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Everything posted by Enochx

  1. you know what...i am the BIGGEST star wars fan. I bought a new computer a few years ago specifically for this game. I was ever so excited. I was certain this would be the game to end all games for me. i would never play WoW again (I probably still won't, but thats besides the point), I would never even consider another game, I just wouldn't care because this game HAS to be MUST be the game to end all games. I have been here since closed beta in October and I got to tell you......I am leaving. I am done with this game. It is nothing but a WoW clone with lightsabers. It is the same thing I have been playing since 2006. God I love Star Wars. And I love Bioware. I was even one of what everyone on these forums calls a "fanboi". I tried defending this game and everything. I tried to talk myself into loving this game. I simply do not love this game. I have yet to even get a character up to level 50 because I just don't care. I read all the star wars EU books and still I don't care. I can't make myself care. I am ever so disappointed. I wanted to love this game. I really did. and I tried. But off to TSW I go. Until the next MMO comes out and the next and the next. Eventually one has to come out that will captivate me and hook me like WoW did the first time I played it. It might very well be TSW, I like it thus far, but I liked SWTOR as well. Time will tell. Until that day my friends. Ka is a wheel and I will see yall in the clearing at the end of the path.
  2. funny thing this. The other day I let my subscription lapse by a couple of days and you know what....I couldn't post in the forums. All of you people say you have un-subbed, and yet here you are.....posting in the forums. Why bash a game that you are clearly still playing? Enlighten me O wise ones.
  3. I haven't read very many of these posts, but the answer is simple. Higher populated servers fixes the majority populations problems. OP, you have to choose. are you really that attached to your name that you would rather stay in your ghost town of a server just to be stubborn and keep your name? Why not just add a symbol, hash mark, accent mark, etc to a letter? If your name is so cool to you, why not create an equally cool name? Is it really worth it to keep a name that no one will ever see but you because there is no one logged in on your server or make a new name for everyone to see? As far as x-servers go.....it has been my experience and from everything I, personally, have heard and seen it is a bad bad thing. The time was right for cross servers on WoW when it came out, but crossservers have to be done at the right time. Now is NOT the time for this game. it will ruin it. for many it ruined WoW, but for here I feel it ruin it for all. perhaps in the future, but not now.
  4. It is my understanding that the set bonuses CAN be transferred now....but I think you have to buy new gear. can anyone clarify this?
  5. I believe this is the first time I have EVER heard someone complain on these forums. I believe it is also the first time I have ever heard someone complain about changes to their class that are better for the game, but make it harder for the player....i.e. balancing it out. or as you say NERF. Either way this is the first time I have ever seen complaints like this...in any MMO. I never saw this with rogues and I never saw this with ret pally's. I also never saw this with Death Knights. So I tend to believe the OP has a point because this is a completly new concept. Surely he must have access to more data than the developers. Obviously BW does not like this guy, so they feel the need to pick on him and weaken his char. clearly this is the case. I salute you OP for standing your ground. Fight the good fight. (is that sarcasm thick enough?)
  6. Thank you for that. BW's explanation confuses me. you, however, are crystal.
  7. Well what about hoods up with helmets on? Like full helmets? I don't know anything about pipelines or anything, but I DO know that this was in Beta, so it shouldn't be too hard to just turn it on again is it? Why did you turn it off to begin with? I want my hood over my kailig helmet. or my destro looking helmet. or the helmet that looks like the leader from Chronicles of Riddick. ALL of those helmets. Any word on that?
  8. Dude if you can't play a game without getting all bent out of shape, deciding whether or not to delete a CHARACTER IN A GAME is the least of your problems. Good luck in life brother....I sure hope---for my sake--that you are on the opposite side of the country from me.
  9. I haven't played pub side much.....what is Sith equivilent of "Breech"? and shadow strike is maul right?
  10. I don't know why people say these things about deception. As soon as someone is able to use a damage meter they look at it as if it is gospel. We are burst damage and I swear it doesn't calculate our damage right for some reason. It was like this in WoW as well. I have never had any trouble with my damage out put as a deception assassin. And only a couple of morons ever try to say anything. It's usually a horrible tank who can't keep aggro when I start hitting the enemy. In which case I quietly ask him if he would like to settle this like gentlemen with a duel. then I smack him down and say "Wow...I sure did get lucky with all those crits. Lets try it again." and then I smack him down again and say "DUDE....I can't believe I got lucky with all those crits AGAIN!! one more time. I am sure you will have me now." And then I smack him down again and kick him out of my group for a real tank. Deception is all about setting up your attacks for the most damage with the least force power. hitting shock with all your procs active, maul with procs, discharge proc, etc. If you play it right you have no problems dude. But Mara's will out DPS you simple because they have 3 DPS trees. What else are they going to do? But I will tell you this.....I will STILL smack them down in pvp. (of course they smack me down sometimes, BUT STILL!!!) Be deception and rule them all.
