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Everything posted by Apax

  1. Yes. I am 99.9% convinced this is an effect+animation issue that is much larger a "fix" than the original poster is assuming. When you're stealthed you're in a "sneaking" animation, regardless of whether you're sprinting, running, or walking, it's the same animation just played at different speeds. There's a weapon holstered and a weapon unholstered version of this animation. They both extend to jumping because it probably made sense to the developers that players would want to remain stealthed for safety while solving some of the platforming puzzles, so development time was spent blending the jump animations into the sneak animations+effects. For obvious reasons they didn't go any further with it than that. You can't even crouch for cover while sneaking, which in my opinion is WAY more important than being able to sit or emote while hidden. I suspect it require blending the stealth animation+effect into the sitting animation, and frankly I'd rather them just spend time fixing the sitting animation so it doesn't look like total crap in the first place. And, of course, the original poster wants it extended to all the emotes, which means blending a truckload of animations together. Not a quick fix. And seeing as most of this work was outsourced to begin with, the chances of any of these changes happening is likely slim.
  2. Let's stop beating around the bush and talk about exactly what's going on here. The original poster wants to be able to move around invisibly, sneaking up on other players and waving, poking, whatever, while the confused target spins around attempting to find the source of the emote. These sorts of actions are a highly amusing form of entertainment for him resulting in much internal giggling for the emoter. A developer was being logical and thinking that players would want to be seen by other players when performing a social emote that is ultimately intended for attracting attention to ones self. He was making the assumption that many of us are older than 5, and beyond the point where we, as small children, engage in the toddler-favorite activity of poking an adult from behind and then scampering to the other side of them in a ridiculous attempt at misdirection. These two perspectives conflict. The real question is whether or not this "problem" warrants additional development time being spent to "correct" the conflict. My vote is "no".
  3. The only remotely aesthetic related changes they made were these: Anti-aliasing is now available and can be enabled in the preferences menu. Upon a new installation and first launch of the game, settings files and in-game graphics preferences are now consistent with each other. Every other graphical improvement you may be seeing is, unfortunately for us, in your mind only.
  4. Er, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree there. A friend and I use voice-chat while we're play and she had to disable "says" and "emotes" from her chat window tonight because other players role-play conversations kept flooding it. She was trying to read the conversation dialogue from her mission to me over voice (to keep me up to speed on the plot of her class mission; one of those annoying situations where only she could see the cutscene despite us being in a group), but she was having difficulty sorting out the mission dialogue in her chat window because of all the RP-spam filling it. So, clearly there's plenty of role-playing happening on Sanctum. I get that people want to push their servers as "the place to be" in threads like this, but calling another RP server a ghost town is just not accurate. From my time spent on Lord Adraas I honestly didn't seen any difference in the quality or quantity of RP from it when compared to several other RP servers (including the one I eventually planted roots in). And that dreaded "it's too early to RP" excuse was heard across all of them.
  5. The /sarcasm tag at the bottom of my comment apparently failed me. I was agreeing with your solution, to the extent of suggesting that it was annoyingly ridiculous that the social armor hadn't been implemented that way to begin with. It just baffles me that nobody thought of this when implementing it.
  6. If you're just trying to compare the results of a mod, you can compare it to any other type of orange armor. For example, light orange pants versus medium orange pants versus heavy orange pants. It doesn't matter what the level/social/whatever requirement of the orange armor is, it's all going to turn out the same relative to other items of the same armor type. In other words, a level 10 orange heavy pants will have a larger armor rating than a level 50 orange light pants, provided they're both slotted with the same armoring mod. They both apply the same modifier to an armoring mod, yes. They're both considered "light armor".
  7. What is this madness? I don't even.. /sarcasm
  8. No, armoring is modified by the type of armor it's inserted into. So, a piece of light custom armor will have a lower armor rating than a piece of heavy custom armor, even if they have the exact same armoring mod slotted into them.
  9. That's a poor excuse that I tire of hearing. Just because Medium and Heavy armor users can wear light armor doesn't mean they would or should. The simple truth is social armor can be used at combat armor (as is intended) for light armor users, but can not be used as combat armor for medium/heavy armor users without throwing out one of the main advantages of being a heavier armor using class. We used to have heavy armor social outfits in beta. I'm not sure why they got rid of them (or so many of the other cooler armors that seem to have vanished from the game). Wrong. It's called social armor because it has a social requirement (Social I, Social II, Social III, etc) to wear.
  10. Honestly, I've been fortunate enough to not run into the ability delay problems (outside of mounting); my character has always responded to my actions as expected. However, after yesterday's patch I'm noticing that there seems to be some serious conflict between my actions, the expected results, and the results on my character. In other words, now I seem to be struggling with ability delay thanks to the patch. I know it's currently work in progress, so I'm willing to wait and see the final result, but I'm not thrilled with how the latest patch has impacted my game responsiveness.
  11. I can still EASILY make this happen. I summon my mount, the cast bar completes, the mount appears, I push forward, and I get dismounted. Nothing changed here, very easy to replicate. It's not a game breaker for me or anything; I always just wait a second before moving because I know this problem exists, but I'm just trying to keep it honest.
