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Everything posted by Kreapen

  1. Lol, definitely not as bad as NGE. You're freaking nuts.
  2. Very happy. I just picked up two more game time cards. I don't come to the forums very often because I'm usually in game enjoying myself and have no complaints.
  3. No rollbacks. Take care of the individuals that received the more rediculous amounts (which sounds like they may already be doing) of valor and lets move on.
  4. No, I vote for no rollback. Ban, suspend, or rollback any individuals that received excessive gains like what was already mentioned by BW initially.
  5. I quit that "other" MMO a little over a year ago and have been playing DCUO off and on since it went free to play, but that's about it. This one has managed to suck me back in though and I've already purchased 2 60-day game cards. I'll be here for a while.
  6. Nice, snagged a copy. Thanks for the heads up!
  7. I'm just throwing this up here so I have something to reference to if I get invited to the EGA tomorrow or the next day. (I pre-ordered on Dec. 1, so I'm still a little ways back.) Mostly because I wanted to know which servers were most recently stood up so I could pick one of the newer ones to roll a character on. It may be fruitless if they update the official thread to show which servers were added when, but if they don't, then hopefully someone else will find some value in this list. List of the new servers: -NAM- Amulet of Rin Shuuir - RP-PvP - West Anturi Reach - PvE - East Cho Mai - PvP - East Darth Sion - PvE - West Fa'athra - PvE - West Firkrann Crystal - PvP - East Infinite Empire - PvP - West Infinity Gate - PvP - East Kaiburr Crystal - PvE - West Kath Hound - RP-PvP - East Kathol Rift - PvE - East Khoonda Militia - PvE - East Krath - PvE - West Krayiss Obelisk - PvE - East Lord Ieldis - RP-PvE - West Perlemian Trade Route - PvE - West Thana Vesh - PvE - East The Bastion - PvP - West The Constant - PvE - East The Corsair - PvE - East The Courageous - PvE - East Veboo Lunx - PvE - West Ven Zallow - RP-PvP - East Wall of Light - PvE - West Whitebeam Run - PvE - East Zaalbar - PvE - West -EU- Bao-Dur - PvE Dreypa's Oubliette - PvE Exar Kun - PvE Eye of Ashlanae - PvE Gnawer's Roost - PvP Handmaidens of Atris - PvE Kai-kan - PvP Kellian Jarro - PvE Kissai Caste - PvE Ludo Kressh - PvE Mecrosa Order - PvP Order of Shasa - RP-PvP Rogue Moon - PvE Shaltin Tunnels - RP-PvE Sith'ari - PvE Trayus Academy - PvP Vodo-Siosk Baas - PvE Since I recorded this information for myself and thought there may be some value, I figured I would share with everyone else.
  8. Agreed. Thank you for the constant updates SR.
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