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Everything posted by Dego_Locc

  1. I like to call the Planets, "Glorified Linear Hallways".
  2. Guys guys, look at his resolution. There's your answer........
  3. Lol I can assure you that I am not the "author" I disagree with him I think the pvp gear progression should be longer, not as carebear as it is now or is going to be in 1.2. He obviously thinks it's too rough as is.
  4. I posted this 2 min ago, you read through it that fast, and thought he had NO valid points what so ever? I didn't agree with a lot, but other points I did. K drone.
  5. http://www.flesheatingzipper.com/gaming/2012/03/ok-bioware-its-time-we-had-a-serious-talk-about-swtor/ Discuss.
  6. me http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg63/DEGOLOCSTA/dego4.jpg I'm growing my hair out now though.
  7. Linear carebear easy mode. It's beyond casual.
  8. Your font color choice is horrible against the forum background, good luck getting ppl to read that. But on topic, yes, ship is sinking.
  9. In before lock, threads are dropping like flies left and right.
  10. It is not allowed to "bash the community" OP needs to read the forum rules. I found the post offensive/rude towards people with legitimate complaints. /thread inb4lock
  11. LOL you thought WoW was hard? And left as a result, and are now here loving it? That right there goes to show this games easy mode is in full effect for any who doubt.
  12. PVP servers are not for you then. In an MMO when you select PVP server, you should expect to get ganked. Period. I never ganked anyone, but I can see why ppl do, what else is there to do in this game? This games PVP servers are not even PVP servers anyway so............ I wish I would have gotten ganked at least once in this game. Its a ghosttown.
  13. Pls make thiz game moar like street fighter pls! Even gear for allz!!!!1
  14. LOL. Between this post, the "why bother with having mailbox" thread, and" make my class more dumbed down with less abilities pls" threads,............ Yep, the iceberg has hit, and we are halfway submerged. Abandon ship!
  15. The worlds are too small and linear, just as I like to call them "Glorified Hallways", the ONLY things huge about SWTOR, was the budget, and hype. Small game is easymode carebear is small.
  16. Actually the way you got gear in WAR was a total luck factor, and ONLY if you won the a city siege, if you lost, you got nothing worth a crap. And you could win 10 city sieges and still not get any warlord or sovergn gear. It was so bad on the RNG that the only way guilds would take any pubs into a city instance was if they agreed to not roll on sovergn if they were below a certain rank. Seeing how it takes months to even have a high enough rank, the attitude was "why should they get a chance to roll on something they will prolly never even get to use" I loved War PVP btw, gear progression was a bit too brutal in that game for latecomers though. Still SWTOR is straight care bear easy mode on all fronts, gear if you win or lose, within a month or two at the most for most players. Yuck.
  17. Sure, but do you really want it? I mean you probably already have the same stuff, and if you don't you can just get it your self in a couple hours with the easy mode in this game.
  18. Actually I do, im a level 4O on BF3 with over 70 jet hours and over 2000 jet kills. I play those type of games for fair, "equal" PVP", I pay a sub to pvp in MMO's too however, but for reason of progression. That it just how I play these games, I play ALL games though. Bf3, skyrim, still play counter strike too(played professional CAL leagues. Hell I even play ps3 and 3ds games too. And I support the end of easy mod in MMO's and favor gear progression over weak color changes, and mounts. But that is just me, some are like me, some are not. ect ect.
  19. I think on the whole the argument is 50/50 half for, and half against. You act as if only 5% of the pvpers out there don't share your views. I am FOR gear progression in the game. And I also think this is just another step to make this game easy mode.
  20. A rusty old ford pinto with the back windshield busted out, and a flat tire.
  21. Kinda late for that wouldn't you think?
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