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Everything posted by elvigy

  1. Haha, I had to go Googling to figure that one out. Nice.
  2. Uh, no, at level 34, you've far outleveled Taris.
  3. I absolutely have to disagree, OP. At level 26, I have expanded my inv (5k), bought my speeder skill (40k). I have also leveled my Crew Skills to between 200-210 for all 3 skills. All that and I still have 100k on me with little to nothing else to spend it on except the occasional skill upgrade.
  4. It's awesome, basically. On Taris, I soloed in the Mandalorian heroic zone. The groups of three with 1 gold and 2 silvers, I would Force Lift the gold one, sic Qyzen on one of the silvers (be sure Qyzen's aoe is toggled off) and force the third to eat pebbles, healing as needed. Then finish off the one that Qyzen was working on, regroup for a few seconds and attack the wiggling-in-the-air gold one. That would leave me pretty low on Force, but it was pretty impressive for a healing class.
  5. I'm level 26 now and have not used my lightsaber at all since about level 11. Maybe even earlier.
  6. Really? I think this says more about you than the game.
  7. This may be my problem. I've failed this mission 3 times but I am just holding down the mouse button and firing wildly. I'm not really good with space sims, tbh. I'll give it another try, lol.
  8. Simple answer, yes. I'm having fun for now. I don't know how long, but I expect I'll be playing at least a few months.
  9. Bumping because I agree. Also, the fee to list seems a little high. I priced something at 2k credits for 2 days and paid 300 credits for that. Seems a bit excessive, but I can live with it if some of these suggestions are implemented.
  10. LOL! Personally, I didn't notice. Whatever their, um, physical development, they are fully clothed so why the concern? If bewbage and curvage bother you, you might want to skip Nar Shaddaa. One of the first things you see there is a gigantic holo-projection of a stripper on a pole.
  11. Movable windows (basically, customizable UI) Target of target
  12. I don't think player models get removed. At least, not completely. I've never had my view blocked as in the screenshot, but I do see other players in the background sometimes.
  13. I had a bunch of server firsts in Rift. Even I do not remember what they were. Pretty much a pointless system. Especially, as several people have pointed out, since BW is a story driven company, they are not going to reward someone for spacebarring madly through all the story in a frenzied dash to the finish line.
  14. I've found this too. Playing a Sage and trying to defend the Republic gets a little tiresome when half the people I meet are corrupt soldiers or politicians. Plus, there seems to be a complete disregard for all the slave trafficing going on. So, yeah, the Republic is not the best example of goodness and light in the galaxy. OTOH, the Empire is worse. Choice of lesser evils really.
  15. At one time, Qyzen was a ranged tank, so Aim made sense. Since he was made melee, they didn't bother changing his stats. Which basically means that Qyzen is pretty screwed up both stat-wise and weapon-wise. Plus, honestly, he's kinda boring. Pretty one-dimensional in my view.
  16. I think playing a Jedi is more interesting to be honest. Some of the options for Light side are just more complicated. For Sith, it's all "What's the meanest thing I can do?" and click that. For the Jedi, there are (imho) some real interesting moral dilemmas here. Occasionally I've clicked the Light side response feeling a little uncomfortable with it. Some of the Dark side responses seem a little more, I don't know, understandable.
  17. Yeah, I'm still using that title at level 27. Great quest!
  18. Every mmo I've ever played has dced after a certain amount of time. They kind of have to, otherwise servers would always be full. I afked last night while playing long enough to make a sandwich and did not get dced, so you must have been gone for a pretty good while.
  19. That or they got more somehow. They were completely out of CEs for a while.
  20. I asked this same question on the forums earlier today but my post sank to oblivion before I got an answer. I'm hoping that the bank charge means it will be shipped in the next day or two.
  21. So, I checked my bank account online a few minutes ago and see that Gamestop has a pending charge for my preorder of the CE. I'm hoping that means they are getting ready to ship in the next day or two, meaning I'll get it by the 20th and won't be locked out for not having my key. Anyone else ordering from Gamestop that may have been charged or, possibly, even received the game yet?
  22. OMG! Just got in by checking launcher. I have been checking all morning with no luck, but am now accepting the "Rules of Conduct". My date was 8/6. GL to everyone!
  23. I, and quite a few others that have posted, am 8/6 and have not gotten in. I don't think their system is quite as in-order as they are saying. But I'll wait and see.
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