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Everything posted by bloomfireblade

  1. since the new patch Bioware resets the preferences done by you witch means set all as it was and switch the Anti aliasing off it is not implemented and kills 50% of fps hope that helps
  2. yes that would help tell witch faction is mainly on the server but sadly we do not make the choices we live with what bioware decides
  3. the problem with Bioware is 1. They do not listen to what you post here (Or why are things not improveing) 2. Thet decide what to do 3. and if The Old Republic fails they will not care cause they think they allways make the right thing So lets see if they can make at least 1 year with that attitude cause as things are now worse then better Each week more bugs surface I had the belief that the Dev in charge know what they are doing seeing the recent development i do not think that is the case So whats it gonna be Bioware ? Your move and if you post something then see to it thats it the truth not an dream your management has This is serious Bioware act now and stop ignoreing the Comounity after all its our money you want so show yourself worthy
  4. i agree either you face 50 level team and you cannot even decide witch warzone you want to do they decide and if that aint enough you get disconected in a match ??? Hallo Bioware are you sleeping again or just ignoring the community you do patch each week but it does not get any better there are 2 reasons. either the senior devs are still on holiday or the dev have forgotten how to fix the bugs. cause bugs witch where reported in beta test have not been fixed guess the only way to do that right is to talk to eric brown or the ceo of EA that you finally do something right cause Mr. Reid is not able to help the community It would help if you make brainstorm and fix the problems TOR has or it will fail cause the longer you go down this path the problem will multiply and i told you several time that avoiding the problem is not helping but your management is either to blind or to stubborn to see the problem's Take the customers seriously we pay'd for a working MMO not a bug infested SWG Reloaded FYI I done 50 MMO in 3 years and how you handle things is the wrong way so learn from your mistakes and learn from those who are in the mmo business you are beginners try to become professionals and fast time is money that even you should know in Austin
  5. simple to see that more people buy the old republic and be as you feel screwed have you not learned by now that bioware is new in the mmo field so expect that they make more mistakes if they add new content they can pull costumers away from the bugged content that's the thinking of their management Instead of adding more content Bioware dev should focus to get the bugs sorted out and soon cause it does not help to add new fp if the core is not yet working as it should that should be there prime concern 2 years of testing and still has as much bugs as SWG in nge times Sorry but Bioware should learned that lesson with constant update the problem will only multiply and i have no interest to constantly file tickets if they are only ignored Still the content looks nice if it works without bugs I ask myself for what does bioware have an army of dev if they cannot fix bugs that where here in thanks giving beta
  6. good idea but witch server is good that would be the most question and if bioware agrees to do a server transfer i still do not see any micro transaction eric brown promised
  7. there is a warzone on this planet that's what you want to do pvp or was that not you
  8. good bye and hope you find gw2 or terra more enjoy able
  9. it si your video card since you say you have no signal and customer support answers tickets in 7 days aside a load screen bug i had no trouble aside the green lights on tatooine and threats will not help here Bioware does what they think is right even if we both disagree on some actions they do thats how it is and as any other mmo company handles such issue
  10. then your system is not meant for SWTOR i have it runing since 13th december exept for 1 loding screen error i have no problem at all and just because your system cant handle the old republic do not blame Bioware for your misery its not perfect true but show me flawless scifi mmo that has no bugs
  11. i am always serious what i post aside others who have crash problem's i still wait that to happen sorry how old is mass effect 2 and how old is the republic ? so why is it that the character creation is better on mass effect 2 then in the old republic all though mass effect 2 is older or is that not bioware making ? and as for the hood down If Star Wars Galaxy had this options i see no reason why the dev here fail to do so They claim to be better well now they got the chance to prove this and as for the level cap that's really hilarious Level 50 whats the matter no idea for items beyond the level 50 mark ? but if they want to loose people to wow and guild wars 2 this are the right way to do it Like i always say Bioware management decides what will become of the old republic not you or me
  12. all in all its okay but the support is a disaster sorry to say. if you delete characters by accident and are unwilling to compensate for the loss i see that as disappointing. secondly i still see no hood down on cloaks and 3rd the character creation has still not be improved . I beginning to think that the dev are unable to fix this aspects due their knowledge of hero engine because you could have gained a 10/10 rateing on ign but you failed due to the factors i mentioned above . Its one thing to promise something with words but unable let action follow these words is disappointing. As for stability i have not yet encountered crash black screen or anything what a majority faces my main problem is that no good items are sold on the market and thatb on full server . I hear it all the time in chat no credits the costs for speeder piloting are to high well for crying out loud then sell items that people need that's what the market has made for I cannot invest credits cause no one sells what i need. Sorry to be rude to some of you but if i have credits to spend i do not want to sit on them just because no ones offer good items in certain sections of the market items