  11. If the fact that troopers are assigned a ship makes sense, then why doesn't the Sith getting a saber handed to you make sense to you? You defeated your own argument. The Sith don't view their lightsabers as holy, unique or a part of your soul like the Jedi. You can't be a Jedi until you construct your lightsaber The Sith on the other hand don't care where they get their lightsaber from. It is nothing more than a hammer or a screwdriver to them. And one saber is just as good as another (you know as long as it is a half powered training saber or something). Sure the Sith COULD construct a light saber, but as a Sith it is almost viewed as a waste of time. That is time that could be spent furthering ones goals to achieve as much power as possible and eventually take over the empire or crush the republic. Just as the trooper being assigned a ship (because to him a ship is just a ship) makes sense, so does a Sith being handed a lightsaber make perfect sense. Just like the smuggler going through hell to get HIS ship back makes perfect sense. He is a smuggler. Without his ship he is just a homeless, unemployed man. As for the story, trust me dude it gets awesome.
  12. didn't say it was. said I was right up there if not equal. meaning just AS good.
  13. I don't understand...why don't you transfer? That is what the whole point of these transfer is for. To fix the dead servers and virtually make them obsolete.
  14. you said it way better than me. That is what I was trying to say. But I got a question. a few weeks ago i changed servers because mine was dead, so I haven't really done any high level ops or heroics etc since the newest patch. Will I be shunned as I am looking for groups for end-game things becasue I am a deception DPS or will I be able to find a group? It's been awhile since I have done anything end-game related since I re-rolled and my new char isn't even lvl 50 yet. I am just curious. I mean I know I can be just as effective, but you know how it is....if there is a generally accepted stigma (even if it isn't completly true) then it can be hard to find groups. I remember being laughed at in WoW as a ret pally and even AFTER they fixed the ret pallys in BC (remember when they became awesome) it STILL took a few weeks before groups would allow me in their raids and what-not. Also, what are these damage meters yall are talking about? How do you get those? I didn't think you could have add-ons in this game.
  15. If i gave the impression I was the highest DPS, then I apologize. I meant I am right up there with the Mara's. Any Mara that I happen to be grouped with. I am not as low as yall seem to think. I didnt mean I out DPS Mara's that would be silly. But see I wait to attack after everyone else has hit once, then I lay into the enemy with my attacks. Very rarely do I get aggro because of that. Ergo I am always one of, if not the very last one standing still attacking. I don't require much healing because of this. If I do grab aggro (and it happens of course) then I pop cloak to drop aggro and start in on him again. This allows a high DPS (if played right and you plan your cooldowns and force regen correctly) while the healers can focus on the others. Try it out. Try running with a couple of assassins in place of some of your other DPS and see what happens. If you have a couple of good assassins you won't be disappointed......unless I am just the man which is entirely possible too.
  16. I disagree with you completly. Maybe I am just a prodigy or something, but my deception assassin is contantly doing as much if not more DPS than any mara in any group. If we are about to wipe, I am almost ALWAYs the last one standing. Many times I kill the thing wiping us and start rezing people. It is definitly a tricky class to play in order to get the most out of yoru DPS, but it can be done. you can be just as good if not better than any other DPS class out there. You just don't have a 1 thru 6 rotation. you have to hit your buttons at the right time. I shall stay with my deception assassin and continue killing all who get in my way. I am sure they will make it easier for us with a patch in the future, but if youfigure it out like I did, you don't need no stinking patch.
