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Everything posted by AMKSED

  1. I may enjoy it on one level 50 then rush through for the other 2-3 that I have.
  2. SWG would get 10+ second server lag in a 50vs50....so OP is just dumb.
  3. SWG had a gear gap, a big one too.
  4. Had they stuck with the CU and added all the content they did, I have no doubt that SWG would still be alive today and SWTOR wouldn't have even been a though.
  5. SWG's PvP balanced? In the NGE maybe, but Pre-NGE LOLOL.
  6. It's almost like a thing called Arenas should be implemented...
  7. Whole lotta cryin' in this thread.
  8. I should have entered, I would have won.
  9. I'd recommend an i5 2500k, 660 TI, new motherboard, and ram. Most likely you'll need a new power supply too. That processor and GPU are quite out-dated now. Especially the ram.
  10. Nerco'd threat....and LOL @ people who claim all these exploits.
  11. For a game that's supposed to be about choice we sure are getting limited as to what we can do...
  12. My advice? Get to level 50. Get Bubblestun or Sever Force. Perma-kite Juggs/Guardians all day. I can keep Juggernauts and Guardians off my Balance Shadow 95% of the fight. A Sage would only be easier.
  13. SWG's combat more epic? LOL Spamming buttons due to no glocal cooldown....that was really epic man...
  14. What CPU/Operating/Ram/Power Supply are you running?
  15. So because people have more money than others and want to spend it on what they want it's a lack of self-control? LMFAO
  16. Just a bunch of bad Operatives and Scoundrels complaining...
  17. Not many people have played the hybrid-tank Guardian/Juggernauts in Huttball yet. Easily the funnest class to play in that Warzone.
  18. AMKSED

    PvP only stat

    Nah, cheers though. The day PvE players get the top tier PvP gear just because they like to kill the same AI over and over again is the day I, and the rest of the PvPers will call it quits.
  19. Sorry, but tanks are balanced right now. I don't understand why people want un-killable juggernauts. In PvP, a Tank/Healer combo can already hold a node vs 4+ people for a long time. And as long as that tank had a healer in Huttball he would never die. Sorry but it's balanced the way it is. No need to be having tanks with 30K base health along with 2x their defenses they already have.
  20. Most of the PvPers already left. RIP 1.5 million players.
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