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Everything posted by GoldSting

  1. The only thing I think could work, and only for Jedi type classes, is at the end of your class story you could turn to the darkside or be redeemed. Same class with the same companions, but now you're wearing a different color shirt. Really though, that would need a lot of coding and probably wouldn't come out before an expansion. Server transfers, on the other hand, should be something we have already or at least with cartel coins in 1.5.
  2. What a wacky and zany bunch you are. You are the king of comedy my friend.
  3. It would be cool if they made it like the relic or whatever in WoW that let you switch species for a short amount of time. Something like that though, I'd like for it to be special. Make it a random drop like the czerka crate, with no cooldown.
  4. I'd love this game to have more minigames like Pazaak or Dejarik, hell while we're at it put swoop and pod racing in it. Would be a nice little distraction from the daily grind, maybe even have full quests centered around those minigames. Have the Imperial Agents infiltrate the casino, Casino Royale style. KOTOR came out 9 years ago, and had both Swoop and Pazaak, so why doesn't SWTOR?
  5. How about you read my whole post first? Thanks.
  6. Here's how you do a Halloween event in swtor: Have the players visit the wreckage of Malachor V, where you have to fight waves and waves of mandalorians, and finally end the planet with a Darth Nihilus boss battle. True Star Wars fans know however, that when Meetra Surik left Malachor, it crumbled, so make the entire planet a nightmare WOOOOO! You could also have a trick or treat event on the fleet, where you can buy a mask that looks like a space skeleton or space pumpkin or space mummy. You go around to different npcs, and they'd give you random loot and maybe a candy buff for 60 seconds, which maybe changes your appearance. The candy buff on the imperial fleet could have a chance to give you the razor blade debuff, which just makes you move slow or something. Those were all pretty crap ideas, but I think it's important for an mmo to have holiday events. It builds a bigger sense of community, and makes the world feel alive. If we don't get our real world holidays in game, then I would really like to see BW add a couple fictional holidays to the SW universe.
  7. 5 Leveling is addicting, great writing, amazing voice talent, best sense of purpose in any MMO, and it's set in the Star Wars universe. However questing is really boring and most of the time you'll do the same stuff over and over again, especially in side quests. The gameplay will never be as good as a regular RPG, and the 3 chapter stories for all classes aren't as strong as they would be if this was just KOTOR 3. That on top of loads and loads of bugs, distracting textures, and just an 'ok' customization system, puts this game low for me. I mean, I'm playing it, so obviously I'm enjoying myself, it just could be so much more.
  8. Bioware said "in the near future" we will be getting paid character transfers on the livestream, does that mean we'll get them with 1.5?
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