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Everything posted by Caelrie

  1. If you want to run and gun with no stealth and no cover, you should be playing a Vanguard.
  2. I waited for today's patch to do the Death Before Dishonor (I'm a sith inquisitor) mission because the notes say Xalek's recruitment was fixed, but it doesn't seem to be. He's listed in my followers now, but I can't summon him. The button is greyed out and says, "Companion is unavailable to be summoned because of story restrictions". What's up?
  3. Do the rest through Ziost. There's good story to be had there that leads into KOTFE.
  4. Companions are so strong now that they can solo all story content in any of the three roles. Just do whatever you want.
  5. Two things to try: First, go to your ship and try to use your holo there. If that doesn't work, leave to another planet and come back to Alderaan. Either one might retrigger your class quest.
  6. That's the point that sticks for me. Who cares if you're overleveled? Level sync takes care of it.
  7. So basically the argument here is that if you do every single thing possible, including repeating XP-delivering content multiple times, you end up overleveled? What?
  8. I think it's well beyond time to give up on trying to make SWG 2.
  9. I feel your pain. I never finished the entire Makeb quest chain and it reset me back to talking to Darth Marr on the space station to be recruited. It's like I've never been there.
  10. What, you don't want to hear from the lady sorcs?
  11. This seems to have been stealth-fixed in 4.0a. Mobs in the story went from 4k to 12k, and my companion is healing for less.
  12. They really did pick the companions nobody liked. I hate all of them. Nobody ever used Scorpio or Drelic unless they had no choice.
  13. If I'm a baddie and I'm complaining that the game is too easy... it's probably too damn easy.
  14. I'm on chapter 8. It doesn't get any harder.
  15. The combination of the mobs having so little health (often less than 10k, and I'm one-shotting them) with my healing companion cranking out 13k heals leaves the combat with no challenge whatever. I could just stand there and not do anything and the companion would just take care of everything eventually. Never once so far (I'm on chapter 7) have I ever felt even the slightest bit of danger. I think this needs a little tuning.
  16. As a stealther, you'll need to use the 25% XP consumables boost. They stack and will fix your problem.
  17. There isn't actually any real benefit in this. By the time you start wandering planets and doing dailies, you'll already be level 65.
  18. Ok, thanks That'll make it easier. They just wait an extra week and then they can do SoR first.
  19. Title's a bit confusing, but I'm trying to get some friends to come back. They're willing to subscribe by the 19th to get the KOTFE expansion, but they never played Shadow of Revan either. I noticed that if you subscribe, you get SoR for free, but not until the 27th, whereas KOTFE will unlock on the 20th? Is that right? Would be kind of pointless for them, no? Will SoR unlock early for them too? Or are they supposed to play KOTFE only with a newly created 60?
  20. No, it can't be changed. Even if you could take it apart, you'd reset the internal clock and it would give the wrong numbers.
  21. What happened to this thread? No posts in 2 weeks? Are people posting character shots elsewhere now?
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