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Everything posted by Transcendent

  1. Really Narks Gamers. Because that's all it really does, it certainly isn't fun or "exciting" or a "pleasant surprise" a majority of the time.
  2. Not going to invalidate your opinion. Companions do their job at Level 1, they just do it much better at Level 50. If you are crafting, they supposedly do it even better if you have the right amplifiers on gear (the basic blue set you can buy is the best and cheapest option for that one...). Levelling companions can be done with in-game credits, I've slowly levelled up a few at a time by crafting items, selling, reinvesting the credits gained to level them up over time. If you are impatient then buy the token from the conquest vendor, however it works out cheaper to buy the 10k gifts if you intend to level up more than one companion per character (for crafting purposes). Buying something with Cartel Coins and selling it on the GTN for those credits is a shortcut, it's not something I recommend to anyone, a little bit of patience while playing other aspects of the game will earn you those credits for nothing aside from playing the game. You're already paying if you're a subscriber, why pay twice? Just learn to ignore the numerous credit sinks in the game and spend your credits on the things that will make your game-play more enjoyable to you personally.
  3. I guess they merged the server hardware to make a super server? Either that or I just jinxed it
  4. So they swapped out the Tulak Hord hardware because it was dying, but didn't think to check the hardware of the other servers then.
  5. Was playing, infinite loading screen when coming out of a flashpoint. Can't log back into server after quitting game and reloading (can login to others though....)
  6. Yes, as a side bonus you'll also complete conquest fairly quickly on a character, so once complete swap gear over to another 75 and rinse repeat for the conquest only materials required for your augments. Anyway, it can be quite amusing watching how some players can't even do a basic rotation. Helps pass the time
  7. Oh that's not true. I mean the community were seeing which operations we could 2 man prior to level sync... some were more than challenging like that
  8. There are slightly similar ones, like Two-Fingers Revenge (craftable if you have the schematic), however they're more like Theron Shan's gun.
  9. I thought I noticed this while running CZ-198 on a 75. Wasn't really paying attention, so it may or may not be the case.
  10. Actually this is something I noticed while doing the Black Hole dailies. I can recall running these in the Black Hole set gear on my merc, running with 21k HP, with the new "tweaked level sync" I run with about 15-16k HP (306 gear). I have no idea what BioWare have done with Level Sync compared to pre. 6.0, but it's quite simply not appreciated. The whole point of level sync was to make old content relevant and to play the game the way the developers intended for that content to be played. How is making content harder than intended the way it was meant to be played?
  11. I wish they'd copied Xuur and had him appear, but on a different planet each time, with some really cool weapons or something like that. That would have been a good addition.
  12. I earned the full set (5 times!) I also have no issue with BioWare putting it up for sale at the same cost as the HK-55 Bonus Chapter on the CM to make money, also enabling me to unlock the original set in collections at the same time. Win / Win. Who really loses by doing these two things?
  13. Until someone from BioWare clarifies how these are working, I'm assuming they are not working properly and are bugged. Which means don't bother with anything except the +success amps for crew skill missions. I've a strong feeling they adjusted the base values lower to accommodate for the % chance on the new amps, much like it seems they have with the +success amps. Zero data to support, definitely can't be bothered to waste my credits and time until BioWare clarify how crafting amps are working.
  14. Well, I've also got Anthem still installed on my PC, and Battlefront 2. So I guess I support those developers as well. I'd actually like to see BioWare make something of Anthem, it has got some fundamental basics of gameplay that are enjoyable, it's the rest of the guff "developers" like Ben Irving decided needed to be implemented where it went completely wrong. He did it to this game as well, and they haven't learned those lessons here yet either. If all of BioWare learned that too much RNG is bad, I think they could improve things massively. Until then, they'll muddle through, be as it may. No-one is forcing you to support this game if you don't think your money is being well spent.
