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Everything posted by Soshla

  1. What would make sense is if it could be procced off of Explosive Round instead of Full Auto. Then you would have a way of proccing it while moving.
  2. I Cleanse Marauder bleeds on myself. If I catch someone being Force Stunned or Choked I'll toss 'em a Cleanse. If I see a ball carrier that's snared, Cleanse. If there's a lull in damage and I see debuffs, Cleanse.
  3. We would expect it for Darth Hater, not so much for Torhead. We might expect to see more people going to Torhead since launch in order to check out quest/dungeon/item tips and such. Although the inclusion of a quest tracker at launch may keep most casual players from searching the internet for tips. I only ever came upon WoWhead because of quests with descriptions like "Find me the thing, over by the place".
  4. A team with 4 healers is going to have very low DPS. Healers reach a saturation point at about 2 healers. Healers beyond the first two don't bring nearly as much to the table.
  5. It's a pretty big gain in HP, about 1k. Should help some with the burst.
  6. Doesn't it stand to reason that if Operatives are the "hardest healers" but also have the simplest rotation that something is off? That there's a disconnect between skill and output?
  7. Isn't one of the major criticisms of Operative healing that they only use two heals (KI and EMP) 90% of the time because their other spells aren't worth casting? Not exactly brimming with rotation complexity.
  8. It's not so much that you have to change, as it is that you have to buy gear from other classes to get certain mods at certain ilevels. The problem is almost entirely with enhancements, and it affects pretty much all ACs to varying degrees. The Devs (implicitly) admitted somewhere that they had no idea what they were doing when they were assigning endgame gear stats, and that they plan to offer better options after 1.2.
  9. I can regularly get these on my Sage. 2.5k Heal 5k Heal. 10 Kills. 25 Kills. (That's the four you need right there just from healing). 1 Killing Blow. 75k Heal. 300k Heal (rare in Huttball). Others. 1k/3k Defender points, mostly on Alderaan, sometimes in Huttball, rarely in Voidstar. Assassin - Sometimes you get lucky with a DoT on someone who Vanishes without dispelling themselves. Id she's not breaking 300k, she's not a dedicated healer. I regularly exceed 300k healing.
  10. The difference between Heat/Ammo is definitely noticeable. For those unfamiliar: the cut off point for the first regen tier is 60% ammo, for BH this is simply 60 heat. For Troopers, it's impossible to get 60% regen, the closest you can get is 67%. BH get more wiggle room and it shows.
  11. Pretty much this. I've gotten as many as 5 MVP votes in a single match for rocking heals. OP is crying he didn't get a silver medal. Here's a quote for the OP: "Do or do not, there is no try". Likewise, you don't get MVP votes for trying to be the best healer.
  12. Soshla

    Already bored

    There's obviously no better way to spend 10% of your day playing a game. If we assume an 40 hour workweek with 56 hours of sleep per week, it's about 30% (27.7) of your "free" time assuming no commute, meals, or time for hygiene. I find this particularly amusing because I used to play MMOs for 20 hours a week. I had the same problem, it's generally known as "burnout" and the only cure is to do something else. Google it. I'm sure they must have Google in whatever strange land you come from (France, perhaps?).
  13. Soshla

    Already bored

    If you got BM a month ago, without doing cheese Ilum kill trading...you were probably playing at least 20 hours a week on average. I suggest you stop playing so much. Socialize, volunteer, do something else. Bioware (and no MMO) will ever keep up with that kind of play time per week. You will have large amounts of repetition, doesn't matter if you PvP or PvE.
  14. Soshla

    41 expertise crystals?

    When you're starting with 0 Expertise, you want to get as much expertise as fast as possible. The weapon should be one of the last things you buy, get an epic hilt/barrel from dailies. Buy the implants/ears first. Get the most expertise per commendation possible.
  15. Eh, if you can stun and sprint to something to LoS them, they'll usually leave you alone if there's another target they can leap to. It's very inefficient for them to actually run to a target. There's on BM Marauder on my server who's very good (people Guard him because of his reputation for eating faces), and I find I can usually survive him for a good 30 seconds where there's plenty of LoS opportunities like in Voidstar.
  16. Oh Em Gee guys, we have to kill Galvangar to win! Somebody tank it, we need a tank. Are there any healers!? I'd like to see something with 12-16 players. Something were you can not only go against the same faction but also be grouped with the opposing faction would be cool. It would also allow for the larger WZ to get queued with odd faction balances.
  17. The Voidstar back area (presumably near spawn) was mentioned explicitly in the OP. You have to be near the doors to get those medals. It's not possible to get more than 4 medals self healing at the back. The only time I ever really do is if the match is ending soon and I haven't gotten 4 medals, like when I get put into a 0-5 Huttball or a Civil War that's 140/20. I get my 2.5k/5k heal out of the way, then go in for kills/KB medals. It takes maybe 15 seconds to do start to finish. The obvious solution isn't to remove Consumption/NS or to discount self healing, it'd be to remove healing done out of combat from counting towards medals/scoreboard. If it's out combat it can (and almost always should) be healed by OoC med.
  18. This happens in PvE as well, has nothing to do with lag. Lag does exacerbate the problem, especially positioning. There are a slew of abilities that suffer from this issue, like Kolto Bomb, Trooper/BH stun, parry. It affects pretty much any skill with travel time animation or long character animation. If I had a nickle for every time on my BH where I stunned someone on a fire pit only to see the missle get to them after they've passed it.
  19. Eh, it's pre-made BMs slaughtering PuGs. There's only so much entertainment value to be had. You get points for not back peddaling or clicking. You don't seem to cleanse a lot though.
  20. At low levels, PvP gives relatively large amounts of xp. Especially the daily quests. This also happens every time you get a "new" daily quest every 10th level. The daily starts out giving ridiculous XP and then tapers off. If anything, PvP XP needs to be smoothed out, placing a smaller emphasis on the daily quests.
  21. There exists a reasonably popular CM/Gunnery hybrid, in which you get Trauma Probe and Gravity Surge. It's not as popular as some of the other hybrids, but I've seen it enough. Numbers are silly. Why bother with an arbitrary 1-10 scale when you don't use 1-3 or 6.5-10? A normalized scale makes more sense.
  22. Assault isn't even that much better. You get an overly expensive DoT, your 31pt talent isn't dependent on stacks for decent damage (still longish CD), but if Charged Bolts gets interrupted, you're still stuck pretty bad. You can Full Auto and get a HiB 60% of the time, but you can't use Sticky Grenade like Gunnery can. The biggest boon is that people might think your Charged Bolts is a fake out cast and not try to interrupt it.
  23. To be fair, he is French. The PvP was pretty poor, but I found a reasonable entertainment value in seeing the French translations. Eclair du Force should instead lob pastries at the enemy. I'll have to remember this thread the next time someone comes up complaining about how "n00bs shouldn't be given free BM gear!".
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