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Everything posted by Transcendent

  1. Advanced Kyrprax Medpac (Artifact) tooltip states 5%, same as prior to the patch. Took 5 attempts to RE before I gained the gold. Prior to the patch I'd RE'd ~30+ stacks and got nothing. Could just be RNG or could be the tooltip having not been updated. Premium Kyrprax Versatile Stim (Green) tooltip states 20%. Took 2 attempts to RE for the blue. Prototype Kyrprax Versatile Stim (Blue) tooltip states 20%. Took 11 attempts to RE for the purple. Artifact Kyrprax Versatile Stim (Purple) tooltip states 5%, same as prior to the patch. RE 27 stacks and nothing learned. If BioWare think they've increased the RE chances to anywhere near acceptable levels, they need to readjust that line of thought. It should not take this many materials to reverse engineer and learn schematics that are not top tier and being honest the reduction in mat requirements are nominal at best, an insult to players at worst. Equally said, top tier which are only usable by Biochem shouldn't take the type of quantity required based on a 5% RE chance that looks like it may well be the exact same as it was prior to the patch. That patch note is misleading. BioWare 5% isn't an increase on 5%, it's the same probability. Plenty of feedback on the RE chances was provided to you in the feedback thread and yet you stubbornly left the RE chance the same. Are you actually listening to the feedback players are giving you? Also this is misleading; They still drop one single Legendary Ember. For a wealthy yield mission that takes ~30 minutes to complete on a level 50 companion, that really isn't that great. I found the lack of detail on the patch notes in relation to crafting changes to be abysmal. The lack of detail is truly worrying, it's either BioWare trying to mislead players or even more concerning that they don't actually know what they are changing and are unable to provide us with detailed feedback. As shown above by other players, there also seems to be inconsistency between similar items on the RE chances. BioWare, what's going on? Care to explain?
  2. Seems a bit perverse to me, ran some PvP for a change in pace today and got purple 298 gear (I'm already geared in set bonus 306 on that particular character). Really BioWare needs to stop this RNG nonsense, if a character is already in 306, drop 306 gear regardless of the content. Anything else is just disassemble or vendor fodder. Considering the sheer volume of different armourings / mods / enhancements available, there is already more than enough RNG to be contending with right there once you hit 306. You don't need to add yet more rubbish on top of that. Unless of course BioWare is wanting to become known for some meme like "would you like some RNG with that RNG?". They did this in Anthem and they essentially killed the point of a looter shooter. There is such a thing as too much RNG, they need to learn to tighten up the loot tables at various points (it's very much like the stupidity of getting healer gear on a DPS, or tank gear on a DPS only class).
  3. I've got a majority of my set bonus gear from those vendors, using tech fragments. Certainly not gearing from renown / conquest crates or anything dropping aside from the left side and weapons. As for the variance of 0 to -4 on gear, it's pretty awful considering my RNG luck.
  4. Absolutely agree with your post. On this part, I also agree, it wouldn't be fair. Some of my grade 11 crafting I have done is purely for stims / medpacs and it was painful on a few, and on some other parts relatively easy (within the confines of grade 11 crafting as it was given to us). Some parts of it however I just completely gave up on due to cost / materials. I'll wait until BioWare fix it. The patch will be a step in the right direction, I still think material cost and time to craft will be an issue for many players. I've not gone anywhere near grade 11 augments and have zero intention of doing so, it's faster and cheaper for me to craft 228s and the associated aug kits. Until the RE chance is addressed properly I'm likely to stick with the lesser augments for the entire 6.x cycle.
  5. Indeed, considering they were selling sub 1k on my server I may take that bet. Especially if it's rebalanced 7:2:1.
  6. They "sort of" are, however the nerf to the companion heals in 6.0 has made them harder than they were prior. When 4.0 launched companions gained a massive boost in healing ability and I think it's the now nerfed companions that have caused a lot of issues with the content like this. It probably didn't factor into BioWare's "balancing" when they made those companion changes, it could be resolved in things like the eternal championship by making the kolto stations reusable within a certain time frame to compensate for the lack of healing now in 6.0. Definitely needs some fine tuning, I personally think BioWare went too far the wrong direction with the companion nerfs and should have found a better balance than what they've done.
  7. So I guess now is about the right time to buy up all the cheap artifact grade 11 materials on the GTN.
  8. Odd, I've run 8 alts through Conquest so far this week, generally do one character on Relics weekly + couple of flashpoints per day. Not very time consuming and definitely able to solo Relics on most characters (Heroic can be hit and miss depending on class).
  9. This. As cute as some of the memes have been.
  10. Used them for dyes and some of the armours. Have one cert left, just wish BioWare would convert remaining certs to credits and have those vendors sell items for credits as long as you have the required reputation. Instant credit sink, for items of value. The Contraband Slot Machine can be used as the credit sink to gain the reputation still. Win win for BioWare and the players, because I sure as hell am not wasting credits trying to get them direct from the slot machine, the odds are so low as to be not worth my time.
  11. Don't think I've ever seen this. Not even sure what you're talking about tbh.
  12. Doesn't apply when it's the actual amplifier on the gear itself, which cost 3000 tech fragments + 1 million to purchase. Does it now?
