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Everything posted by Wraithwarr

  1. I don't know man, snipers and marauders are pretty potent in any scenario. I have seen it work both ways, believe me, I have been a many a team that has had many of us respec and still lose.
  2. Sadly, too many times they are and thats why we get game breaking changes like 1.2. Remember the mass exodus of healers and tanks after that? None of us wanted to play swtor:modern warfare 2
  3. Exactly! Too many people just do not get this, and then they come to the forums making useless posts about how overpowered healing is. 9/10 I bet that these are the same chumps that don't peel/guard/or cc off of their own healer. Just makes me sad.
  4. Why? Because you can't lock down a healer solo anymore? Get real. You can still shut down healing by focus firing. Honestly, this just sounds like a reg star frustrated that he can't burst down the one healer on the opposing team solo anymore. News flash, healers are supposed to be able to stay alive while taking damage from multiple targets. That is pretty much their job... Check out Warhammer Online if you really want to see what op healing is. This just smacks of frustration without understanding the fundamentals of mmo pvp
  5. This is based on the notion that one team all has field respec and the other doesn't? I fail to see the validity of this argument. Honestly, the only wz it really makes that much of a difference in is huttball, but everyone knows huttball is the most unbalanced pvp map ever conceived.
  6. This^ I was really excited to check out gw2, but I came back to swtor a few months after launch. sPvP and tPvP are as dull as dishwater. By removing the trinity, they also removed the fun.
  7. Nice post! I agree as well that pvp is looking MUCH better since the patch, especially at 55. I hope this is the direction things are heading permanently. I would love to see them go all-in on world pvp though
  8. Actually the vast majority of the player base is really enjoying the changes. The only people I have seen posting nasty little quips like this are the people who were happy with the 5 second ttk on healers. Face it, post 1.2 this game turned into an mmofps with a 3 second ttk. At least now we have some semblance of strategy, and healing and tanking are viable.
  9. Did you try doing a repair of the game files? Log in and click the little gear icon and repair
  10. Loving the changes for the most part. The only thing I would suggest is a tweak to force barrier to allow us to be mobile while reducing duration, and possibly giving us a new regen mechanic. Consumption is a little goofy imo. Other than that, I feel much more viable in pvp and pve since the changes. Keep up the good work!
  11. The starter planets are quite vibrant and rich when compared to many other mmos. Not sure what game you are playing
  12. Join a guild, make friends with a healer, or roll one yourself. With the changes to heal output I wouldn't worry about it too much, you will be seeing a LOT more tanks and healers moving forward .
  13. I know right? I have no idea how anyone could think healing is not a blast right now. I understand bolster will be tweaked, but this beats the hell out of getting jumped on by 4 smashers and dying in 5 hits when you're wearing full EWH.
  14. Agreed, most of the people complaining about the TTK are on teams with 8 full glass cannon dps. This is no longer a viable team, it's really sad that it went on like this for so long that people think this was a viable team at any level.
  15. The TTK is only fast if you don't have any healers or tanks. This is how it should be. With tanks and healers I have seen fights on the node last 5+minutes without a death since the patch.
  16. Totally agree. I admit, the bolster is a little out of whack, but it was infinitely more frustrating when new players would get completely obliterated. Coming from someone who had EWH on two toons, I really hope they dont go back to the way it was. This is going to get more people into pvp, I am already loving the amount of tanks and pure healers in warzones again. If I wanted to play an mmo where the entire endgame pvp strat is burn baby burn, I would go play gw2.
  17. Lol, find a guild OP and the point is moot.
  18. This^ The difference between the entry level and highest tier of the new gear is pretty marginal. Not sure why you are upset. With the bolster system it is going to be much less painful than doing it in recruit
  19. Totally agree with you. I have not seen anything past a 5-6k crit on the damage side. Not sure if this is a bug or people embellishing a bit
  20. ^This! tanks and healers are actually necessary now, and all the kiddies who loved playing swtor:modern warfare 3 are mad because they cant burst down a tank 1v1 and lock down all three of the healing archetypes with relative ease. I hope for pvp sake they keep this balance.
  21. The TTK seems a hell of a lot longer to me! As a healer, this feels much more balanced and strategic. Most of the people crying about the update are glass cannons who can't lock down a healer solo anymore.
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