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Everything posted by gorstram

  1. I disagree with you, good sir. This is not a discussion that can be handled with absolutes. Your opinion is noted, and has been mirrored by others, but is NOT considered fact
  2. I certainly am not saying that it is gambling, I call them gambling packs because I believe that the pack is basically just a MMO version of a slot machine, and that you're spinning to get super rares. But I can agree with you that it's not technically gambling since you get something with every pack. Hell even if all you got were those lame XP boosts, it technically wouldn't be gambling. But for someone with no impulse control i.e. a gambling addict, those boxes are a compulsion. If I hadn't witnessed this kind of obsession in real life, I would be mirroring your exact sentiment. I agree with the OP that BW/EA should at least post some kind of warning. I don't even know how it should be worded, but I think a cheap warning is better than nothing at all.
  3. I am sure you are quite serious. I would not have a problem with a warning message if anything, it would add a layer of legal protection to EA/BW, that way if they were ever taken to court (say by a former player who's name is the second part of the Jimmy Hendricks tune Purple _____) then they could say that he was given a clickable warning prior to purchasing the coins, and the subsequent gambling packs. But I do sympathize with the plight of online gamblers. One of my RL friends struggled with the issue for quite some time, and I had the terrible privilege of attending the intervention for him. He's much better now, but he would never be able to handle something like the gambling packs, even in his present state. So I really hope this new option doesn't drive anyone to financial rock bottom. I know I won't be able to use it. My wife barely tolerates the occasional 39.99 expenditures for cartel coins. If she saw a $100 purchase, I'm pretty sure she'd castrate me.
  4. This whole thing was a either a brute force troll, which worked because he got THE moderator to comment on it, or it's one of the worst cases of entitlement I've ever seen. Anyone who doesn't expect holiday items to show up every year is dumber than a box of rocks.
  6. Don't worry, it's fake. But some of the names were altered to protect their identities.
  7. Woah, I've never seen a thread be deleted and then come back. IT'S THE GIGA-NECRO!
  8. Because there was more than one person throwing poo. When that happens, the thread is usually deleted once there are too many reports. The trick to this whole forum thing is, don't reply to people you think are trolling you. Just /report and move on. If you reply to them, you're just spreading the proverbial poo.
  9. Cutting one's nose off to spite one's face. Clearly not very bright. Nature apparently failed in weeding out the soft children.
  10. Christmas was the original To Catch a Predator. Chris Hansen caught three "Wise Men," bringing frankencense, myrrh, and gold to a place being watched by undercover Romans.
  11. Using this same logic, I should sue McDonalds for a refund of my McRib sandwich because they say it's for a limited time as well. I spent dozens of dollars over the few weeks it was out, and now they're selling them again. Edit: Someone beat me to it.... DANGIT
  12. Purple gear with slots is almost the same as orange gear. You can pull the mods out and replace them. I'm not sure if the level requirement drops though.
  13. If you open HK's character sheet, all of the gear is red. His stats are only base, in fact you can't even use any of his special attacks unless you change out his weapon for something the same level as you are. He attacks as if all of his gear was broken until you swap out the gear for something more level appropriate.
  14. It could be a engine limitation. Anymore than 500 starts causing lag, similar to the 25 quest limitation.
  15. I don't think it would be P2W. The other game has self-leveling legacy armor, and that's not game breaking at all. In fact, it encourages people to roll alts and re-experience content that they would otherwise see as a dull chore since they don't have to worry about doing every side quest to get the planetary comms to keep their gear up to date. It's just another path to the same goal. If people don't like it, they don't have to use it. Those who do want to use it, will be contributing financially to the game's future.
  16. Tweaks to healing. Right now, in PvE healing we're in a decent spot (could use some love in the utility area), but in PvP, we're freaking awful.
  17. I'm kind of mixed on the whole change. I'm the tank healer for our guild, and our MT is a shadow. I have definitely noticed a difference in how he takes damage. He's a lot more dependent on me now than he used to be, but I noticed that his damage curve steadied quite a bit. Instead of him going from 80% to 30% health in a big hit, he now goes from 80% to about 40%, which results in a lot less "Oh S&%t" moments. The only bad part about the change is when we have one of those attempts where there are only 10 people left up, and the boss is at 8% health, he's not going to be able to keep himself up like he used to. But as a healer, I'll take a steady damage curve over better "Oh S*%t" buttons any day of the week.
  18. Don't be so hard on yourself. I am America, and so can you.
  19. I wouldn't turn that down either, anytime I can skip sidequests is a great time indeed.
  20. I wouldn't see any harm in adding an option to the UI to show threat numbers. The game already parses a numerical value towards threat, but right now, the only way to see it is to use a parsing program. By enabling the numbers through the UI, any thoughtful DPS can turn that on, thus helping the tank manage aggro. Because when a DPS sees that they're about to pull aggro, they can switch targets, or pop a threat reduction ability, thus keeping taunt open for the tank to use in an "Oh S*&t" situation. Folks who don't care about this (healers), can opt-out by just not turning it on.
  21. Feed this thread some brains! Finally a necro used for good. THank you SenseX for responsibly bumping this thread.
  22. Well you'd better not get married then. Or else:
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