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Everything posted by clearsighted

  1. What are you smoking? It's a huge difference. Back when the game first came out, two or three level 25s-33s had a good chance at taking down one level 50. Especially if one of them was a healer. It doesn't matter if they have full expertise. It'll still be a far more even playing field. Also? The 'decent' pvpers? They don't go trolling the lower level planets. Currently, a level 60 vs a level 30, is like a level 30 vs a level 1. I've been killed, at around level ~30 on tattooine, simply from the force leap damage of a level 60 character. It's just completely futile and crushingly, overwhelmingly one-sided. Krea as a level 50 (148 rating) would still get slaughtered by a bad in level 60 pve gear (186+) because the damage/health boost is so incredibly dramatic and exponetial. You can go from ~14k health in your late 40s, to 40k+ by 56-59. With the level scaling, it'll be like it used to be at launch, when a couple ~30s could take down a bad 50, and that's fine by me. If multiple 'good' pvpers want to waste their time teaming up on lowbies, they're welcome to it. But typically, they don't, outside conquest stuff. The only people who would agree with your line of reasoning, are those that have no substantial experience playing and levelling on a pvp server. You can't even remotely begin to compare having expertise vs the level imbalance. I've defeated players with expertise while wearing pve gear on Yavin many times. There's lots of bads out there, and the goods are not who you have to worry about. Ask some of the tier 1 ranked players how many newbies they've killed lately. Hell, the really good and confident players on Bastion won't even attack a fellow 60 if they're wearing pve gear, unless they get attacked first, because it's just not fun. They've won enough that cheap wins don't give a thrill.
  2. It's going to be incredibly awesome when level scaling hits on Bastion. All those level 60 jerks with nothing better to do than hang out in the Dune Sea or Alderaan are in for a rude awakening.
  3. Jango Fett was a mercenary. The class is pretty much based on him, Cad Bane and ...Shae Vizla *rolls eyes*.
  4. You're an idiot if you think those scoreboards showed a good tank. Half of the enemy team were healers who each healed for more than 2 million each. That's a very easy way to inflate damage done. lol. Nearly 1.2m damage and /9/ kills. As for protection...Seemed like you just kept guard on your healers while they were tunnelled by the other team's 4 non-healers. One of the sorcs on your team did more than 4m damage and only had 9 kills too. What a joke.
  5. I can destroy a skank PT on my juggernaut tank. It's very easy to avoid their one big hitter. The only time I ever see shield techs pull in great damage, is when whole teams just sit in their flamethrower all match.
  6. I hate all of the Vanguard's disgusting animations. It's like they just picked the easiest, stupidest way to get it done and move on (explosive surge, I'm looking at you). There always seems to be a weird delay or hitchiness to the animation, as if it were waiting for the non-existent, elaborate powertech animation to finish. Hardly a single interesting or aesthetic move in the entire class, compared to how beautifully a powertech flows. The only good looking ability is probably stock strike, or gut. Throwing the satchel charges is okay.
  7. Get lots of accuracy. All PTs should prioritize accuracy over surge.
  8. It'll be great for open world pvp servers.
  9. This is great. Fewer lowers without a life griefing newbies on Alderaan and Tattooine.
  10. It's actually quite fine and fun for questing. But I wouldn't go into a warzone or pug an op/flashpoint except as a healer.
  11. Bastion pops 24/7. I much prefer servers with open world pvp. The only server I'd consider besides Bastion is the Harbinger, which has a better GTN and more varied people. I don't think there's any reason to go Ebon Hawk. You get all the drawbacks of a pve world with the same population as Bastion. And from what i've seen, an even worse GTN than Bastion. I don't know what Bastion ranked is like these days, as I haven't been motivated to try it. But warzones pop all day and all night. Bastion also has a slightly higher quality of pvper than Harbinger. It's not huge. But the lowest common denominator on Harb is REALLY low. People that choose to roll on a pvp server, however newbish, at least have some basic ideas. And don't think that means going to Harb will make you the king of pvp. It won't. Because those truly awful bads are more likely to be on your team than playing against them.
  12. I'm pretty sure Zetsuma has finished his tier 1 set by now. Also? FYI, the really good players aren't so amazingly stoked by winning a single duel against a bad, that they put a video of it on youtube set to rock music. If you want to impress people around here with a video, try beating a number of different classes/specs, record them, and then edit and narrate the video to show each masterful tactic you just used. Just throwing it up there, without any accompanying information, just looks like an attempt at boasting. When the 'boast' is very underwhelming, it tends to draw criticism. Personally, I think the response to your initial post was quite mild. But what you just posted now? Totally confirms the worst first impression.
