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Everything posted by Neptunius

  1. Also they dont reply on the mails you send to them. Im glad i did cancel my subscription and only a few days left, then people wont see my reply's any more.
  2. You know what? Im tired of the censorship here and tired of the things the game is missing at end game. So, no i dont like it and i did cancel my subscription. Going to love Tera, already like the Beta Have fun in SWTOR people, thats one more "vet" from 2008 that leaves. Bye.
  3. After reading your post, it reminds me of good old SWG There was power crystals back then & you could get them in loot. I like your idea of this, tho, i hardly think EA or BioWare wanna re-make this game.
  4. Why do you start to flame? Now people cannot take your thread serious when you respond like that. I know i wont from now on.
  5. I remember it was in SWG and it's really nice, tho, keep in mind, that people can abuse this by setting bags up for sale with nothing but trash inside the bag... and not the armor you thought you were buying. The idea is good tho
  6. Reminds me back when i was tanking Scholo with my first war in vanilla wow... Then i lvled a horde later on and damn lol it's total faceroll. Maybe thats why, OP has only tryed the new style warrior in WoW? Still, i dont see a problem in swtor.
  7. Erm. so your asking for it to be more easy to lvl a Sith Marauder? So you can be lvl50 quicker? Sorry, but why on earth would you want it more easy? I really cant see whats so hard about this class & yes i also leveled a Warrior in WoW, i made 2 of them, one horde & one alliance(again since you refer to WoW and warrior). Why is there a problem, that you only got 50% HP left from a fight or even only 15%? Your still alive and can move on to next task at hand.
  8. I never had any problems on my Sith Marauder, when i lvled him to 50, tho, i do see what your saying about other classes and i played BH & Sith Sorc(will stick to those only since you refer to them), it's true they do "steam roll" over mobs, but, it's another play style they got since they are another class. Sure it can seem like they are "OP", but, think if you gave the Sith Marauder same skills, then it wouldnt be a Sith Marauder you played. The Sentinel is pretty much the same, i tryed that in beta. I cant really see any problems with Sith Marauder, so what, you take some dmg and could maybe have died.. but you didnt! You can now use your heal skill and move on. A Sith Marauder is a class that is up & close on his enemy and you will get butt hurt from any fight, but, you got the skills to come out alive! I liked melee classes in many other games & i dont see a problem looking back on how they were to lvl up. Sorry OP, but i really cant see what should be wrong with Sith Marauder or Sentinel.
  9. We could have raids to "capture" city's, tho, you couldnt capture it for real, but, the feeling was there People fighting in other factions city and not only to kill the bosses, but, to really get some fun pvp going on PvE server Also raids to "hardcore" instances, dont forget all the skills you could do, like fishing for special fish, so you could make good food with buff's. There was really no reason to just sit around in the city and wait for a queue. Then later on in WoW they removed so you didnt have to lvl up weapon skills, then it got kinda easy boring... then they made the LFG tool to sign up for queue.. and turned it into a sit and wait game in a city.. Also, you didnt have to have truck load of people with you, you could go alone into other faction towns and kill guards ect.. and then fight players of untill you got mass ganked lol That also reminds me of old SWG, that was one good reason to play it, Republic & EMpire could meet up in any city and fight & they could also speak to each other... SWTOR is missing a huge social part of that.. To talk about other games, there was Eq, in that game you would go on HUGE raids and kill lots of stuff & that wasnt only for end game, you could go into it before you got to lvl cap. In MxO(Matrix online) they would hold events where we got to hunt a Agent all over the maps ect. and if you got a Great team, then you could take one down like the guild i was in, we were the First to kill a Agent on that server Guild was called KoN(The Kings of Never) I still miss those guys today :/ Anyway, that was just to show you, that there was lot of things you could do in other games & what SWTOR is missing. Regards. Nept.
  10. You can thank all those invite spammers out there, because i have auto-decline on on All my characters. I seen it way to many times, people invite without asking or saying anything first to me and when i ask them why they invite, they just dont reply and keep trying to invite me... Gee.. wonder why people loves the auto-decline Thank you BioWare for the auto-decline.
