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Everything posted by Taramayne

  1. Your friend may be at the point where the best option is simply to create a new account. Unless there's some things he/she had on the previous account that he/she can't live without... in which case I'm not sure what the answer would be. If it's been over two years, a fresh start might be a good way to get back into all the changes anyways.
  2. I really just want to know if I'm going to have to grind out 10k influence all over again. Or if I'm going to lose my unlock bonuses for the companions I already finished all the convos with.
  3. Um... He did NOT "chew through" a heroic; he beat up the first 3 mobs he came to and that was it. Admittedly he had little trouble with those, but that says nothing about how the rest of the mission might go, or how he would have fared against the end boss. Still, we'll have to wait and see. I suspect most of us will probably be fine.
  4. Eric, if you please I'm looking for a clarification on companion affection/influence. If we currently have 10k max affection with a companion, will that be transferred to influence, or do we have to start over again from zero? I'm not referring to the achievements here; just the affection points themselves. It would be a shame to have to start over after using all those gifts and such.
  5. The way I read it they are disabling the events completely. From Eric's post: ..beginning on October 20th when we launch Early Access to Knights of the Fallen Empire, we will turn off Conquest events for at least the following month. That sure looks to me like the whole event will be off.
  6. The changes that might actually improve the game are fine, at least to me. ..and there are a bunch. However THIS one in particular does not strike me as any kind of improvement at all; quite the opposite, which is why i decided to add my voice of disapproval along with the others I've seen.
  7. Then that might be a good reason to leave them IN the game and just change the word "affection" to "influence". Instead of taunting the old players with "Hey the newbies can't get all the stuff you did so instead of making a way for them to get it too, we're taking it away from you...suck it." IMO It's just a bad idea. Not bad enough that I'm quitting over it; but just annoying enough to at least say something about it.
  8. Just want to add my voice to the "this is not a good idea" side. I think this is rather MORE unfair to the folks who played the game and worked to get those achievments than to the new players who may or may not even be aware that they existed. It's like giving out a pre-order bonus, then turning around and taking that bonus away because all the people who DIDN'T pre-order can't get it. Well, that's not the fault of the folks who DID pre-order, so why penalize them? Leave the old achievments in there; just archive them like old schematics.
  9. ^ this. It is to prevent people exploiting the collections copy feature. Once you've unlocked a set or item in collections you don't need to store it anyways, as you can retrieve a copy at any time.
  10. Given the significant changes to which craft can make which items, it would be nice if the training costs for learning schematics would be removed or greatly reduced. Example: My Cybertech has lost all her armoring schematics, and now my Armormech has to buy them all. (AND do re-engineering again to get the purple schematics, I suspect.) Same for my Artificer and Synthweaver with enhancements. Since you are shifting several types of items around completely, I think this would lessen the blow a bit.
  11. An alternative solution might be to remove the training costs associated with crafting schematics just as they did for skill training. Then our other crafters could just catch up with the changed schematic lists without having to spend a ton of credits relearning everything.
  12. Pardon if someone has mentioned this.. So in order to craft the "elder game" gear we'll need a material from Conquest... but due to the issues with conquest rewards the events are going to be turned off for (approximately) a month or so starting with KOTFE release... That may be an issue for some folks. Will there be any alternate way to obtain this "special" component while conquest is disabled? *EDIT of course while I was typing someone posted a related comment right above mine..
  13. The question is still valid for planets that have areas in 2 different level ranges, such as Alderaan, Nar Shaddaa, and Belsavis, for example, where the planetary Bonus series areas are 5-8 levels above the planet's normal level cap and are not all separately instanced. If I decide to do the Alderaan Bonus series (which is level 40) I don't want to see myself scaled down to say, level 35ish which would be fine for the normal mission areas, but not for the Bonus.
  14. The only effect I think affection has on each individual character involves the companion's crafting skill for THAT character.. I believe Presence is what affects overall companion health and damage, and the bonuses for that are legacy wide as you unlock each companion in your legacy tab.
  15. The White acute module is sold by a merchant in the combat training section of fleet right next to the NPC that sells skill point resets. Edit: "sold" is a misnomer, it costs zero credits. It's also legacy bound so you can trade it to your alts.
  16. Massively Multiplayer simply means that you are online with many others at the same time. Not that you MUST group with them.
  17. I'm noticing this too, particularly when it happens in combat.
  18. I have also noticed some significant new lag spikes in combat since last patch.
  19. Here it is, from the source. 3. How do I obtain my Knights of the Fallen Empire Pre-Launch Reward items? If you have an active subscription from August 10 through October 19, 2015, you will receive your Pre-Launch Reward items via in-game mail at the start of Early Access on October 20, 2015. If you are not eligible for Early Access, you will receive your rewards via in-game mail on October 27, 2015. You're welcome.
  20. Each datacron has a corresponding "historical" lore entry. I'm sure there is a list of them out on the web you can look at and compare to the lore entries in your character's codex to determine which datacrons you've gotten already. Alternatively, if you're rolling a new character you can just grab them all again.
  21. Maybe the OP doesn't care about spoilers and wants to have a look at the story first to see if playing it will interest him/her. I'm pretty sure there are cinematic walkthroughs of all the class stories out on youtube.
  22. /signed; it would be much nicer to pay the difference instead of the full cost each time you upgrade a slot.
  23. I wouldn't mind seeing more repeatable planetary missions added into the mix for this; similar to doing the heroics on Nar Shadda and Alderaan now.
  24. ..Might be nice if social points were made legacy-wide.
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