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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Malckiah

  1. I know it's not that big of deal, but when you are guarding a pylon every second counts when being attacked. Perhaps instead of having to type out things like inc snow 3, or right door (voidstar....which a lot of people are confused of right or left in there) etc.


    Perhaps add a feature on the wz mini map that you can quickly click to relay a message. Maybe 2 options: Attack (green) or being attacked (red). So maybe click one of the two then click the place on the map and it relays the message to the rest of the team.


    Saves time. And perhaps some of those people who are not quick enough to type it out will be more ready to relay the message by simply clicking it.

  2. I have been kicked out of 5 pvp matches tonight already....and its after I am already long kickin butt and at like 13 medals....then kick......AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! PLEASE FIX THIS! And I know it is not my internet or my pc because....

    1. My wife plays in the same matches, at the same time, on the same internet, and she is getting kicked of also.....but at completely different times.

    2. I have a very reliable new epic pc that has absolutely no issues.


    Thank you! :)

  3. You do not have a pc problem....indeed I can confirm that there is something changed since last update that is causing lots of crashes. I can confirm this because My wife and I both play and both have epic computer systems that are very well kept up....and we both have been crashing like crazy lately. It is more than likely an issue between a change they made and our video card, this occurs more often than you would think. Hopefully they will implement a fix on this next patch.
  4. Well for those who say that this was clear at launch or this wasn't clear at launch... i have one question:


    Were you even involved before launch? Do you not remember how hush hush they were about everything? They were not clear on much of anything. I don't see how any of you can say that someone starting at early access could have known the details of what the legacy system entailed....Bioware was far to up in the air about everything.

  5. The effect, that you cannot transfer funds or items to twinks on different servers is as old as the MMO history and it also applies to SWTOR with and without the legacy system.


    As you chose to create twinks on different servers, you willingly accepted that fact and you cannot claim, that you did not know about it.


    You are claiming the legacy system as an excuse for getting a free transfer, when in reality you always knew, that having toons on different servers is automatically stopping them from helping each other in the future.


    Even though in #4 you claim, that you would have never created toons on different servers with the legacy system, you indeed did create toons of different servers, when you already knew, that you couldn't transfer funds or items between them (something you were able to do from day 1 of SWTOR on a single server).


    lol....sending mail and such between characters is no big deal to me. The Legacy system is far more and gives WAY more benefits than what you are describing dude. There is no comparison.

  6. Bioware created no issue.. They simply consolidated the servers and put us all on well populated servers.. It was for our own good.. :)


    This has absolutely nothing to do with what I am saying....sorry.


    But I am syaing this:

    1. When the game launched there was no legacy system in place.... so I had no real reason to have all my characters on one server.

    2. Obviously having all characters on one server is very beneficial because of the legacy system.

    3. Because they added the Legacy system later... now I need to transfer some of my characters in order to get the benefits of the legacy for them.

    4. If the legacy system had been in place from the beginning I would never have created characters on a different server to begin with.

  7. Well, if you guys are like me....the whole reason you are in the boat you are having some characters on one server and others on another is because of the timing that they implemented the legacy system. If the legacy system had been there since launch I would not need to server transfer.


    Obviously now since they added the legacy system it only makes sense to have all toons on one server.


    So what I am saying is that because this truly is a bioware created issue....They should allow all characters to have one free transfer until a certain date (not just one character, if that is what they are thinking) , then people can start paying for them.


    Because why should I have to pay for something that I would have never done to begin with had it not been for their late implementation of the legeacy system!

  8. First off....Thank you everyone for being so kind in your responses!


    One thing I am really wondering about though is when 2.0 comes out. I pretty much intend to gear up with the 2.0 pvp gear after I hit 55, but I wonder if with the changes they are making to expertise and the like if I should be getting pvp gear again now...or just do it then?


    again thanks!

  9. Ok, so I have always been a pvp'er and have a very high valor rank... but recently left pvp for a few weeks and did operations. Now I have come back to pvp in raid gear and am constantly being cussed out about not having expertise.

    (I want to say that the first battle I went into with pve gear was simply out of experiment to see how bad it would be)


    However this was not the case.... I have been pvp'ing now for 3 days with pve gear (and 358 expertise only) and I am awesome. I have been getting in the top 5 or better in most matches (I have easily played over 60 matches in 3 days)... I even got #2 in a match against a very well known pvp pre-made group. I am doing very high dps. I do not die very often. I go into each match solo. I average 300k to 495k dmg per match....which is very good for me.


    I guess this leads me to ask a few things...


    1. Why do the people get sooo angry and rude when I don't have expertise if I am beating them in pvp?...and why should I bust my butt to get pvp gear again when I am doing so well in this gear already?

    2. Why is it that I am able to do so good....doesn't expertise matter?....or is it just that my other stats are so large that it evens it out?

    3. How will the changes in 2.0 change this?


    Thanks in advance to the people who actually read this and answer nicely!!!

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