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Everything posted by Soonerjohn

  1. Hehe, on my alt I did get a run of 6 crits once. It was glorious! I personally believe commandos are too strong compared to melee, but it isn't grav round that makes them that way. It is ranged just has the advantage over melee in this game in group play. In 1v1, I think the game is decently balanced.
  2. This game did have much more rabid fanbois than any other previous game I have played. I remember making simple suggestions and the fanbois would pounce.
  3. They have shut down several threads explaining how it is done. They are aware of it, just haven't fixed it.
  4. As far as the healing goes, most have found out about the water now. Until that gets fixed, they are going to have huge survival and damage.
  5. Well, by the word of the guy who got the stuff, he had 20 bags of just the 3 commendations. So if the algorithm was gating his gear progression, he was due for a string of tokens. Four tokens out 24 bags is exactly where he should be.
  6. There is nothing innovative about SWTOR PvP. As such, it is hard to point out anything that is well done and enjoyed. I'd say the resolve system is a neat idea, but I honestly prefer a diminishing returns system better.
  7. They got into the GW2 beta.
  8. I think all of the RP servers are a closer to even ratio.
  9. If I wanted to see a sorc play, I'd join a warzone and simply watch one of the 5 million sorcs you find there. Now if you want to log over to your sniper, I may check it out.
  10. Pretty much this. It is simply poor class design. Why be a melee class with all of the restrictions they have when you could simply be ranged and have none?
  11. I don't know of any, but lets look at Rift as the reason to not advertise your balanced server. When they implemented free weekly transfers, servers that used to balanced had a huge influx of one side leading to massive imbalances. This in turn led to a mass exodus and destroyed server communities. Thus, it is not in a players best interest to announce their server is balanced.
  12. As far as balance goes, this game isn't actually that bad. There is a definite ranged advantage, but all in all it fairly decent. The low fps in large battles and ability delay are about the worst I have seen. Not much can be said about it other than it is horrible. The warzones are nothing new. The combat system is also nothing new. So as far as innovation, this game doesn't have any. All in all, it isn't the worst, but it is average at best.
  13. My guild still logs in for raids, but we are even starting to some struggling in those numbers. Outside of that, no one logs on anymore. Even today, the fleet numbers are way down for some reason. It isn't looking good.
  14. Sorc . . . . . . . . . BH/Trooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Every other class.
  15. Yes. If you don't pvp, you won't have anything to come to this forums and complain about.
  16. I just want pvp to be a test of skill as much as possible, not gear.
  17. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he means nerf Jugg smash, you 2 handed fools are safe.
  18. Meh, with the bug on wins not always counting, it is just a time management issue. Especially when I'm in a pug facing a known valor farming team in huttball.
  19. Welcome to vengeance! It may not have the burst of rage, but it is really fun to play. It has a smooth feel to it. Anyway, I use almost your exact build. I don't have points in ravager though, I used those two points in initmidation in the immortal tree. The free aoe slow is something I use all the time.
  20. He has 17k in protection, that is a Guardian. Are you sure you were in full BM gear? Because that hit is high, even with all consumables popped.
  21. You should see what a well played marauder can do.....freaking insane 1v1.
  22. Most of that is true, but bioware, like Trion and Funcom before them does not seem to listen or test the content they put out.
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