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Everything posted by Vales

  1. Wrong forum. Try again in the Sith Warrior forum. Hot tip, Smash is easy and yields high results. :3
  2. 12 seconds only? Lol there are far worse games out there in terms of CC. In fact SWTOR is one of the weaker games when it comes to CC.
  3. 1.) Melee moves scale with willpower. 2.) 1 or 2 useful melee moves. Maybe just for defence. I just feel like it's silly that for Sorc and Sage the lightsaber becomes a mere glowstick for stats. It should be a bit more imho. Those new melee moves could be used to increase our defence or deflection chance or regain force points from it. 3.) Thundering Blast cast time reduced to 1.5 seconds. 4.) 100% pushback reduction from talents or in conjunction with Polirity Shift at least 5.) Force Speed should supress CC. Either via low tier talents or inherently. It is jut to easy to counter.
  4. Or they could let our saber moves scale with willpower. That would be a start at least.
  5. Force Speed is the most important Def CD for Sorcs and Sages which is also ealy countered, without it they are dead meat against any kind of non-retarded competition. Nonsense, unless you complain about 36/36/36 Sages/Sorcs. But yeah, those level 128 Sages/Sorcs are indeed hilariously op.
  6. Your reply is pointless and stop attacking strawmans you douchebag. No one asks for Sorc to become a melee class, just one or two viable/situational melee moves which actually do something, or why is it that either Force Choke or Force Push of Sith Warriors infinitely more useful than our 3 melee moves combined and I am not even talking about PvP.
  7. So it is fine that Marauders, Juggernauts and Assasins have some nice ranged iconic force powers but we are not allowed to have one decent melee move? Seriously?
  8. You don't have an argument. Or do you have any numbers to back up your claim?
  9. Any decent team will spot you anyway and any decent Sage healer will look out for DoTs so the "not visible" card is not that relevant at higher levels of play. And as we already said without TK Throw your damage is not very threatening and that one is just as noticable.
  10. I just wanted to look like the Consulars at the character creaton screen. :/
  11. Vales

    Bioware on HUTTBALL

    I guess passing, stunning and using LoS properly is out of question....
  12. Vales

    Bioware on HUTTBALL

    Rarely read so much nonsense in one post. Especially when you claimed that CC in WoW was less of a problem as it is in this game albeit with proper CC chains you can get CCed for 3-4 times the duration if your CC breaker is on CD. That comment in your very first point showed me that you have no idea about either game and the other points proved that even more but I do not want to waste my time pointing out the big errors there sufficient to say wrong on all points. So where is your proof for your claim?
  13. So much this. How I miss those days. Nowadays AV is rushing past the enemy to the boss and mow him down. PvP? What for I need honor!!11111 /le sigh
  14. Shhhh do not tell him our super WZ wide AoE Flashbang and our Leg Shot hits all targets in a 50 yard radius. Also cover makes immune to all CC and we roll from cover point to cover point over the whole WZ. True story!
  15. When I am around they will more often than not unless Restoration is on CD or I do not have the GCD free.
  16. I personally would not call it useless but it is indeed a bit silly the advantages FiB has over Turblence and being only a 11 point talent and can be fit into many builds while Turbulence can only fit into one specc with some minor variants which boil down to: Upheaval or 3% more Crit. Still I love the animation so I stick with it. I also like to make weak speccs work in PvP. Woe if Turbulence will ever get a buff. I know I will rip them apart in WZs.
  17. What does balance overall has to do with a specific 1v1 discussion? A specc can be great in certain 1v1 matchup(s) and still be bad in group PvP. Since you know 1v1 isn't very relevant in this game. Furthermore it is an interupt, not silence. On top of that TK can cast Turbulence when you interupt then then refresh Weaken Mind and already done with the interupt time. If Weaken Mind dot is run out I can also just use Force Lift. Not a big deal. What do you do? Mind Crush? Disturbance with no talents to improve it bar PoM? But if we go with proccs we have even 2 not just one. Chances are we have Tidal Force or Psychic Projection. Also TK can specc to lockout 6 seconds instead of 4 which is quite a noticable difference. Why would LoS bother me? Time to dispel and/or heal up. Force Slow is just as available to me what does that bring into the equation? Same goes for Force Wave and mine is even better than yours. Force Lift is of course good and 2 second more stun is always nice granted.
  18. I could say the same about you and your peers. Especially when I read this: Something like that hurts my brain because it is so absolutely irrelevant and again purely subjective. I like my companions a lot all of them in any shape or form which of course proves nothing just mentioned it to show that it is a again a matter of pure personal preference and neither BW nor any other company can make everyone happy with everything. Tastes differ far too much for that. It does not matter if it is a "big" problem for you. What counts is how much it affects PvP in a big group environment and you can be mad about it all you want but in the big picture the difference is and will always be neglegible. If you had to give 1-100 points to each class and you give Sorc 100 then Sage is at 99.9. Yes the difference is that small regardless how much you exaggerate and how many anecdotal evidence you bring up and anecdotal evidence means absolutely nothing. And I am sure aside from the population imbalances which are the biggest problem right now on an even server with a balanced population it the win/loss ratio would be nearly 50/50 overall. Fine you enjoy your Sorc more what does that prove? Nothing. You know why? I started my Sorc and Sage nearly same time and guess what? Sorc is 20 and Sage 50. All that purple lightning got boring so fast for me it isn't even funny anymore. I of course play him from time to time to advance a bit in the story and he might hit 21 in a few weeks. So what now? Who is "right" in this case?
  19. They could have easily put a limit once one faction outnumbers the other too badly.
  20. Never played Warhammer and I found DaoC boring as hell. Even in 2012 you still need time to get content desigend, polished and fixed in and SWTOR has more content now than many MMOs had after a year.
  21. What does that have to do with the fact that most premades have at best 2 Sorcs? This alone from a firmly practuical PoV disproves your claim that a full Sorc/Sage team would simply "roflstomp" through Huttball. And Speed alone does not win Huttball. Same. I'd bet all my current credits on that.
  22. I guess just having fun to PvP and to win is not enough. /sigh How exactly? Could you give me a concrete example please?
  23. This is something which annoys me the most. It was the first thing after my break to get the full Recruit gear because it gives you a decent starting point and costs only about 250k which is pretty cheap for a complete set of gear. I feel no sympathy for people who are even too cheap to get the easy to buy recruit gear and then complain they get stomped in PvP. I also do not ask top raiding guilds to let me participate while having 0 PvE gear I'd first go some Flashpoints to start getting a decent set together before doing OPs.
  24. Oh it is a nerf sage/sorc thread! It brings a tear to my eye nearly. That being said, dear OP you might want to check the last big patch notes. Lots of things have changed since then and I can garantuee you that no full Sorc/Sage team will win anything but randoms.
  25. Tell me, which MMO is harder and which MMO had more content than SWTOr 6 months after release. I am waiting.
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