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Everything posted by Nippon

  1. Yeah its actually a breath of fresh air, hope its solid and not just a flying visit.... TBH I think most the hate on these forums comes from little to no Dev / Community team interaction and having a few around to just pop into threads will be nice... Seeing the activity tends to set people's minds at rest, for the most part, and at least show someone is actually their listening, especially if a thread hits 10-20+ pages and a DEV pops in to make a few comments. Obviously stupid threads come up, i have made a few myself attacking Bioware, but that purely comes out of frustration, and the lack of communication.. Lets hope it improves more, and lasts..
  2. Sorry but this excuse just gets way to old, this content has been in the works since prior to launch, how easily everyone forgets the posts of them having 1.3 1.4 1.5 all ready to go..... I, like the OP have sat by and defended Bioware not EA, with the odd comment regarding content and bugs, but enough is enough, its 19 weeks since the last update and content is being held back because of F2P being announced..... The cracks are not just showing in a few people, my guild that was full of die hard Bioware defenders is dwindling, had one guy who has been instrumental in our OPS runs un-sub yesterday and will play no longer after the 17th..... Im sure he the OP or myself are no the only ones. The community needs info now, in fact, last week, and as each day ticks by more and more people are becoming frustrated with this game. Let alone the odsurd bugs that entered the game yesterday preventing Top End Game Content and complete inability to obtain BH comms... I wonder where our compensation will come from that, I got 25 in the mail per character and have so far lost 26 per at least 2 toons, as each day goes by it gets bigger........We will have a fix SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE does not wash for any game...!!!
  3. Football refers to a number of sports that involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal. The most popular of these sports worldwide is Association Football, more commonly known as just "football" or "soccer". Unqualified, the word football applies to whichever form of football is the most popular in the regional context in which the word appears, including association football, as well as American football, Australian rules football, Canadian football, Gaelic football, rugby league, rugby union[1] and other related games. These variations of Football are known as Football codes. A game known as "football" was played in Scotland as early as the 15th century: it was prohibited by the Football Act 1424 and although the law fell into disuse it was not repealed until 1906. There is evidence for schoolboys playing a "football" ball game in Aberdeen in 1633 (some references cite 1636) which is notable as an early allusion to what some have considered to be passing the ball. The word "pass" in the most recent translation is derived from "huc percute" (strike it here) and later "repercute pilam" (strike the ball again) in the original Latin. It is not certain that the ball was being struck between members of the same team. In 1869, the first game played in the United States under rules based on the FA code occurred, between Princeton and Rutgers. This is also often considered to be the first U.S. game of college football, in the sense of a game between colleges (although the eventual form of American football would come from rugby, not association football). Effectively making Football as known throughout the world, what you call soccer And American football as known throughout the world as Padded Rugby... Just saying. Keep them coming guys...
  4. You do realize that all you get is the STORY right ?? God help anyone that has to try and level based off the STORY alone.....Have you seen F2P models, you do not get planetary quest lines and other goodies in a F2P and its already been made clear you wont here...!! F2P will do nothing in the long term to increase the amount of people playing the game, Ultimately, it will damage it, and for the record, I believe nobody else can point me to any MMO that went F2P that is now enjoying a substantial subscription increase over the long term. I will simplify and equate to Movies as a comparison... F2P = Straight to DVD. Sub = Released at the Cinema. F2P is nothing more than the better end of failure, huge losses, and a last gasp attempt to recoup lost profits and potential profits. If you think otherwise, you have been in front of a computer to long, and spent no real time in the REAL world...!!! EA / Bioware are not your friends, they are run by Suits where the only desire is to make money.......If you actually and honestly, wholeheartedly believe they are here to make your time the best it can be with little to no cost..... Then please send me a ticket to your world, because the Real one does not work like that, and the guy deciding how to get your money is not the Dev on the video saying how great the game is, and how much they love the fans.....
  5. 4 pages so far and the general consensus is on Championship, League 1 with a bit of League 4....... Keep them coming.... And please do as others and choose more than One League if that is your gaming desire, lets try and get a good solid knowledge of what people expect in the game, and what they like to play.
  6. LOL Yep, 6 years of Dailies...... The only possible way to keep players entertained while we develop no content !!!
  7. Or..... The method where you fix something that was not broken, and completely break it, so its unplayable...!!
  8. Because it can all be eliminated by having the object re-spawn instantly, instead of after 3 mob re-spawns....Ie: Bioware issue.