  12. I think you must be a little slow on the reaction time, because I can still EASILY make this happen. I summon my mount, the cast bar completes, the mount appears, I push forward, and I get dismounted. Nothing changed here. It's not a game breaker for me or anything; I always just wait a second before moving because I know this problem exists, but I'm just trying to keep it honest.
  13. So, you're complaining that a feature which allows you to actually save time is not instantaneous enough. Got it. If they just remove the remote medical probe, what will you complaint be then? I'm sorry, but die less. The stacking penalty is trying to tell you something. Something along the lines of "you're doing this wrong", or "you're not ready for this encounter yet, come back later".
  14. I couldn't agree more. The Jedi Knight gear in particular is completely awful. Look at this mid-level outfit.. seriously, what is this? How did it ever make it into the game? I don't understand how an asset like that even gets approved if you have any pride at all in your game.
  15. Read the patch notes from last week. They fixed that LAST patch.
  16. You have to die quite a few times to reach that 10 minute timer. Jeeze, just respawn at the "graveyard' and run back like every other game. It'll take you less than 10 minutes.
  17. Er, some people use the cursor to select a response and check for light/dark side options. Just whip it over to the side of your screen if it bugs you.
  18. Wow. Really? It was such a short post and you didn't even read it before replying. It probably took you more time just to fish for that quote you posted. Huge part of the problem with forums, these days.
  19. What time frame do you feel is reasonable for "shortly thereafter"? Just curious.
  20. I'm fine with giving Bioware credit where it's due, but at the same time I'm going to be honest and say I'm tired of seeing the story being pushed as their proud selling point. Yes, they have absolutely raised the bar on delivering an MMO story. It can be definitely be done better, but even as is it's still a whole lot more impressive than we've seen from other MMOs thus far. And I get that Bioware is proud of that and wants to keep talking about it. But I wish they were proud of other things too. For example, I wish we were reading (and agreeing) with articles that talked about how crazy the players were about, and how proud Bioware was of their character creation portion of the game, from the huge range of customizable options to the wide and impressive array of alien races to pick from. Or articles that talked about beautiful and high quality the animations in their game turned out. Then I wouldn't face palm every time I hit "X" to do such a basic motion like sitting my character down and having him stand back up. Or articles that discussed how alive and open the worlds felt. How well and believable the NPCs and enemy mobs that populate them fit in. The interactivity level of the environments. How it was possible to do little things like sit in a chair. And from there we can get on to the multitude of standard MMO features players expected to see in this game. It'd be nice if they were proud of those features too, but how can they be when they're not even present. People were expecting to see the bar raised not just in one or two areas, but across the board. You should strive to make a better game, not one that is (overall) weaker in scope than the existing competition. We keep talking about giving SWToR 7 years to build features. That's a flawed idea. Because the competition is not going to be sitting on its hands for the next 7 years letting SWToR play catch up. What will the competition look like in 7 more years? I guess we need to give SWToR 14 years to catch up? No.. wait. It doesn't work that way. In this industry you can't play catch up once you hit the ground running. You need to land ahead of the pack to begin with.
  21. Your definition of "industry standards", for some odd reason, seems to be based on what was standard 7 years ago, instead of today. Nobody (except you) cares about what WoW had for features 7 years ago. It's about what WoW offers for features today and matching them, today, especially if you intend to charge the same price as the competition. People did want innovation, but the reality is there is very little of that here. So, instead, they logically feel that if you're going to copy another product, you better copy the good parts and not just the bad. If Blizzard is good at one thing, it's taking existing ideas and improving upon them. At a bare minimum that's what people expected to see in this game: improvement on current systems across the board. Instead, may of the systems are mere shadows of what is offered in other MMOs. I can't blame players for being frustrated by that after waiting this long.
  22. My fear is that they will update the legacy system but not make these sorts of obvious things possible for existing characters, at which point they will act surprised at the angry feedback that will flood the forum and then announce that they are working on ideas to fix it in the coming months. Just nip that in the bud now and realize you can not launch this system without taking these sorts of concerns under consideration and doing something about them. If you're going to put all this work into the legacy system, release it when it's right and done and satisfying everyone's concerns.
  23. This will be one of those features that go wasted because their good intentions will blow up in Bioware's face if they don't handle things correctly. In this case, this Legacy system and its rewards should have been fleshed out and implemented when the game launched. But it wasn't, and that's Bioware's fault. If they introduce this system and suddenly it's possible for unusual race-class-faction combinations to be created, many players who have already spent time leveling multiple characters are going to be extremely upset if they're not given the option to make one-time changes to their existing character's race/class/faction. Not allowing them too is just going to make people angry about supporting this game since launch, at a point where important features were clearly not finished.
  24. It's not a matter of agreeing with perception or opinions. You take a few of the MMOs he refers to (in this case, WoW and Rift). You compare the features they have now which are considered standard in the industry. You check SWToR to see if they have them. It's that simple and that unbiased, but that latter part seems difficult for you to get a handle on. You seem more interested in just flaming other posters.
  25. This comment made me scratch my head a bit in confusion: This game uses the Hero Engine, which they purchased from a third party, right? Maybe he's talking about the extent at which they had to modify the engine. If that's the case, though, I think we have different definitions of the term "from scratch".
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