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Everything posted by Enochx

  1. I was wondering this myself. There has to be another answer. I wonder if when you start reverse engineering them if THATS when they start to change stats. Like the blue and purple receipes. Does anyone know if this is true? I have seen Devs post "YOU ARE CORRECT SIR!!!" when one of us figures out a secret...perhaps they would grace us with an answer to this?
  2. i know they used to be able to wear hoods in Beta. I was a twilek sith inquisitor in beta. and your lekku would come out of two holes cut in the back. So like the indiana jones looking hat....from the opening cinematic.....they can wear those as well correct?
  3. Can they wear hats? Like the hat in the cinimatic?
  4. I think everyones problem with this game is that they had built up in their mind what a Bioware made Star Wars MMO should be like. The only problem with that is that EVERYONES mind has entirely "too many flashing lights, moving part and too many colors of glitter". If you try to erase all your expectations and look at this as a star wars MMO.....without your preconceived fantasy of what it should have been, you will realize that this is a pretty good MMO. It fits the mold of an MMO. Plays like an MMO. It is a very very good very very cool MMO. It breaks no molds and is not "next Gen" MMORPG, but is a fantastic addition to the genre. I love this game, not because of what it could have been but because of what it is.
  5. it is shameful that a thread this idiotic has reached page number 29.
  6. I don't understand....so you can't play your character and instead of aspiring to become a better player you decide to cancel? Or have I missed something?
  7. there is a dev post somewhere in which he clearly states YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CRAFT A WHITE CRYSTAL. MAYBE IN THE FUTURE, BUT NOT NOW OR ON 1.2
  8. you're not a jedi until you create your first lightsaber. Vader in RotJ "I see you have constructed a new lightsaber. Your training is now complete." Thats what he was doing. He went back to obi wan's hut on tatooine and created new lightsaber. I always thought he found Qui-Gons old crystal, but everyone else seems to say that he created a synth crystal. I have read most of the novels, but not the comics so I am not entirely sure abou tthe crystal. But thats what he was doing. Once you create your saber using only the force....your training is complete.
  9. Well seriously then...how much should I ask for on the AH for this orange belt I have for an imperial agent? I want to get the most bang for my buck. I am only level 40, so all these awesome crystals and such are out of my reach.....of course I AM artifice so I assume I will be able to make them eventually, but I WANT TWO WHITE CRYSTALS FOR MY SABERS DADGUMIT. How much is an Orange Imperial Agent Belt worth? I tried it on (control left click alt) or whatever it is and it looks very cool. If I could use it, I would just keep thats how slick it looks. It is called something like T0-05 (or something like that i think) Scorpion belt. Something like that. I am at work so I can't log on and look.
  10. I have an orange belt...but it is strictly for IA medium armor. I forget what it is called. scorpion something. I plan on putting it on the AH. anyone know how much I can get for it? i imagine a ton of money. MAYBE ENOUGH TO GET A FREAKING WHITE CRYSTAL!!!
  11. I see your sig all the time...i don't know if it is just you or others have it as well, but I gotta know....what in god's name does it mean?
  12. Dude....it's just Amazon trying to move some copies of it. Why you ask? Because a WHOLE LOTTA PEOPLE bought their game from Origin. Now amazon has a whole lotta SWTOR copies that AMAZON needs to move. (or something similar to this I imagine) Until the rest of the world lowers the price there is nothing to worry about. It is just Amazons way of trying to sell more SWTOR's than say ORigin, Wal mart, Gamestop, etc. If you decided "TOday is the day I am going to buy SWTOR." How many of you would think "Better go to Amazon.com first." Very few. But NOW with the sale....well hell I would go to Amazon first. wouldn't you? No one else has it for this low a price. I'M SOLD....I'M GOING TO AMAZON.COM.
  13. so when does the hopefully great 1.2 patch come out?
