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Everything posted by Bladedakoda

  1. If they had to clear the name, i am guessing that would clear your legacy levels as well?
  2. There is no way they are going to let people just move one toon. It will be the whole account or nothing at all. I am fine with that, i am happy to just have a server in Australia. Edit: The one thing that does worry me, is if someone had the same legacy name as someone else. What would happen then? Also @ obek_kwae. If you lose all legacy for moving, then i guess i will be staying where i am. I don't feel like grinding out 25 levels again.
  3. I am guessing you will only be able to move your whole account across not just one toon. I don't see any other way they could do it. Legacy points are account bound. Thats why when you roll another toon it has the same legacy points as your main.
  4. Funny i have been gone from wow for a while now was playing for 6 years. I got a free 10 day email from blizz to get me back. I still had wow on my pc, so thought oh why not. I loged in that lasted about 10 mins i loged out. So tried the next day that lasted about 30 mins. After i loged out i took wow of my pc. It was a great game, kept me playign for 6 years, (5 of them raiding), but for me now wow is just something i can not get back into.
  5. You are talking about the dragon soul raid........Paragon were also exploiting the Sinestra fight. Ensidia were BANNED because of using bugged Saronite Bombs on LK25HC. There were nerfs across the board, Normal and HM in FL's when they started seeing subs drop. As for it being the devs fault that we can both agree on.
  6. I don't have to counter it, i have given facts, and the fact is even in wow HM had to be nerfed, in order for most so called hardcore players to clear it. Like edited in my last post, Paragon players were baned for 8 days for exploiting the raids in order to progress. And it was not the first time players from so called hardcore guilds have been baned. It does not affect me i could care less. The funny thing is, the hardcore only end up hurting themselfs and ultimately the game. Because everytime people say a game needs to be harder, then everything becomes harder not just a small part of the game.
  7. You can argue back and forth as much as you like, the fact is casuals are the majority. This game came out as a story based mmo. Surely that would have given you some indication it was never going to be for the hardcore crowd. You say nothing i said gives strength to my argument. But they are the facts all you are spilling is qq, i want to feel special. Also they nerfed Hm because the top guilds could not clear it. Thats why it was nerfed. Why do you think Paragon players got a 8 day ban. Cause they had to exploit the raid.
  8. The fact is Hardcore do ruin the game for everyone else. Lets take a step back for a minute. Wow had the biggest numbers in the games history with wotlk. Why? Because it was pug friendly and people could grind for their 5 set bonus. Then Blizzard make the biggest mistake they could. They listened to the Hardcore few qqing on the forums. Or should i say, so called thought they were hard core. So wotlk ends and cata hits, People gear up step into Fire lands hit shannox and think, this is not so bad. move on to Beth, it's a gear check fight nothing more. So a few guilds get her down pretty quick. Move on to Lord Rhyolith, most guilds get stumped cause its a NRG fight. After that it all goes down hill. The fact is less that 5% of guilds cleared HM fire lands before the nerfs. So after people get a taste of normal mode what happens, Blizzard starts loosing subs by the 100,000's not just a few here and there. So what do they do? they go into damage control and bring in a easy mode LFR. Why, because the casuals who don't want to bang their heads against a brick wall for months on end and have left. Sorry but it's time people realise hardcore are in the 5% maybe 10% of mmo's. So two million subs gone and they bring in a LFG, problem is, it's too late cause those people are long gone. So yes Hardcore do ruin the game for the majority of the player base cause they feel the need to be special. the bigger concern is why do people need to feel elite in a video game. So you can stand in fleet, have some women (who is really a man), pst you saying wow your gear is cool. Then you sit back and think to yourself, wow i am leet IRL.............
  9. Cause epeen matters, lol honestly i hope they never bring in the epeen factor. That way all those people can go back to the cesspool called wow. While others enjoy a game for fun, cause you know, it's only a game...........
  10. Yes, you are beating a dead horse, for the love of god let it die already.
  11. World first won't help you with the girls..........
  12. It has always been skill before gear, but to say no one with better gear can out dps you, is just arrogant, and shows how stupid you are.
  13. Meh both are as bad as each other, sad but true. You will get jerks from PVE and PVP. Just ingore it best you can and enjoy yourself.
  14. I agree acheivements mean nothing i have always said that, but 40 man raids that took hours to clear, and months to get on farm were not easy. Wotlk bought in easy raiding, or should i say pug freindly raiding, They tried to make them hard at the start of cata and look where that got them. Yup a easy mode LFR. Don't blame wow for easy raiding, blame the people that don't want to do it anymore.
  15. Sometimes to the voices in my head.............
  16. Why do you play on light side? Different people like different things, wow imagine that.
  17. Anyone else bugged on this quest? I have tried resetting it, can not abandon it to pick it up again. I think it starts the Belsavis bonus series. I put in a ticket but of cause got the our devs will look into it. Honestly i love the game, this is my 2nd alt, but things like this should not still be bugged. Not when the game has been out for a few months. I say still because going through google it seems it has been bugged for a while for some people. I know its a new game, and of cause there will be bugs but quests should take priority i would have thought. I can just grind the level, but thats not really the point.
  18. Either way you can solo both at 50, it takes a whole 20 mins, imo it is better to just run them on normal when you have some free time. then you never have to worry about it again. Cuase two nights ago i could not get HM on Foundry. When i had already done it once.
  19. You said nothing about UI, but QQ more your tears are delicious.
  20. My guild has just started doing ops the last couple of weeks, and we are having a blast.
  21. Yeah thats what i ended up doing, funny thing was i had ran it on hard mode once before by dropping the normal quest and having the HM shared.
  22. If you need addons to play a vido game, then you should just stop playing.
  23. Gabe Amatangelo: This is not per design. The teams have been addressing this in the weekly patches to some degree and more so in Game Update 1.2. It is intended that 16 player mode is slightly easier than 8 player mode due to the fact that getting and coordinating 16 players is a larger hurdle in and of itself. Slightly easier is not going to break guilds. Omg nooooo 16 man will be a little easier then 8 man. So what, imo it has always been that way in raids. In a 10 man wow raid, when you ran hard content you could not carry bads. In 25 man you could carry half the raid.
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