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Everything posted by Telaan

  1. Nothing about companion romances are rich. They are cheap and largely silly. Considering the finite resources available and the difficulty of meeting the demand for a meaningful and complete story involving a multiple galactic crises as well as an ongoing galactic war, there is zero justification for furthering silly and shallow romance arcs. As stated, the presence of them doesn’t draw subs and the absence of them won’t cause them to lose subs. What does impact subs are the list of things I spelled out. It’s great if you enjoy what there is; that doesn’t justify spending a single bit of those finite resources to further something that doesn’t further the development or subscriber numbers of the game. The difference between the bickering about pvp and pve is that those are the mechanics that a video game such as this function on. As I said...this is not a romance simulator. I question the real world relationships of anyone who find what’s in this game “rich”.
  2. Fever does not equal popular. By fervor I mean zealousy. Zealots are always a vast minority. Explain what “romance arcs” add to the story? They’re, *at best* superficial with the rest being filled in by RP. You know what truly is popular? PvE and PvP content. Functioning core mechanics. Captivating Star Warsy stories. Bug squashes. You know.....MMO stuff. What the romance arcs have caused are pointless and endless amounts of bickering and unhappiness because it’s either too much of one thing or not enough of another. They won’t draw subs to the game and the exclusion of any further romance arcs won’t lose subs. It’s not a romance simulator. It’s a Star Wars MMO where things go boom and pew pew.
  3. Just RP it. Romances should have been left to RP and imagination to begin with. They’re all superficial and shallow as is. They add nothing to the story. I quite frankly don’t understand fervor that exists for them. If EAware was smart they’d cease any kind of development time devoted to romances.
  4. EA/BW was repeatedly warned during beta about the fundamental issues the game was facing by those of us who closed tested the game. While they might’ve had the talent and muscle back then to put large scale ideas into reality, they lacked the leadership to make sound decisions. We warned them the game needed some major changes/additions and, at minimum, an additional six months of development time. The original Ilum was awesome, but needed to be fleshed out better; it needed more late/end game testing and less early/mid game testing; it needed more content at endgame for both pvp and pve...too much focus was on “hey just level these classes to 50”. After launch, the holes that we pointed out began to leak with a couple weeks. It earned the nickname TORtanic and hemorrhaged subs. Rather than fix great ideas, that unfortunately had some flaws, they scrapped them entirely (looking at you Ilum); or promised to reimplement them in short order and never following through. This caused even more subs to be lost. The early dev team while talented, was inept. Potentially even worse than inept, they were untrustworthy. In a market that had become saturated with MMOs, players weren’t going to hang out simply because it was Star Wars. They moved on. It’s unfortunate as the game truly does have so much potential. But as you said, as soon as it was dubbed the TORtanic, EA essentially stopped supporting it in a short period of time.
  5. It’s a space opera. Suspension of disbelief is necessary. However, the extent that movie goers were asked to do that blew past absurd at kessel run speeds. There’s a difference between asking people to suspend their disbelief for the purpose of believing in fantastical concepts like the force or technological concepts like Star killer base and glaring plot holes or ridiculous plot points. - Luke Skywalker: the hopelessly optimistic, epitome of good and righteousness: the man who watched his adopted parents/aunt and uncles corpse smolder, who watched another father figure cut down in front of him by space hitler, who then was helpless to stop space hitler from killing his childhood best friend: the man who was willing to sacrifice his life to save his friends and redeem this same space hitler who happened to be his father, whom he saw good in when no one else did. Somehow, this man decided that his innocent but troubled nephew needed to be murdered in his sleep. I would venture to say that few if any of us are as fundamentally guided by good as Luke skywalker was. That’s the point though. He’s supposed to be everything we’re not. Even without being as inherently righteous as Luke Skywalker, none of us (I hope) would consider let alone actually attempt murdering an innocent but troubled relative in their sleep. It’s a leap in logic that defies any ability to suspend disbelief. It’s absurd to the point of insanity. That it passed vetting is disturbing - Yoda calling lightning from the sky to destroy the Jedi temple. Why didn’t he, Obi-Wan, or Qui-Gon do this to simply blow up Palpatine and Vader long ago and save the galaxy from countless billions dying? - Space Monte Casino: aside from the utter pointlessness of their mission; but Rose appeared to be more concerned about the space horses than actual sentient slaves. Finn then felt that freeing them was “worth it” at the moment they thought they weee about to be re-captured or killed. Worth failing their mission? Ok, cool story. As long as you don’t feel bad about abandoning actual spaces to free horses with your gal pal. Speaking of these two...how the hell did they get back to the rebel base after crashing just meters in front of the laser battering ram, and rose wasting time with her cringeworthy line about love before #metoo’ing Finn? Like the ENTIRE First Order army was right next to them and they had to get back on foot. It’s a not a matter of suspending my disbelief, it’s garbage writing. The list goes on; but these examples are sufficient for my purposes.