  14. that singing creature from the mos eisley cantina in the revamped versions of Episode 4. with the lip stick? And the worst thing in the world is taking away the LUB JUB ewok song. REmember the LUB JUB song? They don't sing that now. It angers me. LUB JUB LUB DUB LUB DUB JUB LUB DUB LUB DUB JUB DUB JUB LUB DUB JUUUUUUB DUUUUUB DUUUUUUBB
  15. See I disagree. After I pop all poppers, if they are not dead yet then I force choke them which keeps them from doing anything AND gives me rage and time for CD's, then if I have to I will throw a disruption. By then at least something of mine is cooldowned and then I just start popping as they light up with a force scream whenever bloodfrenzy is up. I love it more than anni. Of course I felt just as effective with anni, just with carnage it is over so fast people are like..."*** just happened to me?" with anni everyone is liek "MAN ANNI IS TOO OP'ED." lol. I took down two different well geared for their levels sorc at lvl 35 duels last night. I beat them both with zero problems. They thought I got lucky so they challenged me again and BAMM. got them again with almost half of my health still there. no healers, no medkits. just me and my sabers. I don't think you are supposed to be able to do that against sorcs. everyone I talk to say that sorcs are just WAY too overpowered. I laugh at them as I kill them all. i'm telling you, if you play it right carnage can be far superior...at least to me anyway.
  16. i am only level 35 mind you, but I played anni all the way and then switched to carnage about a week ago. I say carnage is superior. In pvp and pve. In pve because well Quinn. I just got Jaessa so I ahven't played with her, but I assume that while I am killing one guy she can kill the other in which case why not carnage? In pvp I kill all who I survey. WIth anni, it took longer to kill...sure I killed, but it took a little longer. With carnage they don't know what hit them and they die. When their buddies come up to gang me, I pop camo and run back to my boys. They keep them busy until my cooldowns are done and them POP POP POP. republic bodies hit the floor. Lord Tyberrius Khane shall be Carnage from hence forth....(unless I try rage and dig it.)
  17. no Kyp Duran references? Kyp was no slouch you know. What about Jacen Solo? You have to go with Luke though in my opinion.
  18. are you talking about the quest to get HK-51? If so, HK isn't in game to be a companion yet. He may be added later, but according to the Devs posts, even though there are hints around the game that you can acquire HK-51, you in fact CANNOT as of yet.
  19. sing me a song. and it better be a happy song.
  20. I don't understand why everyone says annihilation is better than Carnage. I started out as Annihilation and then switched to Carnage just to see what was up. I was awesome with Annihilation...so much so that people would get angry with me. But with Carnage....people sometimes actually quit. For me...in all aspects of the game PvE and PvP Carnage is superior. I killed things fast before, now I destroy them twice as fast. I say Carnage is superior
  21. so i switched from annihilation to carnage last night and I gotta say...it sure seems like carnage is a heavier hitter. I mean DOT's are cool and all, but DUDE carnage rules. I am glad yall talked me into it. I could force scream at people all day long.
  22. I appears it is only obvious to you and I my brother. Darn....I lied again. I said I wouldn't post here anymore and here I am. Shucks.
  23. I DID admit to it didn't I? I usually only post here at work during lulls in teh action and right before I play the game at night. I just wish the OP would be truthful. The truth shall set you free my young padawan. Ok now I am bored with this thread. yall have fun.
  24. jelly? i like peanut butter better. Let say for the sake of your argumetn that this is indeed REAL and not FAKE....why would I be jealous of doing something completly worthless? There is no point in doing this. I am not enraged that he "beat" me to it because I have never even entertained the thought of doing something so mind staggeringly idiotic as this. If I couldn't choose then I would try one out, then re-roll and try the other out, and then pick one. But seeing as this is an obvious lie and fake everything above is technically moot anyway. But it is nice to see that one of lagerham or whatever the OP's name is has an alternate account with an avatar this time. Glad you found time to put a pic on that one tinkerbell.
  25. i would like to know what the general consensus is for this as well. i am only level 33, but I have been annihilation the whole time. It rules. I kill everything very very fast. I feel like I have great burst damage and then it is a race to see if my cooldowns reset before he bleeds out. most of the time he bleeds out. But lately I have been thinking about carnage. I like the allure of high, direct, burst damage....plus I really like force screaming at people. I think what will make my mind up.....as silly as this might sound to yall.....is which animation looks cooler. massacre or annihilation. So which spec has the best combat animations? anyone who has done both got an opinion?
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