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Everything posted by OwenP

  1. Thanks Eric! Appreciate the update and look forward to being able to continue earning Achievements once more.
  2. Love IT! As I only recently ventured into the Orokeet pet society I have to say this brought a smile to my face.
  3. Refer to patch 2.0: Hope this helps. I've got the same problem, not being able to run Space Missions for any viable reward stuffed with my pre-2.0 routine. Used to love running some space missions to kill time.
  4. This will happen after a patch/server reset as the system will not remember who did what to what or when but you will get your sale and credits. This is why I tend to not put up GTN items within 2 days of a scheduled patch...
  5. I'm not sure if it's just me, but every Hanger door or access port to every ships hanger, regardless of your class or faction, appears to have a holo image of the Smuggler's XS Freighter on it. Why can't we have the holo image depict the vessel which is actually behind those doors instead of the one image clearly identifying a Republic Smuggling vessel? More confusing on the Imperial side where you don't have anything to do with the XS Freighters other then blasting them to space dust when you come across one. Even replacing it with a more generic image instead of a particular model would be okay, just find it confusing when running around Fleet and seeing the same ship on every hanger.
  6. You Sir, Have won the Internets!
  7. No easy way. You could, like I did, just try making a new character with your name and see if it goes through or if you get a name taken message, then try your other character names to see if they are taken. Just don't forget to delete the new character before you transfer or you will have to rename your old character!!
  8. I didn't have any problem with that one, are you on the upper platform of the SE corner of Fort Garnik and using your binoculars standing at the railing (like you were leaning out to get a good photo shot from a high vantage point)?
  9. There is also a kiosk type console right outside the hanger entrance to your starship on Fleet (before you go through the green curtain). It will take you to Black Hole, Makeb, Section X, Your Ship (which is like 2 feet away so I don't know why you'd want to do that one) and somewhere else I can't recall (?).
  10. The Legacy on your original server and the new server are completely separate, anything you do on one server will not affect the other server. You are not in essence duplicating it as each server is a separate entity. You can make a Legacy on every single server available and call them the same name or different names, it makes no difference. But you can only have 1 Legacy on any 1 Server (/per account)
  11. There might be a few names that would be on a permanent 'Blocked' list like Vader, Luke, Skywalker, Jabba and the likes, as well as any names that would be against the naming policy that include swear words and inflammatory or racist names, and the error would likely be 'invalid name' as opposed to 'unavailable', otherwise you may have had an illegal character or something in the name. You could try contacting Customer Service. Not sure if they can help you out if the name is on the no-go list.
  12. Yes, confirmed that the number of characters transferred is directly multiplied to the progress at the time of transfer. Funnily enough if that number exactly matches a required achievement number then that achievement is erroneously awarded..... What is said cannot be unsaid! I am hopeful though now that the numbers have been worked out that they can find an easy fix that won't divide by zero, again....
  13. I never bothered doing the math (not my strong suit). That actually seems to work. Since it only happens on achievements that were in progress that would be right. Thanks for doing the workings on this.
  14. It also affects other Legacy titles, not just Living Legend. I lost my Prolific (Lvl 30) and Dedicated (lvl 20) titles but not the achievements. I also combined 2 legacies from Master Dar'Nala and Dalborra to Harbinger with disastrous results! All the achievements which I had started but not completed that required xx/XX have all been bumped up with outrageous numbers like 6600/1000 and now they are all broken and not able to be Completed.
  15. I'm still waiting for any response to my ticket #9220400. I think at least a CS could acknowledge that this has happened and make a warning note for others trying to transfer so they can be aware of it. I have warned my Guildmates of the issue but an official response would be appreciated. Feeling left out in the cold here, and not the good Hoth kind of cold either, the deep space no oxygen dead kind of cold.....
  16. I'm in the same boat. I had max affection with Dark Side Jaesa and 1000 kills logged so all achievements except Light Side, all pre-patch. But since the update I'm still not seeing the companion achievement Completed.
  17. Now it's just getting ridiculous! Since most of the tally totals on my Achievements are actually over and above the required totals, like 3960/1000, anytime I successfully add to these achievements the totals do not increase, yet the actual achievement has not been granted, still mostly showing as Incomplete. Anyone else having similar issues or am I the only one broken after transferring from Dalborra to Harbinger? I've raised an in-game ticket, still waiting to hear back. If this bug has stopped all my achievements from progressing I'd call it a pretty major issue.
