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  1. And every single MMO has boards that operate exactly like these.
  2. People have said the same thing about WoW for every patch they put out but it took years for their numbers to plateau. Until the game goes free to play I'm not convinced the game's going to suffer so long as BioWare learns from their mistakes.
  3. For those few of you on the boards today who don't PVP, how are you enjoying the game? While it's true the Ilum situation is pretty bad, everything else seems to be pretty much okay.
  4. All I got from this thread was a new song to download before SOPA goes into effect. So thanks for that. Graphical requirements of games, feed vs uploaded vid, etc.
  5. Mine's good. There's that occasional black screen thing though.
  6. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-buyers-remorse.htm In short, probably not if you've already been billed.
  7. Voice actors don't make that much money, just ask Steve Blum.
  8. Seems like the pot's calling the kettle black don't you think?
  9. Here's an idea about Ilum; change it back to the way it was and just lower the rewards if you're worried about it being too easy. Don't go to the opposite extreme and make it impossible to achieve by all but requiring raids, having kills not count in said raids, and requiring 30 kills a day (counting the ones that don't give credit, about 100 to 200). PVP was how I was occupying my time while waiting for my guildies to catch up to me in level, but not anymore it seems. I don't even imagine wanting to try doing all this on a PVP server where EVERYONE is at Ilum, and I feel sorry for those of you who HAVE to put up with this.
  10. So we finally get a good, pitched battle going on with a few raids involved in and outside the republic base on Ilum and we're only getting credit for 1 out of 10 kills. Doesn't matter how much damage you contributed, or how much healing you did, or who's raid attacked first, kills are not racking up like they should. It's bad enough we have to go through all this JUST to do a daily, it's still essentially broken and not at all worth the effort.
  11. Actual PVP would have been nice... but no Republic were dumb enough to show up. After about twenty minutes of cruising and constant "X player spotted at Y" messages, I gave up. As someone in general so eloquently put it, "Goodbye PVP area, I'll come back to you when you don't take longer than all PVE dailies combined."
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