  9. This is an example of what not to do..... Posted in a thread [1.3.5 Patch] BUG - Colonel Vorgath | 08.07.2012, 10:06 PM Hello everyone. We have been able to confirm your reports that players are currently unable to complete Explosive Conflict due to this issue. We're working to deploy a fix for the problem in the near future. Thanks for your understanding! Here is an example of what to do.... Create a thread as a sticky.... Hello everyone, we have received the reports of a bug with HM flash-points and General Vorgath in Denova. We are working through the night to fix this game breaking bug and understand players are not able to complete End Game content, we apologize sincerely for this and will have an Emergency patch asap. Rest assured we are doing everything possible to rectify this issue and will keep players updated regularly with our progress.
  10. Would like to see companions usable on world bosses.... Not level 50.....But any leveling planet world bosses.... Before anybody says anything, I am not asking that they be completed by 2 players with 2 companions, unless of course they far exceed the level....BUT Is it really a side of the game that requires companions to go into a feared state, and be unusable to fight them.....Seriously !! TBH I cannot see a single valid argument against it... Prove me wrong or Agree
  11. /snip Agree with what you are saying, they made an MMO for solo play upto level 50 then forced everyone into group content with no real continuation of the solo play...... Problem is there is a massive void between Solo and Group and nothing to do in the middle, Dailies are old, been done 100 times before, Instancing PVP was a terrible idea, And most people are sick of Having to group to obtain End Game gear... And not just in this MMO, Yes I hear the End Game Raiders, and no, noone wants to be given everything, but the choice should be there.... I play with friends, always have, always will, but sometimes RL gets in the way of that and in SWTOR if you have not got a Group you are not getting End Game gear. On release Companions could fill slots in OPS, but that was stopped. They started the companion system which could / should have led to some form of content, instead they are nothing more than button clicks to the next mission... So much potential, so much disappointment.
  12. Yeah i suppose I am a bit the same actually, most my time focuses around Championship, but I am partial to a bit of League 4 now and again.....Only issue i have with SWTOR is there really is no Worthwhile Solo stuff.....Yes there are challenges if you create them yourself, but thats not the point. In SWG i used to solo, Sher-Karr, DA and DF1....Only SWG players will know what I mean with that..
  13. Collectors Edition / Piece / Item... As defined by the many legitimate Dictionaries and Encyclopedias A thing regarded as being exquisite or rare and thus worthy of the interest of one who collects such things.... Milking Milking, or double-dipping, refers to the practice of releasing multiple editions of the same product (usually a CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc), simultaneously or at different times, with the purpose of enticing consumers to buy more than one edition. This can be done with, for example, a special edition, a director's cut, an ultimate edition, and a collector's edition, sometimes with different features or supplementary material. The consumer may be persuaded to purchase multiple editions, with the belief that the additional features or content will be worth paying for a product that is largely equivalent to one already owned. IE: Not something that can be bought 9 months down the road for 10% of the price..... I, as well as the OP, feel ripped off....!!!
  14. So your like.... UEFA Champions League..!! Gotta like Football to get that i suppose...
  15. Premiership = Die hard Raider, Have to Min Max Everything 2 weeks after new gear is released, Finish new OPS Flash-points on farm asap, Top rated in PVP. All the Best stuff. Serious gaming, Organised Raid teams. Championship = Casual but borderline Die Hard, Want good Gear and to compete in End Game but will wait longer to get it, still a frequent player, Like good gear. Min Max eventually. Serious but want fun as well, Love group content. League 1 = Happy with Getting End Game done, Like End Game gear but will settle for second rate, Not to fussed about having the best stuff. But like Endgame, will take a back seat. Casual, fun, serious if I have to be. League 2 = Not bothered by End Game, will do Top level content as long as its easy going. Not fussed about OPS or Gear. Will just solo everything if i can, if i need a group, not bothered. League 3 = Happy to just chat in Guild chat, General Chat, Like RPing and taking it totally easy, happy to just mull through the game. No interest in End Game at all. League 4 = Complete Soloist, No interest in groups, no interest in Raid or Group content, Like the Game but want to get everything on my own. Dont feel i should have to group with anybody. Just wanna get some feelers for the type of gamer's that are left in the community, I am imagining most Premiership players are long gone by now... Id rate myself as.... Championship.
  16. Sounds like it is, if your soloing end game content....alone !!! What is UO anyway, must have missed that massive MMO that was obviously so good ???
  17. Seriously....dude... They do all this on Twitter and Facebook... Did you not get the Memo...Its where all Game developers post their info, These boards are simply for people to vent and be ignored ... /sarcasm off
  18. Errr no.... The reason is F2P will fill these boards with, Why cant i access this, why cant i access that, why don't i get this, why cant i get that BS...... Plus Gold selling advertisers.... You want to be heard, pay the money....End of.
  19. Useful development time at its best ??
  20. Yep cant actually think of anything to do with the game atm that is more important than this..... Ow wait..
  21. Errrrr no they cant.... Its right under their noses and blatantly obvious......Of course they cant see it !!
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