  17. it will happen eventually. this is just step one. anything more profound than this would only cause more problems. See the formula is this...."fix the problems while causing the fewest amount of new problems". No matter WHAT they do, there will be new problems. contrary to popular (well popular on this forum anyway) opinions, Bioware actually DOES listen to the people. But we, the people, do not work and govern the company. The company's job is to please as many customers as possible. you can never please everyone....that is impossible. And there are many many other opinions other than the ones expressed on these forums. This is stage 1 of the "Too many server, too little population" quandry. Stage 2 and 3 will follow directly. You just have to be patient. They obviously can't jump to stage 2 until stage 1 is complete can they. See I think you had the right idea. I say that because it is exactly what I did. I abandoned all my characters and re-rolled on a high populated server. I will never look back. My old characters were on an RP-PVE server (don't ask me why....i don't even know HOW to RP. It just seemed like everyone on those servers were a little more mature than the ineveitble barrens chat on DK on PVE servers.). But my new server is what I like and what I should have stayed with from the beginning...a regular old PvE server. Luckily I chose Jedi Covanent which ALWAYS has a heavy to very heavy if not full population. I have been playing this game since day 2 of early access. I still do not regret leaving and abandoning my high level characters and all my lagacy levels to compeltly reroll on a new server. Best descision I ever made. I reccommend everyone do it. don't wait.....just reroll.
  18. Once again I disagree. This game takes a lot more skill than other button mashers. I have both a lvl 50 mara and a lvl 50 deception assassin. IF you play it right and hit your attacks just right i.e. when your surging charge discharge is proc'd up to 5 or your shocks are proc'd etc, AND you keep any eye on your force so you know when the best time to pop blackout is, among other things then the DPS assassin is equal to marader. I can hang, if not surpass any equally geared marader in PvE or PvP. Even as a DPS assassin, you still have survivability powers. deflection is awesome. You have cloak. My advice is decide which appeals to you more....a double-bladed saber with lightening powers or Two single sabers with telekinetic powers who can also roar like a lion to kill you. I love them both, but if I had to choose one to play with from now until the end of time....I choose Deception Assassin. Prove the naysayers wrong young padawan...I did and do nightly.
  19. you missed a lot of missions somewhere if you are only lvl 16 dude. you should be WAY higher than that. Go back to DK and make sure you have explored the whole map and done all the missions. you definitly skipped a whole area....maybe even two if you are only 16.
  20. after Drommand Kaas, you go to Balmorra. If you did all the side quests and such, it should be easy. Balmorra is long, but easy.
  21. BAH!! It's as I have said for weeks now people. This will not help very much. I hope it does, but I don't think it will. You should just re-roll on Jedi Covenant. STILL the best decision I have ever made. I left all my characters behind and all my lagacy crap behind, but you know what? It was a good trade. I would trade it all again to be in a highly populated, vibrant server like Jedi Covenant. I have been here since day 2 of early access and I have NO lvl 50's because of dead servers. I started on one...it died. Went to another...it died. my third server is the way. Just re-roll your characters....it isn't THAT bad. plus you don't realize just how much more effiicent with everything you are the second go around.
  22. Doesn't summer start in June? So early summer would mean June. June is only a couple of days away. So why are we complaining about we need transfer/merges NOW instead of early summer? It will be early summer in like two days. Transfers are going to be available with 1.3 right? Sooooooooo what are we talking about? Now if we are talking about MERGERS instead of TRANSFERS.....then I am all for that. I dont' think transfers are going to do squat. I hope I am wrong.....actually it doesn't matter to me. I abandoned all of my characters and started fresh on the server Jedi Covenant. It is always HEAVY to VERY HEAVY. Best decision I have ever made. So I lost my legacy points and high level chars...so what. I will just re-roll them. So I had to tweak my name....so what? Not the end of the world. It is my fault for not coming up with a more unique name.....the fact that I have to change my name actually is a good thing because now instead of having such a generic name, I am free to come up with something truly unique. Jedi Covenant FTW.
  23. The only thing that pisses me off about all this is that they gave all of you whiners one more topic to whine about. There isn't enough cheese in the world to go along with all this whine. Even Jesus would stop turning water into whine. He would say, "Dude...seriously. ENOUGH WHINE ALREADY."
  24. I still think you are all lying.
  25. It could have taken ten hours because they did a thorough investigation. in my opinion the fact that the thread stayed open so long lends credence to the fact that BW in fact DID investigate and DID determine this is a lie and a fraud. Plus, teh devs would not run around and follow you around telling you "you better quit or else" They would whisper you or use the question mark thing or probably make you log out. They would not be in-game running around telling you to quit. It just doesn't make sense
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