  18. From memory I found a spot near the top section of the undiscovered Ridge area and just jumped up and down hugging the cliff wall and eventually the area pops and you have the map uncovered. It's the same trick I use when near opposition bases with walls, just hug the perimeter (away from the guard locations) and jump up and down until the map uncovers. Hope that helps.
  19. And now it's really a bug: Just transferred my Imperial Agent (lvl16) to The Harbinger and received the completion of Taris Assailant - Republic (750 humanoid dispatches). The only problem is I have only completed the first tier: Taris Basher- Republic (/50), and have not, according to the Achievement page, completed the 2 intermediates: Taris Brawler- Republic (/100) or Taris Enforcer- Republic (/250). The worst thing is, they are Republic Achievements and this character is obviously Imperial yet the achievements granted when he logged in... what gives?
  20. I'm not sure what has happened but I have transferred characters from 2 different Legacies from Oceanic servers, Dalborra and Master Dar'Nala, to The Harbinger and found that a lot of the Achievement totals are combining exponentially with quite outrageous totals. I have 3960/1000 Enemies dispatched for Aric Jorgan on my Trooper (where as before transfer I had only around 800 kills) but the achievement has not been granted! Still showing as Incomplete. Yet, I'm no mathematician, but 3960 is more than the required 1000, yes? Carry the 1, divide by zero, count my toes... same result. Many other kill totals are showing very similar unbalanced numbers without rewarding the Achievements. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed the same thing on there transfers? Recently I also noticed that the Exploration sections on the planets would change depending on which character was selected. That being that if I had a character who had just about all map areas of a planet explored needing only one more area to complete that Achievement, I could switch over to another character who had only seen the landing platform and the Achievement would change to require all other areas uncovered before granting the Achievement. I just had to find the characters with the least amount of work to do to complete most of those type of achievements... didn't seem to take the whole legacy into account at all.
  21. Someone might be able to explain this to me (use small words and speak slowly thanks ) or at least correct me if I'm wrong: You need a forum account to be an active player (?) As FTP you have an account and can view forums (?) but cannot post or reply (?) When you cancel your subscription, which is just like 'not paying' - or reverting to FTP (?), you should not be able to post in forums (?) (there's something about Preferred-Status but I'm not sure why someone cancelling their sub with intentions of not playing should be 'Preferred') That being how I see things: HOW THE Hotel Echo doubLe-Lima are these cry-baby un-subbers who constantly whinge on the forums able to actually post anything?? We, the active and paying community, shouldn't have to be subjected to the barrage of 'I unsubbed because..' or what it usually translates to is: "I didn't get it my way so I'm going to go play with my pointy stick and stab some pandas" (you see what I did there.) Free speech and all, you can have your say if you want to change something or voice your opinion but if you hate Star Wars that much that you don't want to play, why are you still hanging around? Looking especially at those foolish ones that put when and why they unsubbed from our game in their forum signatures then still post after this supposedly last day of play. TL;DR What I wanted to know is why people who are not playing this game are permitted to be active in the playing community on the Forums? Should there be a separate forum, like an Off-topic forum, where this lot, who obviously don't want to leave SWTOR but say they don't like the game and are no longer playing, can still pretend they are part of the game they no longer play and some claim to hate (but still post)? /Very Confused I know I am...
  22. Yeah, like the other responder said, you can't invite your own alts in because you can't have them logged in at the same time. If you have access to two computers you can create a FTP account and have both accounts logged in, invite your FTP in the have the FTP invite your alts in. But then again, if the guild's dead with no active members you'll basically be playing by yourself, not really what a guild is for.
  23. I get a similar thing with my 3 level 55's, all finished Makeb story line. Though sometimes they read correct and other times they revert to the pre-expansion blurb. It seems to be random for me.
  24. I think the Chiss race ability is 'Mission Review'. And some, like 'mission review' and the Mirialan 'Focusing Ritual' can be used in place of the default rest ability like Sith 'Rage', Trooper 'Reload', Jedi 'Meditate'.
  25. Also, if you log out I think it boots you from the instance so when you log in you will be standing at the entrance. Haven't tried that but it might work. Or the Exit button would work too, probably better than....
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