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Everything posted by bfishback

  1. Well the light side sith in this game aren't really "nice", they just aren't total ***** like the dark side are. Theoretically, I'm sure if Darth Sidious or Darth Bane played this game, they'd choose some of the light side choices as well. Bioware seems to think that if you want to be dark side you need to murder everyone. That's really not the dark side, that's just being a homicidal maniac. Killing without reason is dumb.
  2. I thought it was a dumb ending. He essentially goes crazy. If you try the light side option and try to convince him you'll help him, he rants on about how he can only be the one to stop the Emperor. Also rants on about his achievements and how he is the only one who understands him... I mean, if they wanted for him to go crazy, why didn't they just make him an awesome raid boss. Would've been much cooler, and more fitting then dying in a 4 player dungeon.
  3. For Sith, I'd have to say Darth Bane. I thought his backstory was pretty awesome, and I like how he is pretty powerful and embraces the dark side but isn't a complete genocidal maniac. Bioware seems to think "dark side = kill everyone you can for no reason". For Jedi I'd have to say either Mace Windu or Revan. Two really awesome characters.
  4. Yeah.. that doesn't happen for like 2000 years or so. Eventually the Sith join together to form the "Brotherhood of Darkness", which is supposed to prevent the sith from betraying each other. Every Sith is supposed to be of equal rank, there is no leader. Then Darth Bane comes along, sees that what they are doing is not true to the sith code and the dark side, destroys them (or helps them destroy themselves), and starts the rule of two (one master, one apprentice).
  5. Male JC's hardly get any chance to flirt. I am level 41 and I have seen it happen like three times, and all it is "oh you're a very beautiful lady" and then it moves on.
  6. Eventually a Sith named Darth Bane ends up creating a plan to destroy the last of the Sith, who are apart of the "Brotherhood of Darkness". His plan succeeds, and he ends up finding an apprentice and starts the rule of two, which eventually leads to Sidious. So even if they choose a victor for this game (which i doubt they will), the Sith end up coming back again before the movies anyway.
  7. I can't imagine having an actual explorable space... This game has so many loading screens, I don't even think it's possible. Unless of course they add loading screens in space..
  8. Please tell me English isn't your first language... I can hardly understand anything you just said.
  9. I thought the planet looked awesome.. the quests were decent too. (Republic) Taris on the other hand.. holy crap, Malak should've bombarded it more.
  10. The reason I hate lucas is not because of the prequels or anything like that. It's the total disrespect his has for what his series has become and the fans. Like that one quote saying that anything that happened after ROTJ didn't happen, or that it happened it a different reality. That's just completely retarded, he can't accept that people have built upon his story and made it better. It's a spit in the face of everyone who likes the post-ROTJ stories. Now with the rise of the old republic fans, I'm sure he'll end up saying "lol that stuff back there didn't really happen eitehr guis".
  11. Yet you're on a website dedicated to a game that is set in the EU..
  12. Not really, but the fanboys are sure getting stupider. OT: Sadly you can't change your legacy name.
  13. But his rule of two was created to enhance the power of the Sith. Bane gets paranoid that his apprentice might just wait till he is frail and weak to challenge him. He doesn't think that Zannah would be more powerful then him because she could do that, no one would. Deception is good, yes. Bane believes deception is a way of the dark side, yes. But he never wanted the final fight between the apprentice and master be a unfair tactic like killing your master in his sleep.
  14. Yeah, it would. The only problem is that most people wouldn't enjoy a story about a evil guy like Darth Bane. That's kinda the reason why all movies are about the good guys.. But it would definitely be an awesome movie or set of movies.
  15. Sorry to say, but the EU is infinitely better then the crap that was the prequels, and a bit better then the originals. Pulling out stupid moments from the EU is hardly an excuse for why it sucks. Rebels teaming up with Ewoks? GG.
  16. It'd probably be really close. If it was Bane before he got rid of his invincible-suit, Bane would win.
  17. Despite my love for Darth Bane.. I dunno if he should be up there. He knew how to use the force to improve his dueling skills, but he wasn't exceptionally strong it in. I mean, Zannah (his apprentice) is far more advanced in using the force then he is.
  18. Yeah.. because Bioware paid a few companies to get GOTY, they are unstoppable..
  19. I doubt they will even look at this post, let alone consider it. I agree though. Hella annoying.
  20. I hope you know, but casuals make up majority of every MMO fanbase. Hard core players are just the most vocal.
  21. I'm Infiltration spec, and have been using Qyzen since I have gotten him (I'm level 36 now). Theran's heals are horrid and the other guy who name escapes me does not offer enough dps to warrant me bringing him. Qyzen is also pretty useless, but the only good thing he offers is that he pulls threat off of me so he dies first. Whenever I kill an elite there is a 100% chance he will die, and it will come down to me popping the 2 min CD and killing the elite. The first class quest in Quesh was a nightmare for me, having to fight multiple strong mobs + elites was just horrible. What companion do you guys use? Should I be buying gear for my companion or what (the gear Qyzen uses is the gear I get from doing quests that are made for him)? They all just seem incredible useless..
  22. The one thing I liked about Warcraft story was that there were only a few contradictions in the story between the books and games. The books really just fleshed out what happened in the games, and also filled in holes. Now the problem with Star Wars is that with so many different types of canon it just goes all out of whack. I'm not sure about the canon scale, but I know The movies and what Lucas says is the the most canon, then it goes down from there. But what is more canon, the books or the games? What happens when one contradicts the other?
  23. The entire series is ridden with continuity errors. That's what happens when the series becomes so big there are multiple time periods.
  24. But WoW always has had multiple areas for specific level brackets..
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