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Everything posted by Zones

  1. There actually are exploits on Ilum and it's understandable that people are getting banned. The problem is people trying to make it sound like Bioware is the bad guy because they got caught.
  2. It's amusing how often people say "I POINTED IT OUT TO THEM THEY SHOULD REWARD ME!" when they find and continue to use a mechanic in an unintended manner for an unfair benefit. The thing to do would have submitted a ticket saying they discovered this thing and leaving it at that, not abusing it.
  3. They nerfed it from beta into live. It was still over the top.
  4. This a joke? They nerfed the slicing missions, you still make a profit. Go out quest slice the nodes in the game and then have companions running missions you still pull a profit, it just won't be game breaking. They aren't replying because there is no reason to.
  5. I'm sure it's just people lying, but it's annoying now more than ever. Tuesday I was excited! All the nodes were working, now? Over half are impossible to interact with and people in general are claiming it's simply scanning it but not looting, and they do this on purpose. Is this legit? If so I'd love to see these people perma banned.
  6. Yea. He had that thread demanding a hybrid tax going in the class forum. Based on his performance there, this thread exists as a method of trying to convince people to side with his views by giving misleading or false information.
  7. Joscomi complaining about healers? Who's suprised? This thread is going to be biased at best lies at worst.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTd1mfTpNTk&feature=g-like&context=G29b846dALTvom0AABAA This is why those people are being banned. Ignore all the people claiming they just got banned for going there. They are lying. The people getting banned are there exploiting.
  9. Why did a post from the 24th get bumped? I haven't seen a world instance in a week and I play on a full server.
  10. If Bioware gives tools to griefers and jerks that lets them do as they please with no consequences why should I play? LFD did indeed sort of help get dungeons moving in Wrath, but even in cata it's still 30+ minute queues for all but the easiest heroics. If they add an in server group finder, I'm ok with that. I am not ok with cross server. Cross server functions effectively KILL the community as proven by WoW.
  11. It's impossible to know, it's pretty clear Sith Warriors are weak, but placement after that is impossible people saying things now are seeing a correlation between burst and dps which doesn't exist. High burst like say sniper, doesn't = high sustained dps.
  12. You have some what of a point, if it crosses over into ingame as well. Right below the damage is the text: They aren't all accurate so real in game numbers would be more meaningful. I'm not at the point where I can give meaninful data, so maybe I shouldn't be so questioning.
  13. I'm inclined to say the inclusion of sticky grenade on single target is questionable at this point.
  14. This is pretty awesome, it makes a tiny bit of sense but it's still dumb (in order to upgrade it you would need to insert a barrel into a melee weapon o.0?).
  15. I've heard Crit is better than Power due to the crit damage bonuses we get in the tree.
  16. And a queue again. When are the connectivity issues going to be addressed?
  17. http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/4395/seriouslys.jpg This is what happens if you get disconnected while doing space combat. Really cool right?
  18. SWTOR isn''t going anywhere it is far better designed than other recent competetion that it has (rift namely). It won''t kill wow, but it will pull some players from blizzard.
  19. I've already decided to give up on it, but how is it that I never got a single one through dozens of treasure hunting gem missions?
  20. Did you start playing in wrath or something?
  21. A fraction of the time. Pretending it's otherwise is just pure silly and will be ignored.
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