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Everything posted by BawssMcgee

  1. Yes, it is only useable with Wrath which procs ALL THE TIME.
  2. You need chain lightning. It's an amazing burst/damage ability.
  3. Been trying out this spec for 24 hours now in a lot of warzones and questing. It's good. But not amazing. I find myself running out of force CONSTANTLY.
  4. "If Lightning Storm procs, instantly Chain Lightning before starting rotation over." This build does not have lightning storm......
  5. Sorry, but what is your reasoning behind NO HAUNTED DREAMS? The ability to instantly CC two opponents is extremely viable in objective based... If you can back it up. I will agree.
  6. Yeah same with me. People think they are experts on what a MMO should have based on WoW. WoW was successful but they also have done A LOT wrong. Especially towards the end. There's a reason people miss BC/vanilla.
  7. General forum isn't the correct place to do that though.
  8. I'd like to see recount and dual spec EVENTUALLY. But I am not rush to see it.
  9. Whenever I do actually read the general forums (which I rarely do it frustrates me to no end and makes me lose all hope in the human race) I realize that atleast half of the "problems" with swtor people have I actually enjoy... For example. The crafting people hate it because you don't craft it yourself? Uh. I love the crew skills. It is unique and enjoyable, if it was where you did it yourself people would of course say "copying WoW". People hate huttball? I love it. It's my favorite especially with a friend or two it really makes a difference. Leveling speed? There is people that complain that it's too fast or too slow. I just hit 50 with 6 days /played... That's a good amount. I of course did warzones a lot and crew skills but it was a great speed. I wasn't even in a hurry. I guess people are used to WoW and zerging to 85 in 1 day /played with RaF... People also seem to complain that you HAVE to pick either full out dark or full out light. No, you don't. Yes you are restricted from SOME items but that's true in any MMO. Decisions of what professions restrict you from gear or special perks... I don't see people complaining about that. "Too much dialogue" hit the spacebar christ. One of SWTOR's biggest sell point is that it's a Bioware game and the first fully voiced MMO. I love the dialogue and I found myself only space baring a few missions.. Ones I did have no interest in. "*** NO COMBAT LOG?" Ok, I do understand this complaint but they have said in interviews it is arriving shortly. They already delayed SWTOR enough I am ok with no combat log currently. Ultimately I don't care if this post gets 0 replies. I just wanted to vent about how painful it is to read the general forums. Stop whining and go and enjoy the game. If you don't like it... Go to another MMO. SWTOR is not made for everyone. tl;dr SWTOR is not for everyone. Come back in 6 months. I'll enjoy it while you're gone.
  10. You are not doing 900 dmg per tick at level 16.
  11. Khem Val is the best companion to use. Hands down. Just make sure you gear him up. The level 40 pvp set is fantastic for him.
  12. BawssMcgee

    Pro Tip.

    Hey guys, just your friendly advice giver here. Here in The Old Republic the pvp zones are called "warzones" not "warfronts". That is all.
  13. Without an objective it's stupid. It's just a who can kill the most...
  14. Ignorance. Don't let a sorcerer free cast and you are set.
  15. Just do me a favor and get a GREAT case and a GREAT power supply.
  16. I AGREE WHOLE HEARTEDLY. While we are it, let's introduce flying mounts. Or else i'm going back to WoW.
  17. People saying they don't want dual spec are extremely unaware of our reasoning. I am a sorcerer, leveling up I am madness. But I wouldn't mind being a healer for warzones and flashpoints, however it's costing 20k+ credits now and it will keep on increasing. Being able to switch to heals would be a godsend it's necessary in this time.
  18. Should be rephrased to "People don't know how to play simple pvp mechanics" Huttball is the most enjoyable for me if I play with one or two friends. All it takes is a little coordination.
  19. Agreed. Loving the game. It has it's faults but I have faith in Bioware fixing them.
  20. I''m doing a build that''s the exact opposite (more points into lightning) and it''s working out great. I just like the burst ability of it.
  21. Well, much isn't expected at this time of the game but...
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