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Everything posted by GenMacG

  1. The 2 points are separate: "The 1.2 Operation "Explosive Conflict" will be the first "Tier 2" raid instance." PERIOD "Nightmare mode will be made harder, but needs a lot of testing and will not launch with 1.2 update" (this is a separate point from the first, meaning CURRENT NM operations will be made harder in the future, not the new one, it doesn't even make sense to say "hey, we're gonna make the NM mode on this not even available operation even harder) but maybe i'm also talking out of my *** here
  2. Just do all the dailies for 3 days once you're lvl 50 and you should have enough money to buy lvl5 gifts at the AH. On my server they are sold for about 3000 credits, simply buy the ones that are their favorite and you should have your companions at 10000 affection in no-time.
  3. I might be wrong but due to the fact that a large majority of Marauders/Sentinels are simply pretty terrible at playing their class while a few others are able to live up to the class' full potential and cause mayhem, Bioware must have a pretty hard time to properly interpret their data logs that are the main basis for class nerfs/buffs. I think the reason operatives got nerfed was simply that they had the possibilty to outright kill somebody without that player having the possibility to defend himself no matter the defending player's skill (I might be very wrong about this though, it's just an assumption ) and Bioware felt that this was not working as intended. The Marauder from a balance perspective is fine IMO which is an assumption that should probably be supported by Bioware's data (again, I only assume this). Marauder nerfs will only be coming in once enough skilled Marauder's are causing too many irregularities (crossing certain limits like too fast kills, etc.) in BWs data. One thing I firmly believe in though is that BW doesn't really care too much for what's being said in the forum in terms of wishes for buffs and nerfs as it would be highly unprofessional (yeah sure, you might argue that BW sux and behaves amateurish, you might even be right), 5000 posts by 500-1000 players that call for a class' nerf is often not more than a bunch of opinionated ******** that is far from being as representative as pure raw data collected by BW.
  4. you can find his spec on his twitch site
  5. Seriously, how big of an idiot would somebody have to be to subscribe to a game where he plays only the first 2 minutes of a 15min WZ so he can get his 4 medals and then go AFK for 13min. What would be the purpose of that?
  6. wow, what kind of super douche are you? The OP even started his post by saying "Just a question but shouldn't ...?" To me it seems he was used to having dots break stealth from other games but to him it seemed like this is not the case in SWTOR and asked here to get an answer on this. Or, in other words, get his facts straight. So Douchy MacDouchster, why don't you follow up on your wish concerning your eyes so we don't have to read your ******* posts any more.
  7. I would say the top quality of a Marauder is to give you the most fun playing experience of all the classes. I played most of them by borrowing friends accounts for a quick tryout and most of them were by far not as thrilling to play as the Marauder, sure I sucked *** at them but I think that observation can be made quickly. At least that's how I saw it. It took me about 1 1/2 months to really consider myself to be good at playing this class, I have never played PVP in any MMO before SWTOR. But if one by one you start incorporating abilities that might not seem to be that helpful and get your tactics right the Marauder is an insane dmg dealer. We're very helpful in Huttball and in the other 2 WZs you can go all out on killing enemies while not forgetting to actually win the game and be in the top 3 of dealt dmg most of the time. The initial phase of figuring out the class can be really painful at times. Here and there you will join a WZ and get knocked around like crazy which drives me nuts too but overall I would never switch to any other class. The only reason I have a Mercenary alt is because I need a class I can play fairly skillfully even when I'm intoxicated, which I simply can't do on my Marauder
  8. The only thing I would ask for as a Marauder is to be able to customize the UI in a way that I can clearly see which bleeds are ticking on my chosen enemy and for how much longer and not having having to stare at the small ****** symbols in the bottom above the enemy's HP bar. Well, maybe a knock-back immunity for 1-2 seconds after force charging, but I can live without that. The single most fun aspect about the Marauder is the complexity of the class and that it takes a long time to master it, after that it absolutely rules. It's just impossible to play properly when you're not sober unlike other herpaderp classes.
