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Everything posted by bloomfireblade

  1. Excuse me but I only ask for a server that offers a good selection of Artifact Grade Items I pay for them and there is no reason to insult please
  2. I look for a server that has medium armour in artifact grade the more the better I am on an rp server ask to buy an item and offer alot of credits but so far nothing so i seek a server that has a decent offer of this type of items
  3. I look for a good server either rp or pve or pvp to be precise A server where you get much artifact type items and item modifications at least custom build and is populated with a majority of Republic Players Does such a server exist if so post it I try to get 1 artifact items for 4 days and nothing so its the server that is a problem thank you
  4. the question is what is the right server for republic player can somone answer that 10 servers so far no good there should be a more detailed information on server population i thought a full server was good but it seems not so any ideas ???
  5. thats the main problem the galactic market is the offerings premium is okay but blue and higher more like a treasure hunt
  6. since i am a female in real life its not so hard still why can't the developer do as the community ask and give as a detailed character creator also the forced hood wear is also a pain bioware should change this and soon i seen several npcs in the old republic who wear variants of the chest parts we have to endure with hoods Even in SWG you could put the hood down if you can remove the head part from displaying so should you be able to do it with the hood
  7. this maybe offtopic but why is the items offered on the gtn so poor as for eu servers it was very displeasing hope on the NA server things are better No offence if i can afford good items i want to buy them maybe its a server based but so far i have not found a server that has the items i need if however someone knows a good GTN on his or her server send me a mail please also things would be much easier if Bioware would finally implement a hood down option for the hooded chest pieces cause the none hooded chest pieces are very rare if you can make a Temple Watchman's Vest with a hood down it should be possible to do the same with the hooded versions of the medium armour chest pieces hopefully a moderator takes this request serious and forward it to a developer who can do the adjustments I tried it with a hooded chest piece and i do not like it so an improvement would be very welcomed
  8. give it a rest sith we all know you are favoured by bioware so it does not matter witch server you are on 75% items on the GTN is empire use only or fallen Republic people so you have the advantage atm but can you keep that position for eternity We will see
  9. hope you fixed the resource problem i told customer support 3 times now with this update
  10. if Bioware can make a detailed character creation in mass effect 2 and dragon age I do not see the problem why not do the same in the old republic both pogramms are older and with the hero engine witch is much mor advanced then the engines for the 2 other pogramms. They could if they want to but there are to options they do not want to change the character creation or they are not able to do detailed charcter creation due to the developer in charge lacks of the knowlage to do it and the old republic has the knowledge of genetic engineering also. If you look at Eve Online the carbon charcter creation is next generation character creator or guild wars has also more features then the character creation of the old republic Bioware should consider doing improvements on this part of the old republic and that soon Its a shame that because of this the mmo lose some of its potential witch it could have But as I said before we cannot decide anything if Bioware refuses to listen to our requests so we have to accept things as they are sadly so much forBioware takes the needs of the community serious in this matter its sadly not the case Also when does bioware adds hood down feature for cloaks that is a major downturn to not use the cloaks even in our time you can put the hood of cloak down and its possible to do cause the Temple Watchmen Vest has the hood down so they can do it if they want to
  11. I just want to ask this you 2 why do you hate us that much I mean you do really good mmo but when it comes to character creation you feel like being in 2007/2008 also the resrource bug has not been dealt with because if you see a spot on the map you should be able to get the resource In Mass Effect 2 witch is your Creation as well you had more options then on this Character Creation who is in charge of it get the designer from mass effect and let him do an improved Character Creation considering that Mass Effect 2 is older i do not seem to understand why you give us an spartan Character Creation in a Next Generation MMO ? If the Community ask for a detailed Character Creation then do it after all we pay for the Time in The Old Republic and what is so diffcult for you to at least consider a detailed character creation you could do it mass effect and dragon age so why not do it in the old Republic
  12. who is in charge of the character creation creator Mr. Reid ? no offense but even in Mass Effect 2 you had more options then in the Old Republic why is that I mean all other aspects where done flawless and in this region you feel like sent back to 2008 The Old Republic Deserves a Character Creation at least with the option of Mass Effect 2 What do you say ?
  13. why not ask that a moderator or Mr Reid himself i agree with another poster the carbon creation creator is awesome since i spent 2 years in eve i was amazed but even if they do the features of Mass Effect 2 tbat would surely will be much better then this I wounder why they dones uch a poor character creation if anything else was so good made but that only the designers of bioware can answer if they choose to
  14. sorry but bio ware could do a character creator that would meet the standarts for the old republic i just checked you tube for mass effect character creation and I ask myself why could they do such a detailed charcter creation for that MMO and Mass effect is not a next generation mmo why i am so anoying on this matter is because the character creation is the key element in every mmo The Old Republic deserved better and I hope the moderators of this site will read the post we do and consider a redoing of this aspect and soon
  15. i did not ask for cookies i just stated that the character creation does not meet the MMO standards if i do a next Generation MMO i can expect a next generation Character Creation its a shame that this has not been done before launch but we have to live with it cause bioware thinks this is good enough well accept it or ask Mr Reid and Co if this will be changed I did but i doubt i get a response too sad
  16. I agree with you on that for that much time they have invested in doing this mmo they gave us a spartan character creation well if they want to loose money this the right way to do it in the poll over 9000 community members asked for a detailed character creation and what i see is far far away from this goal I just state my opinion here no offence to anyone witch I am allowed to do
  17. i agree in character creation Bioware failed miserably where is the detailed character creation we asked for in the poll and the hair looks like that of an action figure not that of a liveing being sorry Bioware even lotro has more realistic hair then you did the person responsible for this should be transferred and someone with experience on that field should take over I said it before and i will say so again character creation is the most important thing in the old republic if you do not change that allot of people will not subscribe and thats what you need subscribers so do us all a favor redo the charcter creation to a standard of sto the hero engine should be capable to do this if the designer in charge can live up to the task
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