  13. you do not understand bioware management as long as they get the money to have this mmo running if not they close it down eventually so if the dev cannot provide the quality the bioware advertisers promised on e3 and other events. There should be some serious talk behind closed doors where the problem is. But never forget we are only customer we can only accept what bioware decides if we like it or not that's how it is
  14. okay bin zufrieden nodes arbeiten fps ist besser also gute arbeit bioware nur der Level Cap ist ein problem und character erschaffung ist noch ein problem das sie bald angehen solten bin ganz deiner meinung maintance ist unangenehm aber leider notwendig
  15. dann veranlassen sie das wenn sie die zeit und kontakte haben
  16. well if people quit its there loss because some aspects are not yet worked out i recall WOW and co had also launch problembs so why should it here be any different To those I say the following do a mmo of this proportion and lets see if you can do better if not accept the difficulties and stop this 15$ are not much in my opinion if you cant afford it you are not meant to be here anyway All in all i see more advantages then disadvantages and no i do not back up bioware i only speak of personal expirence i seen so many mmo in the last 3 years and none realy none had no problem's and as for guild wars 2 it will be as guild wars 1 some nice features but nothing compared to The Old Republic
  17. you all say its nerfed i cannot see this sorry i get more out then i put in so its okay and if i find a resource node for this craft i also get credits so I do not see an disadvantage what so ever its only meant for secondary not as primarily skill so i say if it is not reduced more it is okay sure better results would not hurt But if all resource nodes would work it would also be not a bad idea wonder what today maintenance will bring well in 5 hours we know what comes our way
  18. Entschuldigung in voraus wegen meinem Deutsch komme aus Florida Ihr habt es scheinbar immer noch nicht verstanden Weil ihr Geld für eure Zeit in The Old Republic zahlt meint jeder hier er kann die AGB Ändern Wartung ist in jeden MMO ein problem aber erforderlich sicher Dieses Universum hat ne menge probleme aber so lange daran gearbeitet wird sie ich das als etwas positives oder kennt ihr ein MMO das fehlerfrei einen start hingelegt hat dann posted den titel vergest nicht CST Time dass heist so spät ist es in Texas 2 uhr nachts bis 10 uhr Früh ist maintenance Zeit Ich finde auch das es nicht okay ist aber es ist nun mal wie es ist Lebt damit Ihr habt nur 2 optionen akzeptieren oder gehen nun etwas offtopic Und zeigt mir eine Demokratie auf dieser welt wen die Regierung machthungrig und korrupt ist ich habe in den letzten jahren keine gesehen die das was sie bei der Wahl verspricht auch hält das volk jedem landes hat nur 3 pflichten Steuern Zahlen und zur Wahl Gehen und das land im dem es lebt zu verteidigen so denken die Poliker egal welches land man angehört Ich bitte um verzeihung wenn meine offenheit manche von euch verärgert aber das ist meine meinung auch wenn sie einigen nicht gefällt
  19. none has so far and none will in the future but 7 day wait time from Customer Support is realy long I do not know how it was in Mass Effect or in Dragon Age Customer Support but in the Old Republic a faster response should be in bioware intrest because some subscribers all ready pay and it is not a good sign if the Support is not at the quality People Expect from Bioware I agree on 1 thing a quick travel beacon for your ship is a must well in 2 days we have another maintenance hopefully some aspects have been dealt with then
  20. the problem you people have the point of view bioware has if you are not employed you are not told bioware businesses issues for example you get like journalist a company statement on regular basis on certain issues if you like our not thats their mangament bear with it or leave they will not change there response just because you think its important they set the piorties on problem's and handle them sometimes fast sometimes slow and do not forget they never did an mmo before this so expect some problem's no mmo was flawless at launch but feel free to correct me and no future mmo will be no matter how they advertise their product on e3 and other events at launch you see if they can keep the promises so far i rate bioware with B i would give them AAA but to much is not yet worked out sorry so time will tell what evolves out of this Next Gen MMO
  21. well i see slicing as residual income the mix is what counts
  22. if the server your on has a good market sure but sofar i find no server that has the items i seek so i need to keep looking there got to be 1 server
  23. simple if i get the best items i have better stats and that means simple progressing I see a server like this the more items are on the market the better the activity is the less items are on it the less dedication can be expected Since Bioware cannot state what populations are on the server it is like looking for a needle in a haystack
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