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Everything posted by Frenzyguy

  1. Yes combined and single target ......in 2 GCD we do 6k, while every 9 sec a smash does 6k-7k aoe on every target around, we have NO AOE dps at all, its ridiculous, IMO the nerf to armor pen on acid blade was too much. Jarring strike is perfectly fine, I can HS someone, lacerate 1 time restun + apply acid blade backstab lacerate 2 tiem and a third time at the same moment the stun finish, its not bad, I am only half champ gear and I can solo pretty much anyone atm, except someone bubbled ( vanish then finish off). Jugg and powertech are hard to solo (comparable gear, even lower gear sometime) But I can get trought most 1v1. The moment there is a secodn player or and healer I stun the healer and vanish I know I cannot fight against 2, (no class you be able to take out 1v2 in comparable gear). So imo they need to buff it back a little, either putting acid blade back at 50% armor pen OR buff lacerate and shiv damage (or more lacerate to reduce burst a little this way we build up UH or TA, and then unleash the dmg small ramp up).
  2. Why backpedal when you can turn under o.5 sec and run away or just strafe (a and d are strafe for while e and q are use for other abilities)
  3. Ye sbetter than faceroll forcelightning
  4. free month are not accounted in subs, just saying shareholder arent stupid they are well aware what is the difference, and its not 1.7 but more 1 699 999 because my GF unsub (lack of time, workign and pregnancy eats her alive lol)
  5. No need to OCC I5 2500k or I7 2600k if you dont want to at 3.3 GHz its using 50% of total procesing power available. and me I run an I5 2500k at 4.5 and I barely go above 30-40% cpu load I run at 50-60 fps in fleet and 80-110 outside......(6970 2GB OC, with 8GB ram)
  6. You are choking your por 550 with an old q6600 i guess, its that bad yes, you petty much better with a huige 3.5- 4ghz dual core than this quad. and 550 is WAY WAY behind 560, 550 is basicly not even 50% better than your 9600 gt(I have a computer with this card in at home) the real improvement you have with this card over your 9600gt is the shader graphic and thats pretty much it. GFX card isnt doing its job alone, oh and you quad is probably running on a lga 775 socket board which is probably runnign with some ddr2 800MHz........all in all You are choking, and when you say bf3 ultra....what resolution, what is you ani filter and AA at? ultra settings means nothign if your AA is off and you are runnign at 800x600 lol.
  7. And people like you are slowly killing the genre, wow someday in the near past was like this with full of time sink, slowly people compalined without stoping, then we are here today spamming LFD/LFR while standing still in Orgrimmar....trust me we wodnt want this to happen to swtor. Maybe just remove space station and just making ship -spaceport planet should be fine.
  8. There was n o 5.5 second stun...only 3 sec and the resolve bar was filled so we couldnt do anythign, now we will put ou to the ground (stunned for 1.5s) + the delay to get back up and BAM 4 sec stun, then blind or root
  9. You get this by finishing the planet main storyline(taking corellia)
  10. Got 36 keybind 1 to =, same with ctrl and shift modifier for each abilities + med pack, temp stims, grenades (all of em you nevewr know when you could need them) 1 for mount, and all teh shenanigans your spec can have.
  11. But where are the character progrssion armor.....both advance class wear the same outfit :S disturbing to see the character progression and the fact I didnt saw ANY of those armor....
  12. Yes there are delays but just always remember the fact that there is always travel time, almost all dps is accounted in 1.5 sec time frame, the problem we have is the animation sometime take longuer than 1.5 sec makin it seems there is a delay. They must accelerate the animation to make the fit in 1.5 second, doesnt matter if the dmg is doen right when you release the button or at the end of the 1.5 sec as long as its in this time frame it will look fluid, this is what they mainly need to fix, animation time. I am not a trooper on my main but I played one to see the problem and you start to channel mortar volley and ther is HUGE travel time instead they could make the animation start at the same time of the cast now it just feel off :S go figure its maye just travel tiem looks like this to me.
  13. TRAVEL TIME, and 0.1 secodn before mobs dyign is because server is faster then the client
  14. Beaten you to it 2 post above cheers
  15. Depens if there is travel time or not. Travel time count (best example is like mage fireball in wow you cast , there is the travel time THEN the damage is done) When I do kolto injection on my Ops I know th eheal isnt done after the cast but after the travel time.
  16. OK Ill try to explain it, In wow when the cast time finish on the server its already finished (makin it seem you can mount faster) SO if you move you are already mounted server side, so you computer is just waiting after the graphic, here its a 0.5 sec + animation time before you can move, animation looks to be 0.5 sec, so animation should start at the same time the cast bar start. SO all in all the problme is about the animation, it should start when casting start and NOT AFTER. Just a quick example, we have a 1.5 sec GBC pretty much all ability animation fit in that window, except for some (project for consular, technically since there is no auto attack it will never be as fast than sith inquisitor but if the damage is done in the 1.5 sec for both and that CD start the moment you push the ability it shoiuld be balanced because there is the same amount of dps in that 1.5 sec window, they cannot, and wont be able to regularize the dmg better because there is no auto attack in the game anyway. There is no combat log or dmg meter at the moment because, healing, threat and dps wise the class are far from equal and bioware just dotn want peole to cry on forum for 2-5% difference (or more) between class, imagine if people cry about mount up (which ...yes feel unpolished but still is trivial atm this early in the game life), then imagine if class x is ALWAY underperforming, THEN they will have a much larger QQstorm.
  18. Love the playstyle, so I am sticking to my main class so far (Ops since day 1 ) I was an Ops before it was cool.
  19. OK I just cleared every heroic on nart shadda and NOTHING where are those fracking pants?
  20. Where do these drop, or which mission? I looked up on darthater and torhead both says its a quest reward from Glitch Heroic 2+ quest but its not the good data because the quest reward is only QS-06 CORE (droid part) Is there a place or someone that could help me find these leggings?
  21. In the video we see totally diferent armor depending on your Advance class, now every imperial agent I see (Sniper and Ops) have the same armor, and all the Smuggler (both AC) Look like Cowboy....where is the Scoundel look , is there only the gunslinger look? What happened to different advance class armor?
  22. For this you need 2-3 more abilities in teh rotation srly learn the class then troll, you are just mad becuase you got rolf stomped by too many operatives.
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