  13. Vengeance pvp wise, I've had best results with 5% alacrity. It's just barely enough to fit an extra attack into your cc-immune windows, on average, than you'd normally get off. Remember, even though it seems like a little, if your ICD is like 1.4s, and the other guy is 1.5s, you're still getting your abilities off before him., and will be one attack 'ahead' the whole fight. I've been able to push or force choke slingers before they get their entrenchment up, and I've been able to pop sorc blinding bubbles before my cc immunity wears off.
  14. lol This is painfully true. I hate seeing other juggs queue in with me, cause I know 95% of them are about as good as the two dudes in the video. Although, I think the OP is solidly average to above average. Most of the veng juggs I see are more like the guy he was dueling. People dump on juggs a lot, but I play many specs. Including powertech, hatred assassin, sage, sniper and operative. Playing a veng jugg well is by far the hardest. The others are quite simple in their rotations. The main drawback to operative is needing a blistering good connection. When I have less than 150 ms, I can't lose on an operative. If I have more, I can only beat bads. Although, I think veng jugg does have a place in ranked. It's great for dumping on all the hatred/serenity players. Although, you WILL burn ED to win it, and if they've got a healer and you don't, you still lose.
  15. My favorite part was when he pushed you, only to stand there while you got up and force leapt back to him.
  16. Bioware won't do this because if noone queues for the warzones they poured their little hearts and souls into, like Queshball, it'll hurt the feelings of those who designed it.
  17. Oh yeah, because it's REAL likely, they designed the trooper's abilities first, and then had to somehow make it work for the bounty hunter. It's fine if you like the way the troopers are presented. But at least admit the hunters were designed first.
  18. I'm sorry, but are you cognitively impaired in some way? How do you not grasp the very simple point that AESTHETICALLY and THEMATICALLY the powers were designed with the imperial classes in mind first, and that is what the OP (myself) was posting about. I wasn't claiming they had better or different abilities. Look at a bounty hunter. Look at the bounty hunter's thematic and aesthetic/visual presentation of jetpacks and flamethrowers, etc. It's painfully clear that they got all their 'wouldn't it be cool' wads shot on the hunter. Then the trouble for the trooper, was how best to make a square peg fit into a round hole. Which is why they get ugly animations like their explosive aoe, ion storm (a poor substitute for flame) or, lol, a 'propulsion round' to replace a jetpack. I don't mean to sound hostile, but your assertive post about how the OP makes zero sense, just reads like you are deeply confused as to what people are discussing in this thread. Noone is claiming their powers do different things. They do the same thing. Simply, one class had the inspiration, and the other was crammed to make fit. I'd wager that if they had been explicitly designing powers to convey the thematic, aesthetic and visual impressiveness of a republic assault trooper, a lot of their abilities and 'feel' would've been much different.
  19. I agree. Most of the failures of the republic side is from a lack of imagination/inspiration more than anything systemic. Like they came up with something cool for the imperials, then just whatever was easiest that managed to 'stick' first, for the pubs.
  20. I agree. It's a huge mistake. But it's about what I've come to expect from Bioware. It's an essential closer for quality of life levelling and tanking, prior to 60.
  21. Look at Bounty Hunter as the most egregious example. Tons of amazingly cool abilities, flames and jetpacks. It works perfectly aesthetically. The Trooper is just a lame porting over, which makes for a much less aesthetically appealing or thematically sensible class. It's the same for sniper/operatives vs smugglers (4 meter shotguns? right), force lightning sorcs vs sages, and to a much lesser extent, warriors and knights. The cover mechanic is clearly designed for a sniper. The vibroknife is far sexier than a weird shotgun that can only shoot as far as a knife is stabbed. In fact, the jedi knight class works best on its own. But force choke is still way nicer than force stasis, and force scream makes more sense than 'blade storm'.
  22. I miss the days when a duo'd pair of chars in their low 30s could wipe the floor with a 50 trying to gank them on Alderaan. These days, with the level cap and the extraordinary stat inflation past 51+, that just isn't possible. One level 60 could destroy 10 level 49s.
  23. It's a little bizarre how long they've kept this pack up. Feels like it's been up since June.
  24. Actually, a Pureblood Jedi shows up in the Jedi Knight class story. Provided you make a certain decision at a certain point.
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