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Everything posted by CLASSlFlED

  1. Stop your bloody moaning and go do something constructive.
  2. I can't seem to find the patch notes, if anyone could provide a link or show some info on what they're implementing today that'd be great, thanks!
  3. If you could access & post on the forums without a subscription, there would be far more trolls than there are now, their would be abusive posts left right and centre, their would be bots telling you to purchase their new line of perfume and shoes. Do you want that?
  4. According to you, they've made a 1 digit bug, as you put a period, not a comma. Yeah, you do need to go back to school..
  5. In all honesty, the problem isn't Bioware, it's the community. An MMO is run by the community, they suggest what they want, and they get it. Everything that went live in the patch was requested by the community, maybe not in the way they expected, but it was requested by them none-the-less. OK, EA/Bioware maybe delve a bit too deep into things, but the community is the main starting point of an Update an MMO receives to further increase its playability. As such, if people like the OP are going to be a part of this "Community", i'd rather the game go down the *******, they leave, then hire a plumber to bring it back up again.
  6. Lol @ This game shutting down in 3 months. EQ2 has under a lot less than 25k subs, and that games still running strong.
  7. How is it a joke? Not only are they adding more content, but they're letting you EXPERIENCE more of the content currently in the game, as it is at the moment, you can easily skip a truck ton of quests on most the planets and still vastly outlevel the next planet you're going to be heading towards. By doing this, you experience all the quests/stories the planet you're on has to offer, without going to the next planet only to be given Grey quests that give you 500 xp instead of 5k exp.
  8. No one is saying it was rushed, they're saying it was half arsed and poorly done, which it was. & just for the record, i played skyrim without experiencing any bugs (Through the main story and after gathering 12 Daedric artifacts i experienced my first) so i could say your point their is null & void.
  9. Surprisingly, no one cares about you unsubscribing, they just care about getting everything fixed for themselves.
  10. Such a great picture, this thread was made to obviously show how bad/nice she looks, but all i can see is half a face. Good post. lul.
  11. Nothing new.. Just someone who's never played an MMO before, so he doesn't know what the standards are.
  12. So because you have 86 FPS that means the cooldowns aren't displayed like utter *****?
  13. Nice lie, bring the dropbox down on the AA feature in the settings. See the big "FEATURE NOT IMPLEMENTED"?
  14. When said person PAYS to play a game that is then royally ****ed over a month after release, yeah, people will be pissed. How about instead of browsing game forums at work, you actually do the work you're meant to do? I bet you're like those teens at secondary school that quickly minimize the webpage when their team leader or boss comes walking around the corner then pretends to get on with the work they were assigned.
  15. Just *********** fire them, seriously. Why even hire them? Did not ONE person on the Bioware/EA team take a look at warhammer online and think "Hang on one minute, should we really hire these guys?"
  16. I have no performance issues. Oh how i wish i wasn't joking..
  17. Thanks to patch 1.1, i now need glasses for putting too much strain on my eyes.
  18. Appletaz, i don't care what you like, this "feature" is gamebreaking, anyone with any knowledge on MMO's can see that. Not being able to tell if a defensive ability with a long cooldown is usable or not is pretty bloody gamebreaking. "Oh, i can use my defensive cooldown now" *Spams keybind* "It's not going off." *Hovers over and sees the tooltip* "15s Remaining". Yeaaaaaah..
  19. For tanks, it is, if we can't hit that defencive cooldown at the right time, we're ****ed. And if we try hit one that LOOKS like it's off cooldown, but it isn't, that precious second wasted could easily cost a wipe. The same goes for healers. DPS will barely notice a difference.
  20. No, he's showing that the hero system is garbage and something cheap that they managed to pull together. I can almost guarantee you that the "Millions" they spent on voice acting were actually in the "Thousands".
  21. Standing around in the fleet calling out "LF Healer Directive 7" every 1 minute for near 45 minutes sure is fun right?
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