  6. https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/purple-color-crystal/
  7. TLJ fell slightly below expectations domestically and 36% behind TFA. It tanked internationally; especially in China. Star Wars toy sales failed to maintain their number one sales position for the first time in history during a period of active movie releases. So it’s not just that toy sales in general are down; it’s that in comparison to other marketed toys, Star Wars has lost its dominance and is continuing to fall. Solo failed following serious fallout centered around TLJ.
  8. Holiday Special is infinitely better than TLJ. RJ is a complete hack without any talent whatsoever. I’ve seen better written scripts for elementary school plays. Luke Skywalker...the man who saw good in space hitler and was willing to sacrifice his life to see him redeemed attempts to murder his innocent but troubled nephew in his sleep. Force ghosts who can now directly interact with the physical world.... Can someone explain why Yoda or Obi-Wan simply didn’t call lightning on Palpatine or any of the First Order leaders? That’s only the tip of the iceberg.
  9. The new canon is total trash. Rogue One was good: solo was ok; TFA was questionable; TLJ was one of the worst movies I’ve seen....and that includes comparing it to the movie “quest for fire”. Rian Johnson has the talent of newborn monkey.
  10. As someone who has been against any kind of romance or identity scripts from the start (purely because of the inevitable butt hurt it causes regardless of position); I fail to see why this should be something included. What’s stopping you from role playing as transgender? How exactly do you see a NPC being incorporated as transgender? How is this important to the Star Wars story? Master Pat: “My name is Jedi Master Pat. I’m here on direct orders from the Jedi Council. You’re desperately needed to rescue a ship of Padawans which was intercepted by a Sith warship returning from selecting their kaiburr crystals. These Padawans are the future of our order.” You: “Yes, sir” Master Pat: “IT’S MA’AM!!!!!!” (Calm down its a joke)..... How about we demand that the devs focus on putting out a quality Star Wars story with balanced and functioning mechanics and leave the rest to RP and imagination.
  11. I'm pretty much done with this game as a result of several issues. However, this is the straw that broke the camels back. If this were an isolated incident, I'd be inclined to ignore it. But, unfortunately, it happens regularly. The example I have in my op was not an exaggeration. I was grouped with mae'day, on harbinger, repeatedly the other day. He has a less than 700 solo rating. This is not a name and shame, it is an example of a terrible ranked pvper being grouped with people who have a significantly higher rating than him. He was getting smoked while doing between 0 and 14k total damage per round because everyone knows how awful he is. It should never happen.....ever. BW: your failure to design and implement cross server queues was and will continue to be your biggest pvp mistake. You have lost a significant amount of players as a result of all the issues caused by your chosen pvp design due to the lack of cross server queues. Arenas are and always will be unpopular. RWZs weren't viable because of no cross server queues. You failed.
  12. Cause if it did, I wouldn't see a 650 solo rated player in my group, with my rating above 1450. BW: I would rather not have a queue pop than get grouped with someone at that rating.
  13. Yes, scound healers are better than sage healers. But lowbie pvp isn't much of a measuring stick for......anything.
  14. "No" doesn't apply to anything in my post or the one I quoted......
  15. ....and /thread tbh It's the same six people arguing about it. Good for /popcorn though.
  16. This thread is a joke but so is pot5 solo queue. Unless you want to spend your time playing with people who take their 25k opposite faction toon into a match to either /stuck, leave, or outright troll by bunny hopping while doing no damage and/or doing ******* things like rescuing sages out of barrier. A ton of people have abandoned that server; many of them for this reason. Dead server is dead. Also , I'll reiterate: this thread is a joke.
  17. I lol'd. Anyone taking the op seriously should slap themselves. His post history is good for lulz though. CMN.
  18. It's been needed for a long time and it's lack has cost BW more subs than they could possibly know. Ranked seasons will continue to fail without it; and people will continue to quit due to population issues and a lack both pve and pvp queues. This should be bw's number one priority. Further additions, after cross server, would be much more successful.
  19. Cause it's 2014 and you don't have a smart phone.
  20. I'm sure no one would create new threads on the same topic.
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