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Everything posted by SuperJoo

  1. So a lot of us have a ton of centurion and champion commendations sitting around. Will they disappear in 1.2 or be tradeable for cash/items? or will they just vanish? Does anyone even know?
  2. coding is only as difficult as logically defining something
  3. says the guy crying about crybabies.....
  4. I LOL'd @ this. The forums are god awful simple to some of the designs I've seen in the past. The website is quite well done for a game in this early of a stage.
  5. nerf sorc/sages into the ground - way too op
  6. Post your /unsub and days left. /sub 29 days left on a 3 month subscription, where the content was beaten within 2 Remove the heat masacre or remove the healing redux. One is a nerf, but both of these will kill our class.
  7. props to you for having the best MMO ever created in your sig - even though you only played for 2 months
  8. Trying to talk to the OP. Not sure why he's so upset. Many classes have some incredible utility in PVP even if he can't rip apart a full BM and farm medals, at least he can help his team win.
  9. This is what should happen once you've completed act 3. Instead the BH quest sticks on the last message to finish the final quest and then never updates.
  10. What class are you? There are plenty of new 50s who can do things that are useful to help their team win. It's also fairly easy now to at least get centurion gear. Did you play more than 2 wz's at level 50 before coming to this conclusion?
  11. I've tried that unfortunately. Anyone else know?
  12. probably leave a good dent
  13. Hey Guys, I've been 50 for a while and my loading screen still talks about just finishing the fight with Jun Seros and heading to the final ship to kill the Supreme Chancellor Janarus. I've already done this and feel like the quest line should be finished as I no longer have any class quests. Any idea if it's bugged or is this just going to happen forever?
  14. you realize the 4 medal cap isn't permanent?
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