  13. Actually I did this with Relics, but the "legit" crafters were quite simply gouging players. End of, no excuses. I entered the market and sold higher quantities over time, without oversupplying (knowing the actual cost) purely to help those players who didn't have many credits. Slowly over time I increased the range of Relics being sold, got into some GTN PvP along the way and recently cleared my inventory due to the added stats (still making profit). I take zero issue with someone undercutting me, not an issue. I can return the favour at any point I choose to, as well as still turn a profit and provide a service to those players who either don't want to craft or don't know how to. The point for me of crafting is to not gouge players, but to provide a service and make a reasonable profit over time to gain credits to increase my companions levels. I've now got 108 companions at level 50, on crafters or gatherers. Which isn't bad, considering a couple of months ago I had about 3. At around 4.25m per companion, I'll let you do the math (I've also spent close to 500m easily).
  14. I came across a "player" who had clearly automated gathering the two Bio nodes on Mek-sha the other day, in the Red Zone. I decided to video it, upload it and send the link to Eric. Whether it gets acted upon is entirely down to him. However with this said, the solution really does look simple from a players perspective, don't have nodes respawn in the same location every single time. If nodes had 2-3 "alternate" spawn points on a map in close vicinity to each other you could remove the bot issue without impacting those who work out a route to gather materials for crafting. You could also include a variable timer for respawn on those nodes to lessen the impact of one single person just hoovering up all of those nodes. Otherwise it's pointless BioWare stating they want players to get materials by gathering, they need to do the legwork to make that a viable option. Especially on planets like Tatooine where nodes are pretty sparse. I can only think of a few planets that have good quantities of nodes depending on what you are gathering. As for Grade 7 materials? That's another truly lacklustre availability of gathering nodes on decent respawns. BioWare really need to fix their mess before saying they want players to get materials by gathering, it just shows a complete lack of understanding and contempt of their player base to even make that assertion considering the current implementation.
  15. Actually, you raise a good point. *goes and tries* Hmmm. At level 75 I'm being capped on max stats (planetary level lock) however my character is still level 75 and able to hit the level 75 bosses. Healing companion nerfs on a level 50 companion make a difference, you've always had to micro-manage your companion in these fights but the lack of big heals definitely doesn't help if you mis-target and get a reflect.. Got to Nocturno / Drake before I left (hate Eternal Championship and just couldn't be bothered to look up the fight again) Seems to be two things going on here at level 75 specifically, stats are being capped as well as bosses are now level 75. Making the fights harder than they need to be, considering how they were tuned in the first place. I would imagine a level 70 going into these even with bolster available would struggle to complete. As pointed out above though, to obtain Bowdaar you don't need to complete these. Just chip away at them, how and when you choose to do these is entirely up to the individual.
  16. I'm one of them, I always buy for 1 credit more (or 2 credits more sometimes). Equally when I list things like dyes, I lower the price by 250-1000 credits per time depending on how high the pricing is, I don't list all like that though, some I'll list for a higher price and for a longer length of time. As a seller I'll play it both ways, but always fair on the other crafters. Sometimes if the price drops too low, I simply don't list and I take no issue with doing so. If someone wants to burn materials dropping the price below the market average pricing that's entirely on them, it does nothing to benefit them by doing so, especially when you know the cost of an item to craft (even if using Jawa Scrap).
  17. After having spent around 15-20 million credits to reroll one single amplifier (don't ask), to get 0.80% alpha strike (best one available).... I can honestly say amps are completely and utterly broken in the current system. I refuse to touch them again until BioWare start listening to players requests for improving the amplifier system, instead of using it as a credit sink. Make more than two amplifiers available to choose from. Limit the credit cost for re-rolls to 50k credits maximum. Make amplifiers removable. Make amplifiers craftable. Allow players to use Tech Fragments to upgrade an amplifier at a reasonable cost (without the 1500-3000 + 1 million credits thing they have going on for new gear). Somewhere around 500 Tech Fragments per incremental upgrade. Reduce the variation of each particular amplifier, we don't need 5+ steps per amplifier, this needs reducing to limit the RNG on the rerolls. Do the above, then they'll have a decent system in place without making it a stupid credit sink, more a reasonable one with other options for the players who are not billionaires in the game. Currently I view the system as bugged and broken as well a very poorly implemented.
  18. I think you missed these parts. Generally, as with other parts of the game as well Collec, if you try to run content under-levelled and without bolster (which uplifts your character to the required level), you simply miss most of the attacks as well as receive far more damage. If EC is lowering characters to level 70 (level synced down, different to bolster) and the enemies are level 75, I'd be surprised if many players could complete the content. If you have a video showing that you can do this as you are saying, please feel free to post it. It'll be interesting to see how close your time is to 15 minutes as well, which should be achievable
  19. I auto ignore / report spam anyone who whispers my non-guild characters trying to recruit. It was fairly common prior to 6.0 landing to get messages like that, or a guild invite on non-guild characters (which also got an ignore / report spam). It's possibly the most annoying thing that someone can do to another player who may be in the middle of a story-line or fight somewhere. Breaks the immersion. The only way to resolve it is to have a dedicated guild recruitment channel or have similar systems to other games where players can browse guilds and request to join. That way no-one gets annoyed by recruitment messages in chat, nor do those recruiting get squelched.
  20. You have my consolations. It's always harder for those left behind, however I'm sure you have some happy memories to remember her by.
  21. Congratulations? (I was selling more than that volume pre-6.0) It's how I funded levelling companions. I'd just like to point out there are more profitable ways to use the Jawa Scrap you get, that doesn't involve crafting anything....
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