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Everything posted by myrdinn

  1. Pretty much this. Hunams get into places and use systems in ways that no one (or small segment) of even the same species can imagine. It is an interesting trait of the species, and very, very, very, very annoying when building any sort of containment or supporting system for them. They just... get and do... everything in all available ways outside of mortal keen or foresight.
  2. Eh, not really. I've done it across three accounts with fairly low gear and very pugged groups. It is a bit of a pain to think through, but the tactical version is very straightforward if folks approach it with an actual player-healer. I mean, one of those three was a madness sorc who actually tanked the mob/drug him around; big props to the healer from the Legions of Lethow who kept him up and functional, but when a DPS toon can pull it off, well (granted, I was in 208 stuff, and she was in 224 stuff) Blood Hunt was more funky, imho, as well as the Battle of Rishi as a tactical.
  3. ...I'm guessing the Alliance system plays zero into the Galactic Command system, so... no reason to keep grinding all the alts to 20, then (given the lack of answer on the question when other questions have been answered). Okay. Still wanting to know 1. Level cap on the command. Is it 50, 100, 150? I know you can still keep dinging it, but... 1a. How many tiers are in those levels? One tier per ten? Twenty? Five? 1b. What are the stat gain differences per teir? 1c. What are the stat differences between the craftable items and the loot items? 1.c.i Are their tier-use limits for the craftable pieces like the loot/reward pieces? 2. Any of the rewards transferable by Legacy? 2b. If not, please tell someone to consider making command levels in the legacy. Fark, grinding affection 10 for the four Alliance contacts is a pain in the bum now, considering breaking into the higher command tiers for the alts is a special place of grief. 3. Are there any alt-friendly design choices in the system at all?
  4. It has been a bit (a couple of months), but, during the first month of DvL I did see non-OotD SMs form on the imperial side on Shadowlands (but, not on the pub side). Mainly folks getting their DvLs through the DvL bosses (of which, I'm thankful they let on a primarily solo player pug in). And, here I was thinking I would not have to put up with Ops again. Dangit.Too many alts, too little playtime, and dangit.
  5. Behold the power of a grenade. More powerful than the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order... (I know, they no longer use grenades in that. But, in my defense, you no longer have to pick someone to DRAG him down, too)
  6. Quoting: "Chapter 9 THE ETERNAL THRONE Clash with the Eternal Empire's strongest forces as you battle for control of the Eternal Throne to influence the galaxy for the light or dark side of the Force™." This says to me that the ET part is over after ET9. ...but that doesn't mean that there isn't another part to this trilogy. It IS an MMO, after all, and there is always a new hook around the corner.
  7. Eh, they could also be trying to get folks like me to mix into the other communities more. A little carrot to hope that folks do not just stick to one play-mode, and mix with the rest of ye in your playmodes. Kinda like some of the legendary DvL stuff was an attempt at breaking isolation amongst the populations.
  8. Fairly certain that the "Build CXP" min-maxing will come down to "four players doing Uprisings on Mastery." That's the new thing, and Bioware seems found of promoting four-man crews for "relatively quick, 1-hour type activities." NiM Ops will likely be a much better rate, but then there exists the possibility of a failure of CXP/Hr due to wipes. Hitting forty this year kinda put a kabosh on me, too ;-) Really got to finish that dissertation one of these evenings.
  9. That question is somewhat tricky, I suspect. Given that different activities will have different rates, well, the investment ratios versus time will be... variable. So, think of it more from a task point of view (kinda like how the Conquest sort of works now). There are X SM FPs/similar things of task that are worth XP-sub1 amount of xp, and that scales up to the NiM OPs/PvP activities (things that are traditionally considered end-game activities). Thus, my WAG is "worst case, SM only, most basic activities per crate."
  10. Yeah, but rumors are rumors. Basic calculus on this, right? Likely it is a slow curve (much like a lot of XP systems are), so... let's guestimate wildly with numbers I have pulled out of my rear. Say there is 100 CXP for the first level. From the same sort of thought, a FP would be something round and nice... but given how we want OPs and PvP to play in... an FP would be something like five xp. Give the NiM Ops (or Master, whatever) 10 or 20 points, PvP similarly, and you end up with a system wherein folks do a mix of activities to finish out their "level." Given how fifty seems to be the legacy limit, that gives a lot of room to grow; later levels are probably near twice what the lower levels are, so... say 200 CXP. That's still topping out (hypothetically) at around forty or fifty activities per level, per week, per crate. That's about what the legendary pace outlined in order to get done, so I figure that is about the rate that is being targetted for the non-casual casuals. 100 might be 500 or a thousand for all I know, but the ratio's probably right. 1/20th to 1/50th xp for a baseline story FP up to 1/10th for a NiM activity in the mix for a given level. That's just the human baseline for what they can psychologically handle, and it roughly matches what we've seen in the DvL metrics for the timeframe they expected folks to finish (still assuming the first run baseline was the end of October testing frame, not the mid/end of Nov which we are seeing now). I am suddenly curious about pinging all the old closed testing ground IPs/etc.... I bet the rate is being tested somewhere.
  11. I'm thinking it probably is closer to the work for one of the DvL crate-levels. So, thirty (not round enough, fifty?) activities, and then a crate. So, thinking a crate-a-week.
  12. How does the Alliance system tie into the Galactic Commander system? Is there a connection, or was it a beta test/nascent form of the GCS?
  13. Not to mention that C3PO and R2D2 are in the hieroglyphics near the Arc of the Covenant in the first Indiana Jones I think Princess Leia is in the hieroglyphics, too. Best I remember, one of the tanks that the Natzis used in the Last Crusade is also somewhere in the Coruscant traffic scene, so... there's your Space Natzis even before the Empire shows up. Oh, and the crate that boxed up the Arc of the Covenant in at the end of Raiders? Twas burnt up in the Bespin Uganaught incinerator scene... you can even see the Reichsadler on the side of the box. So, timey whimey influences/spacetime interactions.
  14. Command Rank... is this bound to the character or to the Legacy?
  15. ...wait, this only makes sense if the AC also binds the role. In other words, the Shadow can't switch between tank and DPS roles, etc. Sensing an unbounded but defined area here. Where's the other shoe?
  16. Careful. Might end up with an underwater Rishi pirate hideout. AKA, a Rishi hut that slid off into the ocean.
  17. More like "create a powered up version stronger than either of us" aka "winning in the long term."
  18. I think the word itself pre-exists SWTOR (or, I ran across it one time unrelated to SWTOR). The word itself is something like "beginning" or "beginnings." For the life of me, though, I don't remember where; but it was during the SWG days when I was helping a town-mate work out a backstory for her Twi. There used to be an internet source that had lekku-motion-words and Ryl-words laying around somewhere. Although, the history bit I could have sworn was Keyshi (or somesuch), and not Kalikori as the episode listed.
  19. Yeppers. And, you should consider this: tis a cycle. Izax is Zildrog. All of this has happened before, but will it happen again?
  20. This is exactly what I am suspecting; I think the new Fulcrum is Kallus. I also do not think he'll survive Thrawn, though... but he will go the noble route.
  21. ...a drink from Japan is all I know. So, someone's invented a new insult, methinks.
  22. Well, the six month plan gets you down to something like $12.99 a month, so... maybe international with an incredibly good exchange rate?
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