  9. BW came up with the system after watching Inception
  10. Zum Marodeur kann man nur soviel sagen: Wer lernt diese Klasse richtig zu beherrschen wird mächtig damage austeilen und verdammt viel Spaß haben. 400-500k in Voidstar sind dann alles andere als eine Seltenheit, auch 700k sind drin wenn alles stimmt. Natürlich muss man aber dann die unzähligen Skills richtig einsetzen. Das zu lernen dauert halt seine Zeit. Wer nur halbherzig spielt und nicht mit der Flut an abilities klarkommt sollte lieber was anderes spielen da es dann sehr frustrierend werden kann. Die allgemeine Auffassung, das Marodeure underpowered sind kommt nur daher, weil 90% der Spieler die Klasse einfach nicht richtig beherrschen. Hängt euch dahinter und dann rockt ihr BGs
  11. Well, he still did 700k dmg which is a nice accomplishment. Be happy for him or just move along. You are just a douche that is trying to compensate for an apparent lack of self-esteem by playing the big dick by bashing other ppl. Nobody gives a flying **** about your opinion.
  12. wechselst du während der Kämpfe deine Form? Juyo Mastery auf der einen Seite und Force Alacrity sowie Enraged Scream auf der anderen benötigen jeweils andere Formen, somit hast du eigentlich 3 Punkte beim Fenster rausgeschmissen. Falls du dich für Juyo (Anni) Form entscheidest würde ich die 2 Punkte aus Force Alacrity auf Stagger wechseln und den aus Enraged Scream auf Payback (bei Crit hast du dann zumindest einen 50% Chance auf eine Heilungs Medaille). Bist du in Shii-Cho Form würde ich einen Punkt von Juyo Mastery auf Cloak of Annihilation und 2 auf Subjugation verteilen. Sry, die deutschen Begriffe kenne ich nicht da ich auf einem englischen Server spiele. Trotz allem wird aber eine Hybrid Skillung nie auf die Effektivität von einer Spezialisierung kommen. Spaß machen kanns aber trotzdem denke ich
  13. because the whole forum is just a huge douche fest
  14. Being locked out of warzones for a certain amount of time is ridiculous because quite often players are going to be affected by this who haven't done anything wrong (disconnect, etc.) What I could imagine though is a penalty system that affects how much valor and commendations one receives. If a player quits continuously in a certain amount of time he is penalized by receiving less and less valor and commendations in warzones. This penalty is building slowly but can only be lost slowly as well. So f.e. if you play 10 warzones in 24 hours and have 1 or maybe 2 disconnects out of those no penalty is built up. But if you play 10 warzones in 24 hours and leave more than 2 for whatever reason you receive a +1% penalty for every additonal time you quit (apart from the first 1 or 2). To decrease that percentage you are not allowed to quit more than once/twice in let's say the next 24 hours. If you do though the penalty keeps piling up. People who have constant disconnects would still be affected by this and that could be a problem for this suggestion but I think the number of ppl actually doing PVP and losing connection in 50% of the cases is very low as that must be frustrating as hell. The numbers of "allowed" (no matter if on purpose or not) disconnects as well as the time frames explained are just a quick suggestion off the top of my head but IMO this is a better solution than lockouts.
  15. Well, it's normal human behavior to expect the same or at least very similar reward for the same work as somebody else. If only every 20th bag would contain a piece, but across the whole player base, I think there would be far less people complaining about this issue. The argument that these are epics and one shouldn't expect a full set of champion gear in 2 weeks just doesn't cut it in this case, as it's not the issue. The problem is that it's a lottery system. In my job I expect a fair treatment salary wise like everybody else in my company. That applies here too even though this is a game and should be considered mainly as having fun, it's still a lot of time invested. When this desire to improve one's gear through the same mechanics as everybody else is not met and is attributed to a grossly unfair treatment compared to others, frustration is going to build very quickly. I think it's very justified to complain about this and has nothing to do with whining. If you think so you probably perceive every negative comment as whining without actually thinking the whole issue through. Yes, there's a lot of whining going when it comes to certain issues in this game, but this is not one of them.
  16. thx mate, I could have looked up the answer myself, IF IT WAS POSSIBLE, what a paradox
  17. Am I blind and/or an idiot or is there really no search functionality in this forum?
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