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Everything posted by SWGVet

  1. Yeah I know, thanks for letting me know though. I don't get back home until the 23rd so that's what I meant to say. I can play tonight but I leave tomorrow for a few days.
  2. Well I wish I could say, see you guys tomorrow or tonight for launch but I don't get my CE until 23rd. Work sucks but paying bills to afford to play at all is nicer. lols
  3. This will be my MMO for a long time to come. I'm not going to GW2, as GW1 was a pathetic excuse for an attempt to portray an RPG. I will be here for years to come. I'm just glad I found a new game to get addictive with like I did with WoW when it came out. I won't pay for low budget MMORPG's anymore, they're all a bust. Plus I look forward to what Bioware's going to offer in game later on for fun.
  4. Some companies like Blizzard were more lenient on selling the game which explains why you could buy the game night before it was up for sale. Bioware works differently so you'll have to wait to buy it. I'm sure they will have a midnight release and sell it at 12am on the dot.
  5. You are correct. SOE was the culprit but that's all in the past. Time to move on!.
  6. See you guys on the 23rd. Yeah, yeah...work sucks..but at least I got my CE so close to launch.
  7. Yes. Also read your private message I sent you.
  8. I called them up, I also did my preorder over the phone with them. It took like five minutes.
  9. No sir, I'm just trying to help others out. I've been on all the websites looking for a CE and they are all sold out. I called Sears up and they told me on the phone that they still have 350 CE editions in stock so I thought I would share it with others so they may have some hope "if they are still looking for CE's".
  10. Call them up and ask for a refund. I canceled my digital deluxe edition and bought the CE like thirty minutes ago from Sears.
  11. You can cancel it online through EA chat or call them. Tell them you want to order the CE edition through sears and they will cancel it.
  12. I just wanted others to know that there are more still available. I just got mine from sears and it went smooth. Sears also offers premium shipping from expedited so it will be here on the 23rd which is better than January 2nd. Good luck.
  13. Hell yeah dude I get my CE on the 23rd though. I'll have to sacrifice a few days before playing since I am busy with work and stuff. I can't wait to come back home and open the package up.
  14. I approve of the op's message as well. This game is only going to get much better than it is right now!.
  15. I see where you are coming from and respect your opinion but I like the direction Bioware is going with for SWTOR. I've been an avid MMORPG gamer for sixteen years and have played over twenty MMORPG's. Bioware made a great game and to me its a lot of fun. I actually think huttball was a cool addition added to the game when they announced it. Not everything needs to be competitive but rather fun and enjoyable although its nice to have both.
  16. Just an FYI for people still wanting to buy Star Wars The Old Republic CE!. Sears has 350 CE's available online right now. I've checked everywhere else and they are sold out completely. If you are wanting to buy the collector's edition it is available on their website. I just bought mine as well from sears and picked premium shipping for 10$. Mine will arrive on December 23rd.
  17. I have never had any lag in this game that was so bad to actually care or complain about. This launch as far as in game goes, has run smooth as butter for me. People need to stop listening to others and form their own opinions, its the only way to get a truthful opinion.
  18. Where are the majority of top SWG pvp guilds going to play on?. Have any of you guys picked a server yet?. I don't want to roll on a crap server so if anyone knows the server of choice with the highest potential let me know. I would love to play with you all. Edit: It doesn't really matter if it's EU or US based, although I am in the US but will sacrifice it to play with old schoolers or new schoolers as well.
  19. This game is awesome. I just downloaded the game and now am getting ready to make my character. A lot has changed since beta. I'm going to go through all of it again, to refresh my memory on things.
  20. I've been sitting in the back round reading about the war on Bioware and EA. Lols. The post may die but I will never die!!!.
  21. Yes very cool story Brah!, like for reals.
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