  11. Yes i miss the old swg and yes i wish swtor had those things :/ Also the reason swtor i missing lot of "social" things people could do. Im stunned, that this thread is allowed to be here and we are prolly all going to get warnings after posting here. So, im going to cut my reply short.
  12. It's not that rare lol.. try google it and you can find vid's on youtube showing how easy they are to get. To OP, it really seems odd, when you read on the CODEX, they typed in, that those colors are not Rare and yet, they are in the game for players.. Not for NPC...
  13. I dont wanna see in swtor chat: WoW - sexual stuff - owned - whaa whaa - spams - people that use general chat as their group chat or personal whisper channel... people that type all kinds of meaningless crap in general chat. All that gives them the right to hit my ignore list.
  14. Yes and no there was no problems doing it. Didnt really suck, was strange tho, im use to do groups things from other MMO. I think, it's because the story lines are so great made, that you just dont look at it the same way.
  15. Yea, i forgot to add that, thanks Also, dont forget all those who thinks it's intelligent or smart or what ever.. to talk about their sexual life. It's a game and those things have 100% no reason to be discussed in a General chat! (no wonder why people turn OFF all chat.)
  16. Yea loads of fun to play with others, but guess what, blame those who roll NEED on items that isnt for their class! Thats why, so many dont wanna do group quest at all!
  17. Real Mandalorian http://swg.wikia.com/wiki/Mandalorian_armor ! I dont know why they wanna change how a Mandalorian armor set looks like, but, the one from SWG will Always be the True Mandalorian set for me.
  18. Wouldnt that be a bit silly, since there is no armor set that looks like Real Mandalorian?
  19. Erm what? Like someone else said I Really do not understand the point of this? Could you please explain it a bit more OP? I also like a offline version of this, but not if they have to take this down to do it. I like SWTOR to much, tho, there is a need to change a few things
  20. It would be nice, if they made maintenance for EU at 00:00GMT+1. Im sure most people could respect that. Btw, what happend to the 100pages there use to be in this thread?
  21. Erm.. what? I made a post about Republic
  22. I got both sides as 50 and i Really cant see how you can "Monster" to that side. Have you played Republic to 50? Not to spoil anything, im going to say, that Republic isnt such a "glossy" side and that is on the Light side of them.. You need to see the "story" from both sides and no i dont mean lvl each side to 50, i mean Really read into that story line your playing and Understand what it is they want YOU to pick out. One of the Republic classes made me cry../share a tear, yes, im a guy and no im fine about saying that, there is no "shame" in saying that. I have Never felt that while playing Empire, tho, there has been a few times where i had to re-read and sum it back up in my mind to understand the choice i was about to pick. Yes i know it's just a game, tho i like to really live into the story im playing.
  23. Good luck no matter if it's WoW your going to or not. I have had that same feeling to, but, in another game and i just played some other game for a lil while and then i was back playing the game that i thought i was tired of. I hope you find your "play spirit" there
  24. I really agree with OP & yet i was "afraid" to post this, i love playing a star wars game and by replying i can end up with a BAN. The forums Really need to be available to the community, tho, when the need for a maintenance for the forums, then i can accept they are closed. I never been "afraid" before to share my thoughts before on a forum and i been playing all kinds of MMO games since 1997. To sum it up: Beta:APB - Age of Conan - AION - ArchLord - Battlefield2142 - Battle for Middle-earth II - CoV - Crysis - C&C Renegade - Diablo - DDO - Heroes of might & magic V - Need for Speed World - PWI - RF Online - Rift - Shaiya - SWTOR - The Company of Heroes - Vanguard - Games played to end: Archlord-UO(Ultima Online game back from 97' w.4accounts)-CoH(w.3accounts)-PWI-Rift-SWG(w.3accounts)-VG-MxO-WAR(Warhammer Online)-WoW(w.3accounts)- Even with all that in my history, it makes me worry A lot whats going on in here & i hope BioWare will change this soon. Regards. Nept.
  25. Erm.. what? Are you serious????? I must be VERY blind or something, cause i cannot see where the hard part is in PvE questing. To OP, i dunno if im that atm, tho, sometimes when i read the forums, i kinda get a feeling to... :confused:
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