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Everything posted by Ansalem

  1. you can check post by post its about 90% negative feedback with angry customers upset over the response. then you can check the videos and memes
  2. Apparently a majority of the community disagrees with your view on friday's post as we can see by the meme's and videos that popped up over the weekend. And I absolutely think that original response warranted the backlash that we have seen on the forums. They managed to insult their most loyal customers and we are seeing folks posting that they have unsubbed over this stuff so I think its obvious BW should be the ones apologizing. And paying 15 bucks a month to be insulted isn't my thing so as a customer I expect service ya know what I mean?
  3. hrm he apologizes for the delay in response, but not for the response itself? I don't get it. I guess they can get away with disrespecting us with a condescending tone telling us to l2p h2f and that we have a perception problem and then expect us to just move on. BW you are dead to me
  4. got a kick out of how bitter obirary was about the satelitte dish blockikng the jump on balcony like bioware actually planned that to irritate people. I guess he never did the binoc quest chain or dailies on tat associated with it. Its a part of a quest now not put there to irritate him or prevent him from gteting there:P
  5. So they responded with more dismissive bs and told us we have a perception problem again...I dont think baron deathmark is going to get any facetime now. They done went and made things worse!
  6. careful talk like that and the baron will tell you to l2p
  7. I heard the frogdogs need to l2p and h2f is this true baron?
  8. Way to drive that nail in the coffin Bioware. Best part is they still havent even responded to what they did. They are using the good old ignore it and it will go away tactic. Yeah it will go away lots o folks unsubbing and the silence aint helping to convince us to come back:P
  9. wonder whats taking BW so long to respond to the crapstorm they caused over the weekend with these terrible responses?
  10. I think swtor will die from neglect as the devs and CMs stop responding to us entirely we see patches less frequently and then people just quit
  11. merc dps is pretty good isn't it intended to be 5% below snipers and maras anways since they are pure dps classes and we are technically a hybrid? The only issues I really have with merc dps in a pve setting is that we lack an execute type ability which is mind boggling since we are bounty hunters who hunt people down. I dont think they need to add a skill though but maybe alter one of the top tier talents we get to include 20% more missile dmg or 20% more UL dmg when a target is under 30% health. It wouldnt be boosting us a ton persay but it would give us a nice lil way to assist in those burn phases and to not fall too far behind snipers/maras. Also it would help a ton if they would reduce the CD on EN to say 20 or 30s so we could actually keep a dot rolling more frequently on our target.
  12. the pve issues of mercs are pretty minimal revolving mostly around heat management, set bonuses on armour, and the pyro tree lacking. The pvp issues of mercs though are pretty serious. We arent the weakest to bring to pvp but we really dont have group utility as compared to say a sniper rdps. We are too squishy despite having heavy armor which all classes cut through like butter. I don't count the ability to heal as utility I refer to that as the oh crap button. If Im having to stop my dps to kolot missile or cast a heal that really doesnt heal anywhere close to the dmg I am taking then there is an issue. Heavy armour isnt enough we are still too squishy. Energy shield wears off and we are toast. Kolto overload only kicks in to heal us to 30% keeping us in execute range so pretty worthless unless you are a tank. And the CD on EN is complete horsecrap compared to what other classes get for slows. Why on earth would anyone want to bring a merc rdps over a sniper who can shield the group, has an aoe incapacitate with flash bang, and a root/slow (depending on spec) with leg shot that has a short cd? I mean its bad enough that we are relatively easy to lockout with our channeled abilities but we also lack the survivability.
  13. those mounts look good, but I wonder...can they heal to full?
  14. Hey BW this is how you are supposed to respond to bad questions... looks like the devs of that game actually know what they are doing...
  15. I swear BW has no idea what it is doing ever. Its like they find the exact way to announce things or share information about the game to infuriate the community and turn off long time subscribers. Its beyond me how after almost 2 years since launch they are still so completely obvlivious to how to run this game without pissing off their most loyal customers. I've had enough I actually unsubbed earlier. The King of Pot5 is hanging up his crown when sub runs out 1/11/14.
  16. I wouldn't be upset with the community. They are gamers they will find a way to win no matter what. If I were you I would be more upset with the lazy testing practices of BW that doesn't catch such obvious errors while testing. Obviously their devs dont think outside the box and even when they do come up with fixes they dont bother to go that extra step to test. I mean come on if someone is killing 2 of the bosses at the same time as an exploit and you know this and are trying to fix it then why the hell wouldnt you do the obvious thing and test to see if you can kill 3 without activating the new 50% enrage fix with 2 left? Thats just laziness at its worst.
  17. Heh with the responses that sorcs and vgs got from BW I can only imagine what we are going to see when the merc questions hit. They got a lot more than 3 questions worth of problems so I can hardly wait for BW to tell mercs to l2p h2f and that they have a perception problem. With these insulting responses I think its safe to say BW hates BHs
  18. I think warriors need buffing all around. They need more buffs to tanking and burst dmg I mean they can 4 or 5 shot people in pvp they should be able to 2 shot *****es! Also they need at least 2 more awesome survivability skills added maybe something that makes them immune to dmg and doubles their dps output at the same time for some reasonable time like 8s that sounds about right
  19. I agree with you too 16m is harder than 8m...to stomach /puke:P #16m2ez
  20. this game is far too restrictive in nature for you to ever see all 3. Maybe the SSSP will one day give us free flying in space of some sort or maybe even pvp but I doubt it will be free exploring space it will probably be like 1 zone or something with limited amounts of people so you never get truly epic spacefights. And honestly I dont see them upgrading their AI so that npc ships will behave any differently. Everything is in a set path always just like in the ground game. Whatever plans BW has for the future of space I'm sure it will be highly underwhelming
  21. bad questions do not deserve insulting answers. What BW did was outright insulting. That's why Im saying whats the point. They obviously couldn't care less about what we ask them in the first place.
  22. I'm shocked! You mean the BW devs didnt have the foresight to test out killing 3 or 4 at the same time? Mind boggling. Its almost as if they are the laziest devs on earth! #l2p #perceptionproblem
  23. Is there a point in asking BW any of these questions? from their responses to sorcs and vgs yesterday its apparent that they have nothing but disdain for the community and they are going to just keep doing their thing and ignoring us
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