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Everything posted by Vesperr

  1. These are powertechs and assassins. I'm 100% sure.
  2. Sorc hybrids arent overpowered, Bioware proved that when they nerfed assassins hybrids which were clearly overpowered. /sarcasm
  3. I dont know why people complain about guard but I cant tank most bosses unless I put a guard on my pyrospecced powertech friend. I dont know if its powertech or tankasin problem but I'm pretty sure he can pull agro from any tank. p.s. text coloring is for... "one of those" people >_>
  4. While LS are usually more rational than DS for agent, some DS choices are ruthless yet effective and suit agents just fine.
  5. I think you should try tanking forums. As for sins, I can say that their force speed gives them advantage against bosses that do knockbacks (force speed to taunt range and you're back in business) and against bosses with frenzy (where you have to stay away from the boss/move a lot). Sins are somehow worse against tech attacks as their armor is quite low and defense/shield is useless but force shroud can often save the day for an assassin, its also the their only reliable "shieldwall" ablity, too bad its effective only against certain bosses (juggs have better CDs to keep them alive during "oh shi..."/"ale healers are CCed" moments). As for agro, I think juggs single target agro is much better but they have to build it up where assassins can discharge quite a bit of their energy in a few hard hitting abilities and then maintain it with usual rotation. For one I have problems with keeping agro off unguarded powertechs in pyro spec.
  6. I'll roll a pyro specced powertech and burn all the furries.
  7. I think they need to add option to scrap the droid for both empire and republic.
  8. Fixed. p.s. Care to elaborate why do you create so many thread if not trolling? p.p.s. fixed the threads by haymaker thing.
  9. Just one thing: FOTM. Those exist and will always exist, if hybrid becomes OP it can be easily fixed as devs can nerf it without careing if it'll be UP. With 31pt specs devs are careful not to overnerf so the 31pt spec has to be balanced, hybrids are allowed to be UP. But the key word is "nerfing" not "removing". So its only "toxic" if devs are lazy, and being lazy is much more toxic than anything can ever be.
  10. Do you have a complex or something, with all those marauder threads you created? It looks like its the only thing you do around here, creating threads about marauders.
  11. What chance are you talking about? That some hybrid will work, because it wont as they are taking them (only assassins for now) out of this game.
  12. Fixed a little, imho this way its closer to the truth.
  13. They want to remove hybrids and rename class to tankasin.
  14. I think cover is useful for healing ops if no one is going after you because you cant be pulled or charged at even if you use it in the middle of nowehere.
  15. While I like the idea of removing once name, transperency is a bit too much (and not really needed if you use surrounding objects), you'll also be visible on the radar. Another thing is that slingers are flashier than snipers thus it wont help as it would help snipers.
  16. Not sticking to either is better, just pick the choices you like. LS/DS gear can be easily replaced anyway.
  17. Its the only class wearing light armor, so I think 5% there is compensate it. Also without tankasins damage reduction is somehow based around that 5% defense and will make them inferior to other tanks if removed.
  18. Just some (not so useless) info: Maras, juggs, sins, powertech and mercs all have "stances" - these allow easy balancing when it comes to specs as stances are tied to lots of talents in their respective specs. So only sorcs, ops and snipers are left out, where only sorc has true capability to do variety of effetive hybrid builds. edit: nvm, its up to Bioware to choose if they wish to make the game interesting for players or make the game with dull and plain and non-existent character progression and no variety but have slightly more time to be lazy.
  19. Both ACs of smugglers and imperial agents get one of their best abilities at lvl 36. Operative gets hidden strike - high damage stealth opener, sniper gets series of shots - high damage (and somewhat low cost) channeling. The deal is that no others classes get their core ability so late and considering that both of these classes are pretty unpopular (and leveling with them isnt very smooth) its only rational to ask to move series of shots and hidden strike (and republic equivalents) to lower levels. I have an operative and a sniper, and I was surprised how good the L36 skills are and how late I got them on both of these classes. When leveling an assassin I had no difficulty at all and both leveling and character/ability progression was smooth, cant say the same about IA ACs. I also asked my powertech friend and he said he doesnt have any kind of ability that is both so important for his class and can only be acquired at later levels (they get useless stealth scan at lvl 36 if you are interested). A quick look through torhead showed that other classes high level abilities while nice arent that important.
  20. There are bad specs, bad players and bad cases of whining, other than that everything isnt bad.
  21. I never said that hybids should be equal to pure specs, make them less powerful but let them stay viable, its not a hard thing to do if, say, raze would proc no more often than once in 12 or 15 seconds if used in any stance, but lightning stance discharge lowers that internal CD to 7.5. Simple, useful, balancing. Does this have any meaning? =_=
  22. I though about WoW balance, thought and remembered... there was little balance either. There was balance between "top cookie cutters", but between specs? Not really. There was PvP spec, PvE spec and sometimes useless spec. For example: pre-cata elemental shamans kicked *** with their dps, in cata it was them who got their asses kicked in PvP, they were also good at PvE. Enchanment shamant were, well, lacking pre-cata. So even if one uses WoW as an example to "perfect" balance (it was quite balanced, true), it is still balanced by "top" builds and thats not a hard thing to do when you can nerf (but not remove) hybrids so that one spec becaomes the ultimate pvp spec and the other - pve spec. So basicly BWs job doesnt really become harder if they leave hybrids but nerf everything, including those hybrids, to their needs so only a few specs prevail in areas they need, but the key word here is "nerfing" not "making certain core talents useless to other specs" aka removing hybrid builds.
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