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Everything posted by Frenzyguy

  1. Its in the patch note but it wasnt on ptr patch note so they ninjaed it into the patch.
  2. Pure Shockfrozen Water is now consumed on use and has a stack limit of one (instead of two). THis wasnt even in the ptr note.....why didnt you write it in ptr note.....instead of hiding it for patch day?
  3. Frenzyguy

    healing medals

    are you trolling ...srly are you?......jug pump up the 5k medal each game i play lol.
  4. Not at all....curse will add swtor as soon ther is a moddign community, ea do not dictate anything to curse .
  5. no make it a debuff, but not persist trought death, else it lose its pve purpose. But why dont you just get one yourself.
  6. You are just a baddy that isnt able to find his own premade .....or one of the baddy Thta isnt even able to do some teamplay, even basic order in ops chat are easy to follow.
  7. Oh and they wont put premade alone in their own queue this woul djust destroy the pvp player base dividing them again. Queue would take hours, with a premade 4 its already long.
  8. they wotn do it, they even said full premade are on their way, so people will be able to do premade to play ranked AND non ranked game, ranked game will probably give gears above battlemaster.
  9. Wow ...this isnt a single player rpg you know, if you cant stand facing premade stop playign now, and premade deosnt mean hardcore pvp , get soem sens , grow a pair, and fight with friend, guildies or w/e.
  10. Ye sbut it took a good moment before wg got fixed from launch to 3.1 (ulduar patch) its almost 5 month.
  11. PAtron for survivanility, skill for troughput
  12. This and in the 2 other tree the first ability you can get at 20 (incendiary missile or retractable blade) put a dot on the target
  13. There is no 150k dmg medal in WZ.....if yes I never got it despise 300k dmg average each game :S GO get the purefrozen shock water its 2 medal easy, for you non healing class, I see every one and their mom doing this right off the bat in games.
  14. This isnt true at all, marauder can only choose dps spec too. And for the others trollign you know what he meant with magic damage (its kinetic and force dmg) and they do not bypass armor, but dodge and parry, (If you read the tooltip of armor it specifically says it reduces weap dmg, kinetic and force dmg too lol) Oh and ....you ask for armor piercing internal dmg......INTERNAL DMG ALREADY BYPASS ARMOR DAMN GET INFORMED. So no you dont know your class or game mechanic at all, this isnt a solo rpg but an mmo, get out of your shell and play with other player math prove MM is really good dps tree at higher gear level, once you achieve rakata gear, your dps will be much higher in MM than lethality. Lethality is really shine at lower gear level specifically because you dotn have armor pen talent. (the only armor pen you get is the accuracy over 100% that reduce defense, yes that include armor, meaning some armor pen)
  15. Then this is why you are a bad player, IN HEAVY melee fight in pvp i dont even get into the melee snipe (when acid blade is up) crit up to 4.5k. And you can always crouch/cover to finish off a running target (consular/inquisitor ) with explosive probe it take half a second to crouch explo probe and continu running well exucuted exlo probe does decent aoe and is good to finish low health target imo.
  16. You can send them but its really tricky, I must send scorpio, then vector, ensign, and lokin and finally the droid. In this exact order I was able to do it
  17. It is ingame with the hood...the columi set is with a hood. BUT you must have googles, if you have the headpice the hodd is hidden, to turn the hood up you must hide head piece, then you will see the hood (hood is on the chest piece so if you wear the chespiece without the head piece you will see it) I noticed this when I was messing around with my look just for fun , then I was with my pvp google with the columi chest pice on there wa s a hood i was freakin happy
  18. Firkrann Crystall here.....I dont knwo why but it worked all day (did 30 armaments/kill in 15-20 this way) Maybe the issue is server dependant? /shrug
  19. The honor from win was a ''fix'' they applied because it was uttermost impossoble to lose tol barad, then they re-re-re fixed it, but in tol barad its fun you have a goal to cap and bonus to this win. In ilum there is no real purpose in ''controlling ilum'' and on our server their is a maximum of 20 players in ilum 6 of them are lvl 10-15 spying or cheating w/e they are doing, on the last 14 players 3-4 of them are on the pve side so we are 10 empire in ilum pvp zone and maybe 3-4 republic.......less possible kill......on our server, Firkrann Crystall, world pvp is non existent at peak time we have 70 person in the the fleet) its lame...really. On Ilum we aretn into pvp we do PvB (player vs boxes lol).
  20. they all have accuracy, except the medic gear with alacrity lol
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