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Everything posted by Nastynas

  1. If their research and marketing reports were accurate, the game wouldn't be in this state. Don't see why I should trust them now.
  2. Is this a joke thread? Even Stevie Wonder can see which is better.
  3. Don't know if anything else has been said since this. And what got said while I was finding this article.
  4. Good thing you finally came clean. We know your life better than you know it.
  5. "Don't like it, don't play it." Words I live by.
  6. Everybody know it ain't pay-to-win if you got it. Swag.
  7. Why don't you guys want Bioware Austin to make money? Do you want the game to fail? Why do you want the game to fail?
  8. It was one of the first casualties of the Free-to-Pay transition.
  9. Then say that instead of something false. I'd agree until November 23, 2004. Still, this was likely the #3 subscription MMO in the west. Which is roughly where SWG was in its heyday.
  10. There is a reason that survey was sent asking how much people would pay for Makeb.
  11. There is a sticky with that information.
  12. I never looked at it that way before. This has been an eye opening experience.
  13. That sure is nice of them. Didn't realize they had such a close relationship with Bioware Austin.
  14. Who do you think is going develop and implement it?
  15. I imagine they saw no reason to roll back when they knew Valor would be ultimately useless. And sounds like they've been listening to The Republic. They always throw crazy idea around like blowing up Ilum.
  16. Calling this content is an insult to actual content. There is a reason they are giving Cartel Coins for being subscribed right now. Unless you enjoy what the game currently has to offer, there is no reason to continue your subscription until next months patch. And that won't even cover the entire player base apparently.
  17. "Hey guys please don't cancel your subscription! Remember that awesome stuff that we said was coming? Well, it is actually almost about to be here! Soon!"
  18. Info on how it works in this interview with Gabe.
  19. That is why you get 1,000 Cartel Coins and a Hero's Banner. To keep you quiet.
  20. And they say there is no World PvP in this game.
  21. I'm still amazed this doesn't get done. It is one of the main reasons I stopped PvPing in WoW before I quit. It was not fun looking at the same scenery and doing the same thing. Especially as someone who achieved Field Marshal. I can't imagine playing Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, or Headquaters in a FPS on the same exact map.
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