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Everything posted by AMKSED

  1. I'd rather they add actual PvP content.... Just go watch a live steam if you want to watch people play Huttball.
  2. They gave content to the carebears. SWG all over again...
  3. Republic is the underdog in this game entirely.
  4. This. I highly doubt he got close to 850K.
  5. I came back to the game recently. Across 4 of my characters I grinded out full BM back when it was harder to get than War Hero, have more playtime on 99% of all the people in War Hero, yet I'm still having to re-grind everything even though I've put more time than people who actually have War Hero. I would love to be able to pay money and get War Hero gear or EQUAL states in the Cartel market. That's not anything close to Pay2Win, it's Pay2BeEqual.


    Yeah....Scoundrels/Operatives weren't 2-shotting when WH gear was out. Nice try though.


    Yeah, Operatives could open with a 6-8k opener.....but then keep hitting you for 4-5k then move on to the next. While I do agree derpsmash is stupid its not even close to what Operatives could do
  8. This games story isn't worth $15. It should be free
  9. F2P is for the story, that's it. You can spend some credits and get the other things but in order to fully enjoy this game you will have to spend money.
  10. Get a good team and have your healers clear the stuns. /thread
  11. After playing all 3 healers, Sorcerer/Sage and Scoundrel/Operative are pretty far ahead when it comes to healing.
  12. The "skill" to have the patience to stick through all those bloodbath Warzones in order to get your PvP gear.
  13. DCUO was terrible lol. No wonder why you're bad at this game.
  14. Let me knock myself back from players and allow Trauma Probe to be put on as many people as I want and reduce the ammo cost by 1 I'll be happy.
  15. While I agree the amount of CC is stupid in this game. People wanting CC removed completely or making it so you can only do 1 stun during an entire fight are complete morons. Some classes would just faceroll right over the other.
  16. They are lying if they say they can't do it. One of Hero Engines main traits in sharding and instancing an MMO.
  17. If they want to have a successful PvP queue system they need cross-server. Those people QQing that they want to keep fighting John Doe over and over and over again and stupid.
  18. Buffy, Supernatural, and Smallville were all great shows though.
  19. 350,000 was confirmed by a developer. And they sold 2 million copies like 1 year before the game was even shut down. And that doesn't mean jack because I knew that I purchased nearly 6-10 copies of that game. The more accounts I had to AFK with the richer I became in-game.
  20. They nerfed it? LOL Bioware is so derp.
  21. He would have loved it. Before WH was introduced it was easier to get the top gear back then.
  22. Nobody cares about PvE. Don't even know why you thought that was a good comparison.
  23. Okay kid. Back then, in 2003, 3 million was NOT that number. Don't come here throwing obviously stupid numbers just because your game died. And SWTOR has nearly 500k subs. How does it feel like SWTORs record low is still more than SWGs record high?
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