I protect for 100+, is the trade off worth it? Or should I respec to dps when I go to PvP? Also, I have rakata gear which stat wise is better then the champion and centurain gear I can currently get except for expertise, should I swap to PvP gear right quick and lose the extra armor, aim, and endurence for the expertise or not? For example if I put on my centurion body armor in place of the one I am wearing my stats go like this: -60 Armor -32 Aim -42 Endurance -51 Shield rating -20 Defense rating +39 Expertise +40 Accuracy rating +13 Absorption Rating The trade off doesn't seem worth it to me, but I want the opinion of people who know a tad more about how expertise works then I do
  2. Healers aren't overpowered, the only time I have trouble killing a healer is when they use the damned bubble shield, mostly because as a shield specced vanguard I can't spike high enough to break it. But if a healer tries to heal themselves? Interupt, cryo 'nade, charge...etc. As a *********** tank I should be the only one complaining about how hard a healer is to kill and i'm not.
  3. You want a controller that has 12 buttons to cover the range of abilities that you have and need to use to be successful? Not gonna happen. Not to mention the need to occasionally run around while adjusting the camera angle and zoom, while taunting a mob back to you as a tank. Try getting a gaming keyboard if you're uncomfortable with a normal one, they tend to be a tad bigger so the hand is less cramped.
  4. Really? I could have swore I saw that somewhere, which made me feel better about the whole "EVERYONE CAN FORCECHOKE/FLAME/LIGHTNING DERP DERP DERP" thing that was going on in my head.
  5. From what I understand and have seen posted around, all legacy abilities require the use of your Heroic moment skill, which require you to have your companion out.
  6. Because my trooper is one baddass mother****er?
  7. this post has no relevance, just posting to subscribe
  8. What can we expect with the planned future inclusion of same-gender romantic content? Will current companions be available? Will content be limited to companion characters, or can we expect to meet some same-gender [Flirt] options from NPCs out in the wider game world? Any ballpark notion when we may hope to see this implemented (weeks? months? years?)?
  9. So I can't decide what I am looking forward to most, an answer about SGRA or that Blitz drawing.....
  10. Give everyone a heal? A real heal? PLEASE PLEAS PLEASE PLEASE give my vanguard a heal! Insane amounts of damage reduction on cds and a real heal, not just a slow HoT? I'd be *********** unstoppable every 2 minutes.
  11. Is there any sort of ETA for Same Gender Romance Arcs to be implemented? Is there any sort of update on whether it will be brand new companions specifically for that, or will the current romance-able companions have SGRA options?
  12. You sir, get my star of approval! But in all seriousness, the way I see it, tech has pretty much peaked in the SWU around this time, Tech can't get SIGNIFICANTLY better but it can be improved upon here and there. Add more armor there, or hey doing THIS makes THIS better etc. No matter what, you eventually are going to hit that point where, meh, we have everything so why bother. Even the Death Star wasn't "new" it just had more lasers, 64 I think, that were forced into one beam, same tech, different use. As to why things have the same names, Star Destroyers, I present this scenario to you: "Hey Bob, I just finished the designs on the new ship today, what should we call it?" "Well, Star Destroyer is taken so why don't we call it.....the Aluminum Falcon Class?" "Bob, shut the **** up." You see, when you make something as big, powerful, and frankly ****** as an Imperial II Class Star Destroyer, how can you NOT call it something like Star Destroyer? Aesthetics? Eh, who gives a ****.
  13. Holy ****, your asinine spacing is making me want to argue with you just so I'm not associated with you.
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