  15. Eric, it isn't just a delay on lighting up abilities, there is a perceptible delay in abilities activating. Definitely makes playing even "normal" content challenging. Also the buff bar will still show me as having 2 charges of TA on my operative, when in reality I have none available. It's become pretty hard to play the game in it's current state.
  16. Oh, it's one of these threads. If you're referring to this article (the author is generally quite accurate); https://www.kotaku.co.uk/2019/11/15/sources-bioware-plans-a-complete-overhaul-for-anthem Then you'll have pulled out this relevant part; . OP is making the assumption that developers from only BioWare's Austin studios are working on rebuilding Anthem, that isn't what is being reported. Does it mean less developers for this game? Does anyone know the structure of the studio and which developers work on which titles? Probably not. Anyway, if Anthem is going to be saved, BioWare need to learn to listen to the players. With all the changes they made since Anthem launched, they still haven't done that, look where it's lead to date. Failure.
  17. Common sense would suggest that players would consider that a bug. If it's working as intended then BioWare may want to rethink that loot table design and refine it a bit more. Just because something is usable on a class, doesn't mean you would use it, all it does is dilute the loot table and create player frustration.
  18. In no particular order; Bugs Loot drops Loot drops Loot drops Loot drops Loot drops Lack of endgame content. Bad UI design. Awful AI design. Basically, if they still can't get the loot part right for a "looter shooter" they should just give up now, they've worked on it and somehow I think they've actually made it worse just to extend the grind. Very limited endgame (nowhere near enough content produced there), alongside some truly awful AI. Honestly I wish them good luck if they think they can revive it. They'll need it, especially if they think they can charge players for it all over again.
  19. It seems that items dropping "not for spec" are frequent from Conquest Crates specifically in my instance, or there seems to be confusion about what the system is meant to drop. I very rarely get anything with a usable set bonus drop for my class and spec, mainly the general set bonuses (aside from unique scenarios, pretty useless for any class). I've also seen Offhand Generators drop from Renown Crates on an Arsenal Mercenary (useless drop), as well as Barrels drop on my force users from Renown crates (again, useless drop). So I'm guessing that's working as intended? Not dropping class specific set bonus gear?
  20. Well, that's pretty much every expansion. You get to re-gear.
  21. Well your expectations should be so low by now, by virtue of having persisted with the lack of communication on each and every topic made to complain about something, that you are indeed being managed. May not be the way we would prefer to be managed, but managed none the less. To be fair here, does Eric need to respond to every single thread? By the time he's communicated with whomever is in charge of a particular part of the game and come back, he would probably have another 20 threads to respond to. Does he have the time for that in a day / week / year? I'm not so sure. If it isn't game breaking (it isn't), it should take lower priority. Which means no instant reply.
  22. I see I'm not the only one. Also causes really poor graphics performance while it's open now.
  23. 100% Agree. It's a bit of a mess, considering we've always had the ability to have a cooldown text that actually shows us how long we have to wait, not some arbitrary clock animation for abilities that have more than one charge, that may or may not even highlight when it's available. I was quite happy with the cooldown text, the new animation doesn't provide enough information, nor does it even work most of the time.
  24. If you were the developer tasked with sorting out the 6.0 crafting, would you want to post on these forums? Also the post a little bit above sums it up. Slight improvement. 6.0.2 Slight improvement. 6.0.x Slight improvement. 6.0.x I have no idea why BioWare put themselves through this each and every time. All it does is breed resentment at the changes they make, when they could just listen to the feedback originally gleaned from the PTS and actually act on that feedback. Now they have to claw it back to where it becomes "acceptable change" and lose goodwill in the process. This is why I don't do the PTS.
  25. This pretty much sums it up. All the changes have done is introduced bugs and made the game more of a grind. Grind does not equate to "fun". I still preferred the game prior to level sync, if you wanted an OP companion you had to gear that companion accordingly. Equally said, levelling actually meant something more than just gaining a few more stats and new gear to play the latest content, you could revisit older parts of the game and actually play around a bit without too much concern and work on achievements or just explore without low level mobs becoming a constant pain in the backside.
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