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Everything posted by Graydon

  1. also new class skills and increased level cap. BW has delivered most of the material from the video and with the Dufly interview stating the team responsible for Makeb are on schedule for target date....I'm guessing they will make it!
  2. Oh thank God! Let's now proceed with the revamp. Does anyone really care if you support the revamp or not???? Wow.
  3. Wow! It's funny to see Urael on this side getting attacked by the community. How quickly the Bioware Defense Squad turn on one of their own. Monday - Wednesday are not considered holidays to the majority of the work force. Whether Bioware chooses to grant time off to their employees is their choice, but as Urael has stated, a 24/7 service should leave an impression that somebody is manning the ship.
  4. What a waste of development resources. The popularity of the Cartel Crystals has shown most players would not use the toggle.
  5. Most species won't need new voice overs nor new actors. Don't be so gullible.
  6. Absolutely! I Own my QQ and I have nothing to hide. So no I don't see what you did there, cause you really didn't do anything. I'm not going to ridicule somebody for manking a request like you did to the OP.
  7. Cathar purchases are going to flop because nobody wants to pay for a species that looks exactly the same except their pointed ears. Want to sell some species? Wookies, Jawas, and Ortolans. I would pay huge cash to roll an Ortolan. Cathar? This is just gonna sit on the Cartel Shop shelves.
  8. Spending US taxpayer money on a video game??? Yay :rolleyes:
  9. Such a meager list. Good thing this topic is a nonissue.
  10. These absurd threads requesting a character transfer update are getting very annoying. Bioware said back in April it was a feature that is coming soon. I swear the lack of patience of kids these days!! Bet they texting while driving too.
  11. I predict players will demand Bioware to open up hundreds of servers.
  12. Of course it's not fact. However, new threads regarding this topic are created each day with the same theme. Sure if you open FREE transfers there will be a lot of server hopping. However a fee added to transfers would curb reckless server hopping. Remember this game is going F2P because people didn't want to pay $15.00 a month. You really think the same crowd is going to be quick to shell out $25 per character transfer???
  13. Based on the daily posts, most of the transfer requests are for character consolidation. This reason and the fee to pay for transfers would have a minimal impact on populations.
  14. I disagree. It's a very popular topic that has not been sincerely responded by Bioware other than a "yeah yeah soon" answer. No animals were harmed in the reposting of this topic. So keep posting!!
  15. Then BW should call it the "Free to Play Single Player" conversion.
  16. My OP stated that I will continue to subscribe. I also stated that I will be purchasing items from the CC shop. I am going to sit here and bite my tongue when BW 6 months from now releases more quick bars as a last ditch effort to save f2p. BW's track record clearly shows they don't make very good decisions.
  17. I understand that. Nobody is complaining about restriction from content, gear, extra characters, etc for the freeloaders. It's absurd to charge for basic UI functions.
  18. Hey, look what made the top of the list. http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/11/09/the-daily-grind-whats-the-worst-thing-a-cash-shop-can-try-to-s/ Has there ever been an f2p game that charges for basic ui functions? LOTRO went to f2p model to save its butt and they have done pretty darn well without having to resort to this tactic.
  19. LOTRO offers this too. It's a great suggestion.
  20. Any change on the 2 quick bar restriction? Really hitting the bottom of the barrel charging for basic UI. I will continue to subscribe and I will be spending loads of cash on the worthless cool stuff, but I really think potential players will walk away as soon as they realize that basic functions like THE ABILITY TO PLAY THE GAME . I don't know anyone who only uses 2 hot bars. How's the gaming media treating this decision? Getting positive press ?
  21. Soon! Haha!! BW has been saying that paid transfers are coming soon since April. Soon = Indefinitely.
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