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Everything posted by bfishback

  1. Well, I can't wait to be a light sided Sith Pureblood Jedi Knight..
  2. Shaak Ti actually doesn't die then, I'm pretty sure it's canon that she is killed by Starkiller. And just mere killing can hardly be seen as being more powerful. Darth Maul and Grevious were hardly powerful at all, and Anakin was blinded by his hate.
  3. Yeah, but even so the second cinematic is after the third cinematic. They released them in reverse order, for some reason.
  4. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.. First, Darth Bane was not in KOTOR.. he is alive about 3000 years after KOTOR 1. Second, Darth Maul was horrible. In the Darth Plageuis book, we find out that Maul was just a tool for Palpatine and Plageuis. Palpatine only trained him so he could be sent to do things, and was never intended to be a powerful sith lord, merely a lackey.
  5. Heres hoping he gives the full rights to star wars to someone less idiotic.. And he might of created Star Wars, but the reason (at least for me) it is amazing is not because of him. The people who expanded on his universe made it amazing.
  6. Yeah, it was probably my favourite scene of the prequels.
  7. I'm sure each lightsaber has a different weight to it. Different Jedi/Sith might have made their saber to fit their own style.
  8. Sidious would have destroyed them both. Vader and Luke (at that time) were no match for Sidious. I'm sure Sidious would have tried to turn Luke again during the confrontation, and might actually succeed seeing as Luke would have been willing to join Vader, he probably would end up joining Sidious with the right amount of manipulation.
  9. But I suppose you are right, I just thought it still was kinda iffy Palpatine just "killed him in his sleep", out of context it sounded very weak.
  10. It made me like Palpatine much more, though, as at first I thought he was a disgrace to the Rule of Two by killing his master in his sleep. Now it is much more evident that Plagueis needed to die, and that Palpatine was far more powerful and smart anyway.
  11. It's decent. It's kinda boring at parts because it's ALOT of political talk, which of course I knew would be included. I was surprised at the amount of focus on Sidious however. Also was quite surprised how far it went, because I thought it would end years before the actual movies.
  12. Well, by finishing the Plagueis book I found the actual answer. I was incredibly surprised at how far it went into the actual prequels, seeing as the Phantom Menace is actually going on near the end of the book.
  13. Luke. Sigh, I really hate Luke just because of that. It's really annoying having an official "best jedi of all time", because it ruins all arguments. Whenever these threads come up we really should just ignore Luke.
  14. I don't really understand why Palpatine just randomly decides to let Darth Maul show himself, after a thousand or so years, just so he will die. It really made no sense.. why alert the Jedi that there might be more Sith out there?
  15. The Rule of Two is hardly dumb. It was the reason why the Sith actually destroy the Jedi.. And they didn't care that their apprentice would one day kill them, most understood that it was needed for the Sith to succeed. Despite being selfish people they thought of the bigger picture, the destruction of the Jedi.
  16. The first act is really boring. It's the same thing for 4 planets. The 2nd act starts out boring, but from there on in it gets ALOT better. I thought it was pretty awesome.
  17. Probably because the mind trick wouldn't last forever, so mind tricking someone into forming an alliance would be dumb.
  18. I suppose if you're a role player, it would matter. Duh.
  19. This. Even so, I'm sure Lucas would just create his own story. I could never see Lucas using someone else's ideas..
  20. Well, I have the original trilogy in blue ray. It doesn't look like normal blue rays, but it still is pretty good. If you don't mind the small changes (which I don't), get them.
  21. Do you have any idea what you are even talking about? OT: Day and night cycle would make zero sense. Do you really think days on Tatoinee are the same length as days on Alderaan? Each planet wouldn't turn night at the same time..
  22. Stormtroppers =/= Clones, just so you know.. The only clones that still existed were in special units. The majority of storm troopers are not clones.
  23. Lightsabers really make no physical sense. Using science we know in this world, it is impossible to even understand how they work.
  24. I don't really think it was like that. I'm sure that Luke just had multiple plans incase one of his plans messed up.
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