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Everything posted by Taekoma

  1. So bored right now its not funny. Was thinking maybe if i want to experience the game at its fullest and be able to do flashpoints etc is to go empire. Maybe if everyone bored republic does that right now it will wake them up.
  2. in all honesty, I dont pay $15 dollars a month for you to tell me how i should play. I have played MMOs since Ultima Online and the most fun was when developers got the tools to do LFD system. My take on it is if you dont want to use it then dont. I am willing to be for every 1 of you out there who are hard core on this there are 20 casuals that are just going quit since there is nothing to do but aggravation. They can run metrics to see how many people are running flashpoints. I bet besides Black Talon and Esseles less than 10% of the player base are running any flashpoints.
  3. I can care less about the community part, cross server ninjas etc. Normally it was rare someone was a butt and ninjaed something. I would rather put up with that than spam general or use the current LFG system no one uses.
  4. seriously.....you guys are having enough problems coding your game with stuff we want. On this specific server forums you require no special code, just set it up. You can do this tomorrow. For the amount of money you guys are losing from people who do not find any community in the game you could have hired several moderators. Not sure who is in charge of the business side of the game but hell this person needs to get head out of rear. Send me PM, I will do a conference call with you guys for free and tell you how to fix this game.
  5. they will lose more player subscriptions after the 1st month than would have cost to pay a forum moderator. I feel no community in this single player MMO.
  6. and the major fail of no specific server forums to recruit and build community.....
  7. they cant even make individual server forums.....what makes you think they can do this...lol
  8. maybe they can ask the vets who made Ultima Online to spill the secret on how to make chat bubbles.....and individual server forums.
  9. I do agree the game is dying and it is Biowares fault. 1. No UI changing 2. No LFG dungeon tool like in other MMOs 3. Way to much travel timesinks (7 loading screens to get to ilum to do dailies. 4. No official individual server forums. (TOTAL FAIL) 5. Clearly most of time spent on Empire leading to overpopulation 6. Ilum is a joke, nothing epic 7. Empire best companions 8. Empire best animations 9. Empire advantage on skills that are not equal. (project, etc) Way to Fail bioware.
  10. they do need this, everyone says it ruins community which is bullcarp. What ruins community is people leaving the game. Some people do not want to spam general for flashpoints. Hell, I was about ready to quit some other MMO before they added this, this gave me another 2 years in it and let me do things on my schedule as a casual player. Right now at 50 I have only done 1 flashpoint.....Esseles....at lvl 10. I bet if they pulled metrics they would see there are alot of people like me who are not expereince the hard work they put into these flashpoints since their idea of community is would be gamebreaking.
  11. I am going to be honest, this is still fail. You guys realize for the money you would have spent to hire a forum moderator and give us real community forums you would have saved subscriptions of people who have been looking for community all along. We are getting into that too late to matter part now. They will be gone and they will be telling their friends of the single player MMO experience of SWTOR. I am a fanboy and this is embarassing . My hope is GW2 or the next big MMO learns from this mistake.
  12. this is why I l;ike a matching Flashpoint tool for groups. I think alot of ppl would stick around if this sort of thing was in. I am bored at 50 and trying to do another charcter. I am not going to spam general or bother guildies doing other things to go run flashpoints with me. I would love to do flashpoints while out questing like we could do warzones. No server forums No UI scaling or Mods No LFG system Stupid time sinks and excessive load screens. It is Biowares fault ppl are leaving.
  13. Ok compromise .....the guys who do not want cross server Warzones can pick option for queue for their specific server warzone or que for cross server.....then open it of for random flashpoint tool with same options....everyone wins and can play how they want to.
  14. i find it funny when ppl complain about getting Huttball all the time. Like it was not written on the wall Sith side would be way overpopulated. Right now you guys chose this with the side you picked, this was not some surprise. You guys are lucky that have some non faction specific warzones so you dont have queues that are super ridiculous.
  15. guys no it doesnt ruin community .......there is no community right now.....no server forums etc. They might as well cross sever everything. Anyone that give me insta queues now i am for it. Hell, with no server forums its hard to keep track of the enemy side anyway.
  16. For Sage, when can you normally remove these from hotbars? Not sure how effective sabers are higher lvl.
  17. I cannot comprehend why in the world they would not want server forums. This is something they can do without much coding. They just have to hire moderators. They are going to lose alot of players who find no community in their servers which is why the game is considered a solo MMO right now. At least i get community with my guild but i have little knowledge of any RP stuff going on outside of guild, do not know who my enemies and friends are really. No way to effectively recruit. My only hope is the next MMO i go to will learn from this one. You can learn alot from what is done right and wrong.
  18. I agree with this 100%. I normally dont log on much but logged into forum for this post. The only reason I am playing SWTOR right now is great guild i am in and tired of wow but nothing else is out there. I am 50 and the only flashpoints i have done are Esseles at 10 and Aithis or whatever it is. I would love to queue for flashpoints like I do with Warzones. Same with Heroics, port to leader or something is needed. I hope to play this a long time like WoW and Lotro but thinking this is just gonna last time say Guild Wars 2 or Secret World.
  19. I use Risha.....she is hawt and she kicks butt. I tried to use Akaavi but just dont like her style
  20. whats the better romance option.....Risha or Akaavi....thinking storywise fun
  21. yes this forum is worthless, this is not like you have to code something like the UI in game or something hard, its put up community forums here on site to build the communities . You guys are SO BIG on building communities by not doing the LFG tool like wow etc and then you go and do something like this and provide no server forums. On my server i do not feel part of the community , just part of my guild. I have no idea who the other guilds are etc or who the enemy is. There is no way to do roleplay events for the server etc. This is total brain dead move on your part.
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