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Everything posted by Anglvamp

  1. I'd be ok with some of the romances only available post 50 because you get some of the companions later anyway. Take for instance jaesa, I'd love to be able to romance her now that I've hit 50 simply because it took that long to get to know her. Gonna remain hopeful that we get more stuff down the road. ^.^
  2. Why does the event HAVE to be only PvP or only PvE, can it not be made to accommodate both play styles? if BE was dropping events on us like they add stuff to the cartel market, then maybe they could be split up, but if they keep to the trend from last year, which was mostly supported by subscriptions and had only 2 events, I don't see an abundance of them on the horizon, which is why EVERYONE is up in arms. We don't know enough about what is going to happen, everyone is jumping to conclusions about what its going to entail. We should be looking for ways to make sure everyone can enjoy the event. It's what they should be for. ^.^
  3. I also, disagree with the OP. Love my magenta lightsaber, that thing looks sooooo awesome when thrown. What is wrong with options and people wanting something different? ^.^
  4. Ohh, I get that. and we do need to hold off for more information. BW could be a bit less confusing about it being a PvP relaunch, or PvE stuff with the Giant Wampa that appears with the ads for it. ^.^
  5. How about this ( and i am sad and disappointed that I didn't see this suggestion sooner ) : BW puts the event on the Western Shelf of Ilum without the PvP auto-flag On a PvP server, people show up, stuff happens, people have fun, people get stuff On a PvE server, people show up, stuff happens, people have fun, people get stuff. In both instances, everyone is enjoying the event, getting stuff, having fun. On a PvP server, i would assume PvP would happen. On a PvE server, I assume the same. The people who like PvP on a PvE server could flag if they wanted and probably find others of the same mind set. Everyone is still winning, no one is forced to do anything, people are happy, subscribers keep paying. Any flaws in this? ^.^
  6. http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BOTIyMjM5NTI1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzM1NjI4NA@@._V1._SX640_SY873_.jpg This Star Warsy enough? You really wanna dress like the emperor? lol ^.^
  7. My counselor has had nothing but brown robes, I'd like something a bit different personally.
  8. There isn't much discussion of inter-species romances because they already exist in the game. I have a female twi'lek, plenty of flirts with humans already. My ratataki agent had the quickest FTB scene I have seen yet, wasn't even level 5. Granted, these are only between the human-in-rubber-mask alien races, so there could be room for improvement, not trying to dismiss this, just saying that they do exist in one form. I agree with SirGladiator and I think this is a perfect example of how it should have been done. The option is there, so no one really says much about it. If only they had done the same thing with SGRs, there would have been barely a word said. Though, there is a part of me that remembers the saying "There's no such thing as bad press" and wonders if BW/EA did it this way to get more press mentions. *shrugs* ^.^
  9. I'm pretty sure its the weapon, but you can always try swapping in the other crystal and see what happens. ^.^
  10. Where is it that I said you couldn't share your opinion? Did I miss something I wrote? I asked you to present the facts that you base your opinion on. You started this thread, means the burden of proof IS on you. But if we are free to just state opinions here and not have to back them up I'll say that the vast Majority of players want SGRs and therefore it should be at the top of the priority list. The fact is, SGRs are going to be added in Makeb, If you are hoping to have this fact changed, you need to present facts. Or was there something else you hoped to accomplish with this thread?
  11. Then show us some numbers and prove your point. Still not sure how that's a difficult thing to ask. You know, actual, accredited numbers with sources.
  12. Going to reserve judgement on the update till it actually comes out or we get more information, however: Forcing players to go through a PvP zone to get to PvE objectives is the same as putting giant world bosses in the middle of a warzone. In my opinion the two should really not be mixed, Especially not on a PvE server. If its purely a PvP thing, then I'll just avoid it, but if there are PvE elements and I am forced to run the gauntlet, I'll be a bit upset. Again, just my opinion. ^.^
  13. If complaints are going to be the metric for inclusion or non-inclusion of content, then why is PvP even in the game? Have you ever read any PvP forums in any game? Also, Fox news is taking a political stand on the subject, how many times to the Mods need to tell people that politics won't be discussed on these forums before people listen?
  14. Seriously, almost spat my drink out. Well played. ^.^
  15. Um....they are for vanity, hence the name. ^.^
  16. As long as I get to be offended that there are guys with Chicago accents on Hutta. There are all kinds of accents in the game, just let it go, its just a game. ^.^
  17. The two threads have been kept separate ( they aren't even in the same subforum ) I would think in an attempt to keep the whole forum a little more peaceful. We all know its a rather charged subject and neither side is going to be convinced that the other could have a point. There are plenty of multiple threads about the same subjects in the rest of these forums and I don't think having two about this subject is going to kill anyone. Also, if you aren't going to read the rest of the thread, why bother posting? I know its long, but you're here for information ( supposedly ) its there for the reading, read. ^.^
  18. Personally, I think both sith and jedi abilities are very inline with their movie and book qualities. Sith are passionate and flashy, jedi are calm and peaceful. I love how my character just looks like she is wandering around the battlefield helping those she can and clearing any obstacle she can't. ^.^.
  19. I tend to look at the SGR flirts coming as getting a foot in the door. BW taking a tentative step to see if there is some mass exodus from the game over this issue ( which I highly doubt will happen ) It is a sensitive issue, and they do have to be careful and i have no issues with it. I'm choosing to be optimistic and hope that they will add more SGR content later. I also don't read anything in his statement to mean that it won't be added at some point. ^.^
  20. Let's take Pazaak as an example. Does it come before Bug fixes, PVP warzones, more FP's and the other things you thing should come before SGRs? How long would you be willing to wait for it to be added. How long should you have to wait for it to be added. How much would you pay for it to be added? How much do you think you should pay for it to be added?
  21. I have no idea how many people want this feature, and neither does any other player. I am just tired of seeing the numbers argument. It is totally moot unless you can get concrete numbers. I really don't care about the numbers of who does and doesn't. It's not an argument. SGR is being added, its been promised since before launch. More features in the game is always good and its up to BW/EA to decide what is going to be included. Almost as if they have paid employees to make those decisions. ^.^
  22. People keep forgetting that this game is of the mmoRPg genre, so I for one find RP to be one of the most important parts of the game. Secondly, until someone asks every person currently playing what their opinion of its inclusion into the game is, any numbers based argument is moot and should be ignored as groundless. ^.^
  23. And how many FPs, WZ and assorted other things have been added since launch and how much SGR content have we gotten since the same time? Why is the only argument being bandied around now "Ohh, they should have other priorities." How long do we have to wait to get something. Honestly? Give us a time frame for when we are allowed to receive content that was promised before launch and is only now starting to trickle in.
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