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Everything posted by Carebear

  1. Game is pretty buggy with LOS. Quite a few times I'm half way around a pillar and get hit by a cast that's ~75% done by the time I'm out of LOS. Happens on other players' screens so it's not just a disconnect from server and client side. Unless talented, Vanguard interrupt(just for example) is 12 seconds, providing the Merc/Commando with 8 seconds of free casting. It's not that they're really that OP, it's just it's such a low skill cap for high returns. Just buff interrupts(would promote players to play better), and increase the skill required to pump out good DPS as a merc/commando.
  2. If 1.2 doesn't fix PvP, the game is done.
  3. Sorcs are actually amazingly balanced. Only "OP" thing is pulling the ball carrier in Hutball. They have no burst, lack luster healing(you'll out DPS their healing, unless you're bad). That is balanced in that they have good DPS and good CC. I don't play a Sorc/Sage, btw. ^_^
  4. This. Or just add expertise to all mods/enhancements/armorings/barrels etc to even it out from just the armoring / barrels.
  5. Lightsabers aren't real???
  6. Really enjoying this Accuracy on my gear.
  7. Remove the ridiculous feature that makes jumping slower than running. I enjoy jumping. Thanks.
  8. Unsubbed partly because of this. The fact that no developer has even mentioned this is shows a grim future for SWTOR.
  9. Yeah, there's no use for them on my Trooper. :/
  10. Put BM quality mods/enhancements/etc on the PvP vendors for Champion commendations. Put a requirement of Rank 60. Would fix the awful itemization on BM gear(tip: accuracy sucks for PvP), and give a use for Champion commendations.
  11. Yeah, there are two Spanish guilds on our server that aren't very good. -.- It would be for the overall benefit of the server to have them banned from Warzones.
  12. No, guilds from my own faction. Let's get on this, Bioware.
  13. I'd like to ban two guilds from entering Warzones. This would be a great addition.
  14. Carebear

    Make PvP gear BOA

    Allow players to send PvP gear to our alts. I have 0 use for Champion gear since I don't ever use my companion. Would help with alts going into Warzones with 0 PvP gear and getting stomped.
  15. Game will die in a month if this is truly supported by Bioware.
  16. I love seeing people tell Marauders / Sentinels they're a bad AC. Easily one of the best if played right.
  17. There's 0 incentive to stay in a losing Warzone post Valor rank 60.
  18. Grade A job on Ilum. Appreciate that you guys haven't changed anything. Pulling people in 30x a day is a blast. Haven't had this much fun in a long time!!!!!!
  19. Marauders/Sentinels are actually amazing in PvP. You just need a dedicated healer and you wreck pretty much everything. It also takes a bit of skill to play.
  20. Once you're rank 60, there is no point to stay in a Warzone if you're going to lose.
  21. Yea, and ability delay is still not fixed. Starting to lose hope.
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