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Everything posted by myrdinn

  1. Difficulty: Dev's already said they are going to remove that ability to customize her. Personally, I think some models (like the Ithorian) should have limited costuming options (until we get a playable Ithorian race), but all companions that are near-playable or of playable-species SHOULD be armor/outfit customizable.
  2. No! What? No! Why? That she can wear whatever cosmetic armor we want to put on her is a GOOD thing, something we want for ALL of our companions. The fark why change that?
  3. 'Member? Tis the place the other English people used to put people when they ran out of room on boats outside of the Colonies. Well, the other, other place. There is an other, other, other place right next door to Australia that also claims to speak English... but they have a mess of LOTR buildings laying about the place. Their Army still has beer boxswains. You know, the 58th through 62nd States. Australia.
  4. The Green Lantern Corps was a blatant contemporary ripoff of the Lensmen , even though the original authors claim they didn't read the books (that the original novel of can been seen on a bookshelf behind them in a series of pictures from 1950) and had no idea that their Corps matched the Lensmen Corps.
  5. Folks have been suggesting it ever since the class archtypes were first revealed. The answer has always been a "no," with various reasons over the years. With the companion system the way it is now, that is a bit more of an open question, mechanics-wise, but story-wise, I bet the answer will still stay "no."
  6. I'd love one, but I cannot think of a single thing I actually have that you would want (on Shadowlands).
  7. For some reason, I keep expecting Vette to prank Koth. Or to get a letter from Koth complaining about his bunk being blown up, or somesuch.
  8. Honestly, I'd like the old blue glowie ability (from SWG) to be on the collector's edition vendor.
  9. I kept getting the impression you had to be dark or light 1 in order to get the rewards. But, with the boss-killing/etc. bumps to force alignment, that should be easier than ever before (like, a couple of hours), even without doing diplo. ...I am also now considering "alignment squads" that flip a server one way or another (indep of faction) in order to grind tokens. Miah LightSide Imperials, make the lightside win so my imperial mains darksiders can token grind!!!!! Etc, and et al.
  10. ...here's our pink and purple bunny suit (with action ears!)... ;-) We'll probably get one deco item or so.
  11. I think that's part of the point. The RNG bit is all about trying to widen base-play styles. For the record, I got deathless on a shadow in 208 gear, with a level 22 companion in the EC... ...but I have a damnable hard time getting on SM Ops, and only got lucky running an imperial DPS toon (that got several complements) for the legendary DvL stuff. Elitism is a problem. I have hopes this particular system opens up the populations a bit.
  12. Feed the server hamster. Some nice lettuce, chives, and scratch that nob between his ears like he likes.
  13. The DvL toon that fulfilled the requirement gets it. Note: has to be an event toon (one created during this timeframe... has that DvL icon next to hte name).
  14. Eh; I am somewhat bothered by the implication that Darkside=Imperials attacking and Lightside=Pubs attacking. If this is the case, the meter should be called the "Imperial/Republic" meter, not the Darkside/Lightside meter.
  15. Eh, I don't know. I did like the cantinas and talking to the Ents (when there was a person behind the toon). For that matter, the one stop hubs (mindhealing in the front room, medical buffs in the back) always had something of a.. Star Warsy feel about it. Two folks I know ran a cantina wherein the med buffs were roleplayed as "illegal backroom activities"... with a spice vendor next to the egress. You had to know the right back alley around Coronet to find it, but it was a nice night-club spot (they used the guildhall to make it).
  16. The more I think about it, and WAG some numbers, the more I think it will NOT kill raiding. Crafting will fill-in the blanks pretty quickly, and if the crafted pieces aren't tied in Command Level to use them, then grinding the Command Levels becomes fairly mute... jumping a person to "not quite perfect, but usable" comes down to "do we have the parts in the guildbank." Now, getting them the bonuses/etc would be a grind, but we've already been told Ops will be the fastest means to both grind the levels and to get the drops, so... more excuse to get more people trying for the silver and gold rings that way. In short, saying raiding is doomed maybe pushing the point a bit too much; overall gearscore-achievement rates might be higher under this system, depending on drop and crafting rates. ---Which is probably why crafting isn't one of the activities you can do to earn Command XP.
  17. ....and, then, later, three deaths and ye grind be over. Makes one very, very, very cagey and careful! That, and making a mess of backpacks renamed to your toon's name. I *still* have a distaste for the clone-cycle, and it's been years.
  18. Well, the big problem there is that some of the SOE devs, sporadically, and at different times DID listen. Twas Smedley and higher up that consulted with non-SWG players that really screwballed some things... the CU you and I saw was actually NOT what was on the closed test shard... that CU (which I'll call CU1) was pretty solid and the result of communication between some players, our correspondents, and the devs. THAT particular CU1 would have had a lot different reaction than the CU we did get. The released CU was a step in the wrong way (and the result of Executive interference)... and between how the higher ups reacted to the forums, the folks on the forums who were confused about the CU (as it was different than the closed CU1), the ragequits, etc. that noise really burned everyone to the point of no one actually listening. ...which, a little while later, resulted in Smedley talking to non-SWG players in the hopes of figuring out how to make a SWG that the non-base would play, before LA pulled the rug on them/his devs of that time (which where something like Dev Crew #3). /still miss craftable fire blankets that stop mind-fire //slashes are cool ///fezzes, though...
  19. CU/NGE is still far, far, far, far worse than anything done in this game thus far. edit: The best comparison from SWG on this, was publish 8 and 9 (when how to spawn a FPS toon changed to the village grind). Except, the village grind turned into a predictable thing, whereas this seems to be a jump in the other direction.
  20. And, she's right to do so. Right now, we don't know how the devs view, oh, say the factional grinds. If maxing Gree weekly influence (for instance) is considered "high" than "really, really high" would be questionable for what you, she, or I would consider "normal." And, I'm a non-casual casual.
  21. Wait until it is updated to "Neither Shae NOR Nico..."
  22. From the phraseology of "better rewards with higher Galactic Command" statements, I am fairly certain there are tiers of rewards. So, only when you are in the last "end game tier of GCR levels" would this statement hold true.
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