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Everything posted by KRelite

  1. KRelite

    Swg 2.0

    We already have a knockoff on its way that looks promising thus far, The Repopulation. Unfortunately though, they are using the Hero Engine who has temporarily cut all services because they are on a financial brink of having to declare bankruptcy, so The Repop devs will very likely have to change their engines soon. Shame really, game was just a few short months from going into beta.
  2. KRelite

    Swg 2.0

    Let us say that they are right and not just trying to avoid the blame themselves, but look at their past games. H1Z1 is a PoS that is only successful at all because of the Battle Royale (It also seems to steal most resources from Planetside 2). DCUO is LAUGHABLE, HA. Planestside 2 is a mixed bag of going between good and bad almost every patch. Then there is Everquest Next that has pretty much generated no interest by anyone in over a year, but then, that is a game that isn't released yet and not much news comes from it. Lastly, SOE is mostly all new talent from their original hits like SWG and EQ1 and 2.
  3. KRelite

    Swg 2.0

    Considering SOE's past games and what they did to SWG in the first place, that doesn't sound like a good thing.
  4. The combat was never ever fun, it is just WoW combat but worse. I play it only because it is Star Wars. If a new multiplayer Star Wars came out where I could make my own character, I'd drop this game in a hot second. I probably would of dropped it 2 days ago if Battlefront wasn't a big steaming smelly pile of *****.
  5. 1. Nautolan 2. Nautolan 3. Nautolan Runner up 4. Jawa
  6. Still waiting on The Repopulation...
  7. Those are bad games anyway, go 100% Donkey Kong.
  8. The only thing wrong with the security key is the fact I need to use it every login, it's annoying. Should make it so you only need it to use it to login once a week at the bare minimum/
  9. Seriously, 4 years and I still can't be my avatar. Why is Bioware such a damn tease?
  10. Might as well shut the game down indefinitely for the people who die every day but aren't every mentioned while we are at it.
  11. I can't decide which spec to go, I love to stealth and be a dick-*** thief, but I hear their dmg and gameplay is clunky and garbage and I would only consider healing when I am bored being dps for the time. I always do a bit of everything so I need opinions on how each spec works in pve and pvp, although there is more weight on the pvp side.
  12. The only species I want are the Nautolan, my favorite species isn't in the game and it makes me cringe. Twi'lek made it in but Nautolan didn't, Bioware WHY?!
  13. I just joined the game recently and have played around with most classes a bit, my favorite so far is Smuggler just because that dialogue is the greatest. I hear IA has the best story by just about everyone, I haven't played through it personally.
  14. I am needing help to select which advanced class I want, I have done extensive reading on both but neither have swayed me towards the other. I need help coming up with a decision, why do you like x advanced class? To make relations to a familiar game, my favorite classes/spec were Ele shaman, and rogue. I know the melee-tank/ranged-heal deal they have. Once I get a better machine I plan to pvp more often with my jedi knight friend and do a fair amount of pve as well. The double-bladed lightsaber is beyond tempting though and from the armor sets I've seen from armor progression on holonet, sages have bad while shadow is alright. What can you suggest? (Please no "play both", I've done test runs on both and still can't decide.) Also on a slightly unrelated note, who has the better ending, light or dark side?
  15. I really dread the cross server lfg tool, it is my most hated feature in WoW. I would be fine with it if it was just to help find a group without spamming on your server and not be TPed to the instance, but no, communities aren't what MMORPGs are for apparently.
  16. I was pretty disappointed as well, shows how much effort was really put into the capitals. Minimal.
  17. It is for the story lines convenience, could you even IMAGINE if we actually had to recover old artifacts that could read the ancient technology? Nah man, too much work.
  18. If that's amazing, then I live on the wrong planet.
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